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Everything posted by Arugela

  1. A nice example of a part we have with similar abilities it's missing in game! 8)
  2. I hereby declare that I do not declare that I do not work at star theory. I also hereby do not declare that I do not declare that I do work at start theory! That is just common sense. The trick is to make sure the update is done in a way that it feels like it's part of the work. Because when done right posting updates is a part of the work.
  3. Why don't they just run duel implementations?! You realize if they implemented that that would change. We can get that many parts on a ship easily. I could make a ship with 10's of thousand with copy past in a manner of seconds to minutes with lag and stutter gone. I was going to make a quick 144,000 tons cargo to orbit rocket but the parts got to high to fast. It wasn't even that many parts. But it can be scaled fast. Especially if they remove the limits of the SPH and VAB. It's sad this game retrogressed. That permanently damages it's momentum. Especially something that should have been mainstay decades ago.
  4. The point is to get 1000 tons to orbit. It's a for fun craft. It has a cargo ratio of .3444. 8p And this is KSP. LIES!!!! Seriously. The ship is for fun and to try to do something. Harder to do with older parts and a spaceplane.
  5. A few game versions and years behind, but finally got this new version of my favorite cargo plane done and cargo bug free! Installed new features. Albeit at a parts count cost. The new update resolves some of the stutter. Hopefully one day all of it. So, if you have an hour or two this can get you to orbit! 8) (Turn off engines if you get stutter to speed up time warps.) This new version is more legitimate with no stacked engines. Just plane old rapiers! Name: KB-52 (No good reason for the name.) Parts: 750 (Inflated from 688 previously. Needed more air intakes.) Has expansion parts in the form of pistions! Weight: Max: 2875t - 2905t; Empty 659t - 689t. Fuel: 1440t fuel(with cargo); 1216t without cargo LF: 70,000 RF: 173,200 Cargo: RF: 44,800 (locked); 66,000 ore (locked); 4 Ballast ore tanks. (2 empty, 2 full. locked) Ballast instructions on the aircraft are for symmetrical cargo. File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5tpm292w2ppcjkv/KB-52 1_8_0_2686 x108 8_4.craft?dl=0 Mining equipment and ballast system installed. Can go to orbit or minimus if using cargo for extra fuel. Might not fit 1000 tons normal cargo well because of density. Also may be hard to land on 0 gravity bodies due to insufficient RCS. Needs bigger ones but they don't exist. And I didn't add more for parts count sanity. Current setup has dummy cargo consisting of 44 full large holding tanks(17 tons each) and 14 fuel tanks weight 18 tons each. Instructions: Hold up going off the end of the runway and hold up until 10 degrees or it will hit the ground. Rest of the flight is straight forward. Just don't run out of dedicated LF at 98k fuel. Now what I need is the ability to automate ballast based on the COM! 8D
  6. Here is an idea for a reaction wheel. Could really use it to reduce part count. Same size as the, "protective rocket nose cone MK12A" or MK 3 parts. Slightly different variations could exist for both potentially. Stats: Size: 3.75m or MK3 Weight: 2.0t Reaction: 60 each direction Electricity: 0.7776 <- Possibly identical to the output of a PB NUK. The rest of the stats are the same as the other reaction wheels.
  7. It's not my CPU. it's the coding and the stutter from the coding of older parts that haven't been rehauled to work with proper code. Stutter tripples lag time. Without the stutter the game would be playable at high parts counts 3x more efficient compared to now and I wouldn't be complaining as much. It's a coding problem. I've already documented it, but as it's takes high parts counts(only 688 in this case) to demonstrate and bring out the issue. So, nothing will be looked into or fixed. There is stutter at high parts counts(which has been an issue since the dawn of the game) even at 0% throttle just from turning on the engine. Even a single engine. And it wasn't fixed by the garbage collection. The new rotary parts with massive amount of parts does not create this stutter at all. It's a flaw in the code related to older engines! I have a ship with like over 100 rotor wings and 14 rotors going at nearly 700 parts. It does not stutter and runs at a cool 5 seconds per second from actual lag that is from my CPU. If you turn on one older engine with no throttle. every second a stutter happens that takes 2 seconds a piece for 10 extra second. Making it 15 seconds per second for 3x the lag. The 5 seconds per second would be fine for me in comparison. Which is from my CPU. Note: I've even provided the ship and description to test this by just going onto the runway and not even having to fly. It takes nothing to see the problem. And yet nobody cares about anything. Nobody will listen. Nobody will help. And don't tell me to use the rotors. I would like to get into space thank you! Edit: This problem also seems to be related to the number of older engines on a ship. It increases the stutter with with how many are on the ship. Even if not throttled up. The game is doing something just because the engines are there physically. but even one engine with the same parts count causes stutter. New parts like rotors cause absolutely none! Note: The stutter goes away the moment you turn the engines off. But is compounded by how many engines are present even if turning on only one engine. I think the stutter is down to 1 second per second for only double the lag now.
  8. I'm sorry but 1.8 has worse performance and the performance is going in the same circle it always does.
  9. Does anyone know what causes this. Since it only happens on old engines I was hoping this was fixable. It does not seem to effect rotors and new air based solutions. Could the redo they old engines to remove this stutter problem?! Edit: It seems this does not happen in orbit either. So, it's related to lots of engines in an atmosphere regardless of if they have throttle but if even one is on it happens. I also added all nose cones but one engine so the parts count was the same and it did reduce the lag problem. I'm assuming it's garbage collection somehow. And the lag is now down to about 10 seconds per second. it halved the stuttering basically with the 1.8 patch. But there is still something about older engines that cause a 1 second stutter per second potentially at higher part counts. Edit2: Nvm, it does happen in orbit. It does not stutter in air breathing mode in orbit with 0% throttle. But does in closed cycle... It even occurs during time warp in orbit.
