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Everything posted by Dazpoet

  1. Because it is not updated on kerbalstuff where we index it from. edit: ninjad!
  2. Sorry for being slow, I'm in the process of moving and many of the others hang out primarily on github so sorry if I answer something that's already answered elsewhere. I'm quoting a lot of Infernal Robotics questions below and let me just make clear that we are aware of the issue and will find a solution! See https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-GUI/issues/95 RecvErrors are notorious to track down, basically it can be the webpage just saying "no cookies for you", a temporary problem or just about anything else. I recommend trying again in a few hours and if you can reproduce it in a stable manner over many attempts spreadout through the day for a certain mod or set of mods open a github issue. Did CKAN not return your gamedata to its initial state so you could erase is safely after turning of KSP? See start of post. We're working on it. This information is part of, most, CKAN update messages but now that you mention I think it's not part of the instructions for people doing the first download. The installation instructions does however also contain pertinent information about mono requirements, could you point to a place where you think this information would be better placed? Thanks for adding this, if someone can confirm it working that'd be awesome! There's an open issuereport on github about this. Does the author think it should be available for 1.0.x in CKAN? Just merged a PR fixing this. There is currently an open github Pull request in CKAN-core about this. If someone updated a B9 thing we could update the metadata to reflect this if all parties would consider that ok and someone make sure there's a strictly responsible person that sends in a fix to revert the metadata back to B9 ownership once the official update is out. This was fixed recently, I know it has caused some major grief and we're sorry for not having resolved it faster. Major, MAJOR, kudos to NathanKell who saved the day in the end aswell as to those who kept sending in PRs to fix it. Sorry we couldn't catch them fast enough. EDIT: A word of warning that the influx of mods added by me (who have done most of the lately) from autogenerated KS requests will be zero, or very close to zero, in at the very least the coming week. Right now my new ISP is saying 15th at the earliest, I'm also attending some family stuff on that weekend and I'm quickly running out of mobile data just by doing this status update aswell as some emergency fixes on github. Hope everyone is looking forward to pjf's hackathon tomorrow though, expecting great things!
  3. Awesome idea! Please open a github issue I was just going to but @dbent beat me to it, lots of cred to that person also for being awesome and helping out a lot I recommend opening a github issue, sounds like a cool idea
  4. Probably my fault, one of the many changes to firespitter in the last few days seem to be lashing back. I'd recommend uninstalling firespitter core (if you have it installed) and then reinstalling it. If that doesn't work, or if you don't have it installed, try removing the offending file and repeat the operation you where attempting when the error occured. It didn't even list SmokeScreen in the installation screen, CKAN doesn't automagically check the checkboxes but rather adds dependencies in the installation screen? Looking at the metadata HotRockets is marked as depending on SmokeScreen so I need confirmation on the issue. The awesome work of RichardLake
  5. Goshdarnit what is it now, I swear to god this file hates me. Triaging and searching for a solution now. EDIT: And why in the world is this posted here rather than in the CKAN thread? EDIT 2: The file is installed correctly but into an incorrect folder, namely GameData/Plugins, instead of GameData/Firespitter/Plugins. I'll throw an update into the works. EDIT 3: Updated metadata has been merged into the repository. Hopefully this is the last change ever to firespittercore in a looong time.
  6. Are you by any chance running the latest CKAN-nightly build? What are the MainWindowPos values in the <KSP root directory>/CKAN/GUIConfig.xml file?
  7. If you can't download from github many of the mods available in CKAN won't work for you seeing as a lot of indexing is done from Github. Good suggestion, open a github issue.
  8. Questions like these belong in the CKAN thread, don't hassle mod authors with them. On a related note, I have absolutly no idea and recommend the TIAS approach.
  9. She just finished my first ever SSTO flight and almost managed to land said plane in 1 piece.
  10. Try this https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-support/wiki/Basic-troubleshooting#ckan-gui-starts-but-i-cant-see-any-gui-where-is-it There's a fix in the works https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-GUI/pull/92
  11. Oh firespitter is already in the database but it's not marked for 1.0.x, this was due to a lot of people reporting errors through various channels and as such it was downgraded to 0.90 compatibility. Now with more data gathered, and other mods having similar problems with error pop-ups, it might be time to set it for 1.0.x again? Have you done a refresh and/or 'ckan update' ? -------------------------- EDIT: Everyone send your rep to RoverDude who just set us up with a recompiled firespitter.dll in a place CKAN can index it from. I just pushed it into the index and it should give no errors in 1.0.2 and be showing up in your modlists (together with all mods depending on it that have been marked for 1.0.x) upon the next refresh!
  12. I'm guessing that's not the problem, unless you get an error message specifically stating it to be the problem? ThrottleControlledAvionics 2.2.1 was indexed into CKAN for 1.0.2 just 2 hours ago, some 2 hours after it was released (if I'm reading the timestamps right). What happens on startup? Can you issue commands through commandline? What error message do you get?
  13. Installed these engines and when they showed up in the VAB on my save I immdietly wondered what incentive I'd ever have of using the normal ones again... then I saw the height of these things O_o I love how you've managed to balance these using something else than isp/thrust/twr! Keep up the good work Nertea, you rock!
  14. See https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-GUI/pull/85 My best guess is you're using mono 4 and it's generating this problem. See https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-GUI/pull/88 What is it without using a downloadmanager? Using downloadmanagers usually, at least when I last used one, split downloads into multiple parts and download incrementally. What is the speed when downloading through e.g. a browser in a single "strand" ? --------- An update on FirespitterCore which I know we're all dying to get back. I have had multiple reports of it working and none so far of any problems save for the annoying pop-up at the start. I could re-activate the older version for now since it seems to be working but this _will_ trigger the same kind of warning that e.g. MechJeb 2.5.0 (non-dev build) generates right now. Opinions?
  15. Authors .version file specifies it to only be compatible with versions 1.0.0 to 1.0.0 as in those are the min/max fields, which we are indexing from. CKAN has correctly picked up and indexed Pilot Assistant 1.5.6 as can be seen at https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/blob/master/PilotAssistant/PilotAssistant-1.5.6.ckan Please open a github issue with any feature requests, I seem to recall seeing that specific one before but don't know if anyone ever figured out a good way to show categories.
  16. Not the answer I was hoping for :/ Are you checking for download speed against the same download sources as CKAN? We primarily index from KerbalStuff and Github and sometimes forum threads have alternate links. Is the problem happening for all mods or just some, if so which ones?
  17. Our bot does a sweep every now and then to catch new releases, was it updated recently the might might not have caught it yet.
  18. Was this ever added to CKAN? I can find no trace of it but once it gets updated for 1.0 feel free to send in a PR/open an issue on github.
  19. You can either send a PR to change the .netkan file or open a github issue to have us fix it Either of those is a much prefered way to putting it in this thread where we're more likely to miss it. EDIT: Something like this https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/1124 Do you have a readme.txt in your KSP root directory?
  20. Dbent sent in a PR to fix the switch over to interstellarfuelswitch and Cryogenic engines should now show up in CKAN again.
  21. CKAN is _extremely_ prickly with licenses and how they are written. The change of license made our bot unable to index your mod. I've resolved the issue and it should be indexing the new version soon.
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