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Crimson Sunrise

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Everything posted by Crimson Sunrise

  1. Well, how many save corruption bugs until people can compare KSP with TES II: Daggerfall?
  2. I think the problem of tree distribution has to be solved before this could happen. You can't have a single node with multiple sub nodes.
  3. While this seems like an interesting idea, in practice it's just a means of segregation of forum users by users.
  4. I'll give you that in response http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_fallacy
  5. That joke was so funny that I forgot to laugh at it. Needless to say, that pointing a fallacy in another persons argument is a fallacy indeed.
  6. I had nothing but problems with the launcher as soon as it was introduced, I believe in 0.20-0.21 (I may be wrong). While it seems like a better way to get your graphics configured than having to open the game, in practice is more of a nuissance.
  7. Right, mainly because post counts for users, IMO, are a stupid way of imposing a sense of hierarchy.
  8. This will never happen, mainly because of Wirth's law: In essence, developers (which tend to have very fast machines for compilation tasks and such) tend to assume high end hardware and compile at such, since software optimization tends to be more expensive than upgrading hardware.
  9. I don't think vessels of any kind should be restricted to their respective save file. They should be saved as 'stock', pretty much like the vessels that come with mods and the ones hat come with KSP. Same for sub assemblies.
  10. While I do know the difference between Open Source and Free Software, I don't really care which term is used, since the context is more important than the 'correct term'.
  11. I think those types of diversions are spearheaded by people that can't spend five minutes inside a subject without having to be heard. Mainly because controversial (at least for the alienated and ignorant) topics are crushed by stupid talks about belifefs or trash talk about politics. Considering this is a game still under development, I think that the 'development suggestions' is the most controversial of areas. Maybe limiting new users from posting there only after a number of posts have been made in other areas so they can get a feel for how the forum works? Some forums (which I won't mention to avoid comparisons) do that. Granted that, from what I've read so far, the usefulness of said forum is put into question, but still.
  12. Okay. But the thread where you ask to move other threads, etc. which is the focal point of my post, only exists in this section of the forums.
  13. This is what happens when you take a non-realistic game and apply realistic costs to it.
  14. It's a carefully executed plan made by the Kerbolluminatti allied with the New Kerbin Order....
  15. Maybe because the 'information all over the place' is not easily visible?
  16. Which Discworld are we taking about? The Terry Prachett books or the games based on those books?
  17. I would ask probably the dumbest question yet: What happens when a moderator, by any chance, violates the rules? If by any reason, you think that wouldn't happen in a million years, take that as a hypothetic question
  18. I don't think it's fair to turn an exception (RealSolarSystem users and stock players who take the game very seriously) into a rule.
  19. Maybe I may have made the ocurence a little earlier than it was. The events I posted happened when I was less than 20, so....probably it was 20 years ago or more. No YouTube back then, son.
  20. I'm pretty sure you can count with one hand the number of people that read the rules.
  21. I'm not making a fuss about it. I just don't think it's necessary to reinvent the wheel when the forum has a function which does that already. And if I wasn't informed that you could ask for threads to be moved using the 'Report Post' button and only went by the text I highlighted, I would never use it like that.
  22. Well, let me share something that happened some 10 years ago when I was part of an anime forum. As opposed to here, this forum was pretty local and, since most of the users lived on the same town, they often hanged out together in set meetings and such. I was then told by other member of the forum that the 'high tier' staff (i.e admnistrators mainly with some moderators present) made other reunions themselves to discuss just how to 'get rid' of user they didn't liked for one reason or another in such a way that it wouldn't look like they made it just to pick on the person in question. Other moderators that either didn't seemed trusty enough or had 'friendships' with said users were shunned aside and not informed of those reunions. Eventually, since the user that told me that stuff wasn't that reliable, rumors about it, started to spread. The repercussion was so big and heavy that the admnistrators decided to close the forum. Based on what I said so far, you could say that this are mainly rumors that spreaded FUD and ended up making prejudice of innocent people...Until last year, my friend (which was also a member of the same forum) talked with one of the moderators that participated in those secret reuinons and the moderator pretty much confirmed all the rumours that were spread at that time. Hopefully this will give you an idea on what I mean when I talk about 'moderators plotting against users'.
  23. Just read the highlighted text and tell me when any user will figure out that you can ask for threads to be moved using it instead of looking for the thread in here I mentioned or just give up and hope someone does the job for him/her.
  24. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103693-v23-5-BDArmory-want-cannons-2-also-use-energy Should probably be moved to 'Add-ons Requests'
  25. I'd rather have that type of moderator than have moderators plotting against users. Two forums I've participated had that and...It's really bad.
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