  10. Is everyone elses mouse wheel scrolling in reverse?!
  11. Not sure if this is realized but you can pause the game. Just hit escape so the return flight and settings window pops up. It should be paused.
  12. That is a wholey stupid answer given we're a space agency run by little green men!! >< Given no humans exist, there is nothing but aliens. It's literally the first thing the game shoves in your face. lol
  13. The ability to see data from science collections stuff on graphs and whatnot afterwords and store data for later. Then you can run the science stuff that gives actual data and not have to try to watch it in flight. Instead you can turn them on and drop a satellite or object into orbit with all stuff running and go back to the KSP headquarters and look at the data afterwords. This would make it a thousand times easier to look at a planets gravity and atmospheric pressure and whatnot and then make a ship for it. You could easily collect all levels of data in one go. Particularly by dropping into an ocean. Then they could make more on the go science tools if needed to collect all data on a planet. There should be a special building to go back to and look at the data in various forms. This would make the game much more convenient and make sense as this is what you are supposed to use to collect the data to start with. I would rather look at in game graphs than look at a wiki or outside data. Plus a library with all the in game formulas and maybe put in more ways with more examples to study. then the game could be expanded more easily and have the info to learn everything needed as time goes on. These things should be in KSP1 and 2.
  14. The whole point in the ship I Put it in is for empty weight. Plus I could convert it into fuel. It allows me to configure things differently. Plus it can be used to top the front of the vehicle down to get stuff out the front ramps.
  15. I'm pretty sure I made that before. It's perfect for messed up COM. It allows lift on the front nose to get off the runway earlier! >< Rear weighted engines help with COM coming back farther. Although most of the engines are centered. It's a bit like my current cargo vessel too. I think some of them have rear engines for odd airflow issues(or advanced airflow intakes) and efficient cruise and other odd solutions. Or better power from odd positioning compared to all wing positioned or something. Also taxi fuel potentially. I forget. I've seen stuff on this before.
  16. That is what I'm going to test out. I know you can easily lift off a couple hundred tons with only a few rotors on kerbin. It's probably more on Eve. Plus you can use LF+OX and Fuel cell arrays for insane fuel efficiency. 14 fuel cell arrays only use 0.25 LF and 0.35 RF. Taht is enough for around 8 large rotors. that is enough to lift around 800-1k tons on kerbin I think. I could be wrong though. I haven't quite figured helicopters yet. Counter rotating would work nicely.
  17. Even using electric helicopters?!
  18. The design was to multi stage it so you cold take only one part down and up then reconnect. A mothership to do everything basically.
  19. I was going to build a multi part ship back before nukes were fuel only. It was going to have solar/ion for sun oriented and nuke and other things for the outer system. But then the changes. And now the close to sun stuff isn't mineable and renewable. It made it less desireable. At least let you scoop ion fuel from the sun and convert it or something.. I wanted to use such a design to get stuff off eve... This could now be doable with helicopter designs.
  20. What about something more complicated. Assume it's tech or some phenomenon and mix the two to control it! If it's already unrealistic you could assume intelligent control at minimum. They could do a story mode with the need to get out of the system by so and so date or you loose. Reminds me of the game alien legacy. Which you could use for a superficial upper strategy for story. Then add voxel for the ground level new game.
  21. Unless you are imaginary little green men. Or you tame krakens to make the artificial planets. maybe thy have to get away from kerbin before the planet is destroyed. That is the real reason for the space flights. You could have an equilibrium with a small back hole potentially. Or it filled to capacity and formed a core and then planet. How much could a black hole fill up and condense matter before it fills. How much would a tiny black hole be able to be filled up?! Either way of topic probably. With voxel we could dig to the core and explore this! 8) See, kerbils were once a genius species of extra terrestrials. they made planets and solar systems out of rare materials or as desired and made fantastic normally unrealistic system. But then they live on them for too long and got comfortable. Then dumb. And what you see now is the end of this systems life and they ahve to escape and look for a new system with barely any knowledge compared to the past.
  22. What if we assumed a black hole was at it's center. And the planet is a crust on the surface after enough debri collected near the event horizon. Like a lot of debri. or it's an artificial planet.
  23. Doesn't gravity change with the density of the core or planet in general... I thought it was realistic to have different planets of different sizes with the same or different gravity?! We also don't know what kerbal or anything in the system is made of, where it is, or anything else. If so , maybe they drilled or modified their own planet. We don't know how long kerbals live. They may be immortal. And we don't know what goes on or what the little green men are truly capable of. Plus it doesn't really matter. Maybe they have advanced tech and change the gravity artificially. Maybe they maintain an artifical gravity. Maybe they learned of earth and set kerbal to earth gravity for fun. Maybe they gave up or never needed pc's and simulate with real life.
  24. Wind tunnel is one of the things I really hope gets into KSP1. Can also hopefully test for bugs. And hopefully get more numbers to see structural limits and other things to design craft better.
  25. Seperate the ability to set positive and negative authority limit so we can customize planes more. In this example I could set the top wing to 0 negative authority so it only handles the upward controls. The middle could be set to either or none for stability. And the bottom could be set to only negative control authority. This would allow faster response times and make it so we can remove droop from maneuvring more realistically. Or at least effectively. Being able to do this with breaks would also be nice. Air breaks and other features could be nice for aircraft control support. Stuff real planes can easily do.
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