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Everything posted by Arugela

  1. If you did something like what I said and kept an average for multiple times could you simplify the calculation accurately? Keep 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year averages stored actively and seperately. Then calculate based on stored time to get an up to date path expectation with less calculations. Maybe slow down the calc by another factor of 20.
  2. Was there a real world system for the moon or other long distance things they could mimic. Like checking the path every so often. Could be a part of the game for long distances.
  3. I mean thin out the paths between planets basically. Save the heavier calc for around bodies. Once you are out in space isn't the prediction simple relatively?
  4. What if you thin out the calc when low gravity or no gravity and leave the calcs for curvs. And still generalize them a bit. You are talking a flight plane not the actual flight. You could average a calculation based on a forumla based on the planets given statistics at certain points. maybe a point of exit. Then compare to thinned out real time calcs. Maybe every so many seconds or minutes. Change the intensity at different spots as needed. Why can't you have maneuver nodes. You just need to do them differently. Heck they could be completely made from averaged calcs. the body could preserve an average over given times. Maybe 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year. 7 distinct data points for each body to use for a predicted path. Any simplified forms of data that can be taken from those data points. And you could always just update those numbers from each other also and updated a few variable stored in a simplified value updated and reduced in ram. Or is there a way to do it without reducing a value and without increasing a effective divisor. Any interesting formulas out there? Averages of infinitely increasing values or infinite values. Possibly with a finite range.
  5. What if the got rid of the orbit lines and simply had pathing from the vehicle given gravitational effects and trajectory. The bar for entry is not more important. There is no such thing as a bar for entry. Any game can allow players to figure it out. As in this game with somewhat automated and simple things like lego parts and SAS. Or they can provide info and a community to help. If you simplify the game it has less to do in it. That is the most important thing.
  6. Is there any correlation between these older techs and the logic of how to implement n body physics. Or any take aways to help do it. You'd be surprised.
  7. Can you imagine sending letters via telegraph! You could even try smoke fires... That will get to the point faster! 8)
  8. Aren't quad doubles a common thing now? Or quads. Qaud double would be an oct or just a double qaud... I would assume.
  9. They could attach another medium per node to save data every so often. Even if it's slower. Maybe things to delay loss of light so it has time to save. Besides, if you had pure optical would you even need ram? Wouldn't you just need a CPU and an HDD? Any passing between devices would just cause delay wouldn't it? Am I mistaken or would you be better off with two hard drive. one for write and one for read. They could communitcate between each other and act like parodies. Raid 1. Then one sits at one end of the device and the other the other. CPU in middle to receive send in a synced up way. Assuming that simplified the device or speeds it up. If not they could be positioned wherever. I'm assuming you would have to keep track of mirror bounces and other things to time out potential speed. Or go with timed commands. Probably depending on how much of the potential speed you want to use. I think some pretty fast optical and other stuff is being developed for other areas. I have no idea what scale it's on but it's pretty fast. But you could use it like cache ram(multiple nodes powered simultaneously effectivelly) now, but used to run multiple process at the same time. Lots of parallelism. And if feasible, color shades could be used to enhance it. Or time it. I assume different colors move at different speeds. You could use color bit depth as one method to try to time out different functions. command and shade purple!! 8) Or use color depth for other functions like bit depth or something. Maybe send through a crystal to disperse in a different type of calculation if it's possible... How could that be used. You could get very complex crystals as CPU's. Hopefully for cheap for home PC users. I wonder how bad optical pcs will be in regards to issue with vibrations and bumping. California and places with common vibrations may be out as server farms if it's too bad. I would hope they are small and very stable though.
  10. Average is 34.50649351 days! Way past due then! 8) Average per major release(x.0) is about 100 days. That would be about 10/10/2019.. So, I guess in a week we ask again! 8p
  11. Do we know when 1.8 is coming out. I'm really interested in the performance increases. Do we know likely in what way it will effect the game. Will the changes in engine help linux players as well? What do we know so far?
