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Everything posted by Dazpoet

  1. Note that I'm not exactly linux savvy but you could try adding 'sudo' before the commands to see if that makes stuff more working, seeing as sudo should make you able to write just about anywhere. The mozroots command is user specific though so you'll have to rerun it with sudo to not get TLS errors instead.
  2. Sounds like you need http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101309
  3. It is never recommended to mix manually installed and CKAN installed mods, it leads to all sorts of weird errors like the one you experienced here. Once again I must ask for more information. What mods where you trying to install when you got a conflict highlighted and what did you remove to be able to install it afterwards? Some of the visual enhancement mods are crossreferenced in rather interesting ways which might lead to situations like these.
  4. To add stuff in Applications (are you sure it's installed there and not in say ~.Libraries?) I think you might have to use commandline, there's some wonky stuff going on with hidden and system folders on both Linux and OS X. You're the third person to report that kind of error message for 0.90 installs and I've seen it to a few times. I have no idea what might be going on. Will poke a dev about it! Need more information than "it hid another error message but I solved it by deleting something" What was the error message? How did you solve it?
  5. So I'm probably just being dumb here... I added this mod, played around with the settings etc but I can't seem to get the program to account for all parachutes together, is this simply not supported? Here's a typical scenario: Mk1 pod with a RealChute top chute (the first one in career) and 2 radial real chutes. Add enough weight below so that the single chute on top can't handle landing safely alone. Go into actiongroups and set up the topmounted chute, tell it desired landing speed etc and have it calculate, it'll throw a warning about not being able to handle it. Do the same thing for the 2 radial chutes (who are created with symmetry) and they'll also throw a warning. However when attempting to land all chutes deploy and landing speed is ludicrus, as in really low since all chutes maxed out. It says in the first post that I can't have more chutes than one in the same part so I tried the above scenario with the radial chutes on another part (should I only ever put 1 radial per part aswell?) but still no dice. TL;DR: I'm a dumbass and can't seem to figure out how to have the RealChute calculator thingie in the action groups window realize I have multiple parachutes. I'm betting there's a button activating this which is gigantic and obvious and I've scrolled past it 20 times.
  6. Something with the homebrew versions of mono isn't working together with CKAN. I strongly recommend manually installing mono and grabbing the latest version of CKAN from github since there have been 7 releases since 1.6.14 and many of those have adressed critical enhancements for OS X users. Assuming you're running 0.90 CKAN will show you the mods for 0.90, if you're running 1.0.2 CKAN will show those mods. Which version are you on? To switch installation through commandline do 'ckan ksp default' and pick one of the ones you've added with 'ckan ksp add'
  7. Can we have a picture of your KSP directory? I'm assuming you're missing a readme.txt with the games version in it though, that seems to be the most common case.
  8. I'd say your problem lies in "// Module Manager for cfg support" which is not the correct way of adding comments to the file and I suspect that would also register as some sort of regex if one is unlucky. might be something else but I just woke up and that's what screams at me from a distance.
  9. The mods that go in first are usually ModuleManager KER KAC After that I have preferences but those ones are always the first ones so I guess they're my top 3.
  10. I recommend installing Procedural Parts and pruning it from everything except the fuel tanks and then pruning all fuel tanks from your other mods using https://github.com/Felger/AutoPruner Acctually AutoPruner is probably the answer to all your woes.
  11. I know FASA is using it, but apart from that I'm not sure.
  12. Hello! I'm a friendly CKAN helper and raidernick poked me about your problem with .craft files not being installed properly. I'm unable to reproduce these on my Windows install I would love it if you came over to the CKAN thread so we can try and get this sorted out
  13. I'm pretty sure this just means it removes contracts that are specific for RemoteTech users, which would make this mod support remotetech but not depend on it since the :NEEDS syntax means those parts will only be shown if a certain mod is installed.
  14. I agree so here's one way of fixing it: Go to GameData/Squad/Contracts/Contracts.cfg Find this part: ISRU { MaximumExistent = 2 and set MaximumExistent to 0. Based on what TS is saying I guess they choose to comment out the entire ISRU bit instead, which also works. There is also a way to MM patch these things but I haven't learned to do so yet.
  15. https://github.com/Felger/AutoPruner
  16. I forsee my future Eve Karborundum scanner will be built with these parts as its base
  17. Links would be very helpful but I assume Behemot = https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/1498 atleast? I don't think there's a way that copies directly to clipboard. When I want a modlist I usually do 'ckan list --porcelain > list.txt' in the terminal which creates a list of all my mods and their respective versions. Sounds like a good idea to have a GUI option for it though, I recommend a github request
  18. You'll need an extra comma on line 5 or netkan.exe will throw you an error about it missing. Also to get netkan.exe check out the start of the guide here https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/Adding-a-mod-to-the-CKAN#before-you-start
  19. If you manage to reproduce this error in a reliable way please open a github issue, sounds very much like something the devs will want to have a look at! We have an open issue to track this, please add to https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/960 Do you mean something akin to what I answered 5 posts above yours in http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=100067 or something different?
  20. Are the things in the post above this something that makes the Contract Pack not work at all or just errorspam in the log?
  21. /me starts spinning up the modlist for his next save NearFuture Propulsion and Electrical are two cornerstones I just haven't been able to make do without. Also hoping they'll make the later parts of my CTT a tad bit more populated
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