  12. If 1.8 increases parts count enough I'm going to do that to my 1000t cargo plane helicopter! 8) Those look fun.
  13. I think they should go with this concept. Get in touch with software writers if needed and add the stuff from actual flight programs to make KSP1 more advanced. Then to keep KSP1 relevant go with the idea that KSP1 is that software in the world of KSP2. And KSP2 is the real world. Then you can hook up the two programs and transfer craft from KSP1 to 2 via 3d printers in KSP2.(This would be a craft file swapper software if they are not compatible.The games could share an install folder for simplicity and be able to be installed into a KSP1 folder.) If you add a few more features it could be like quest for glory and it's safe advancement from game to game. It's been a long time since we saw that in a game again. Not sure what else could be added. Grow a kerbal where they reveal kerbals are plants. Or pod people?! How many features do those pieces of software have we don't in KSP1? What are their normal features?
  14. They could nuke the ISP at sea level... Not sure if that is realistic.
  15. I literally play that way now with 700 part ships!! 8p 2 hour trip to orbit!
  16. I'd never seen that software before. So, I would have no of knowing that. There was a change in graphics to some extent before 1.0. Did this change to this or was the terrain already the same? I wonder who flew planes and had seen this before. Or can you get such software online?
  17. Is there a way to make the top flaps only go up. The middle flaps stay centered. And the bottom flaps go down only. I know who to do the middle. Set it to 0 authority or turn off roll/yaw/pitch. But how can you make it so only the top respond to up and the bottom only respond to down? This is to try to get faster response times for the planes. If you go up only the top layer should move up. Then the bottom layer is rested and neutral authority so it can respond down without having to revert from the up position. I've tried inverted and whatnot but can't figure out a method. Inverted just acted like an air break. I would also like the ability to not use some of those wings except if I wish to make an air break out of them. But I am not aware of a method to do this. Why don't we have advanced aircraft controls. We need support for aircraft. I should be able to all of these functions independently and not be stuck to one simple action for all surfaces. I could do so much more with my planes. Independent flaps would also be good. Why do all functions that have pitch have to act at the same time as flaps. Why not real world like controls. I have the same flaps as an aircraft. I need the controls to go with it. And I literally need it. I can't do any more with designs to control the craft. I need proper controls to fly this in the most optimal manner. While we are at it how about more indicators for COM and whatnot based on empty full cargo and fuel?! This stuff should have been in game to start. And it's only something in the vehicle areas atm. It's not like it's a major lag issue until you get into the thousands of parts. And still not really. Edit: I think part of the problem is that negative authority does not force it to only work in the negative. It literally acts like the positive or a seperate version of inverted. We need independent negative and positive numbers. Then we could set positive to 0 and negative to -150 for instance. It would need more than that for other functions. But it would help. I would love to stick it in modes as air breaks and set it to other functions mid flight. You could get a lot out of control surfaces that way and actually make worthwhile aircraft. Aircraft are really unsupported in this game. In fact when setting top to 100 and bottom to -100 it acts like inverted. And inverted doesn't work... Is this a bug?
  18. It's more the shades and colors are very similar. I figured they used that type of software as a basis as it was similar to existing software that is part of at least plane software in real life. IE, we are flying in the software from real life! 8) Do one of the devs who did that part of the game fly a plane. Maybe they were familiar in real life somehow. It would make the game make sense to a large degree. Either way, we could get more of those software features and maybe finer controls and auto controls from such inspiration! It could be nice to hash out planes. It would help rockets too I would imagine. I wonder what type of modeling if any those programs use? Do they simulate for autopilot function to predict things?
  19. I came up with this. I just need to make a good way of controlling and presetting the weights. first time using these parts. So, it may be obvious. Still looking for a better solution though. If auto strut is on grandparent on everything it is pretty solid. Also using maximum connecting force on the docking ports. I also applied rigid attachment to all parts in the balast tank.(Docking ports, large holding tank, Rods)
  20. I'm trying to make a balast system. Is there a way to double attach nodes? I assume I could use docking parts to connect. But is there a way to do it via raw connections to save parts?
  21. At the video starting time he has software running in two little screens. It looks a lot like parts of KSP. Especially the colors etc.
  22. I'm going to assume by the look of that software that is why KSP looks like what it does. The colors and everything look identical in many ways. I assume this is the inspiration. Why not add some of that functionality to the aircraft stuff? I still want a fill empty all fuel in the vehicle areas....
  23. Pretty sure that redoing it in a newer engine version with new stuff like bases is enough to get them out of lawsuits...
  24. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=nvidia+physx+x87 Does this in any way effect KSP? I know it's old, but I wonder if it's still an issue. And something that could be optimized. Or does unity bypass this?
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