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Everything posted by Arugela

  1. No, that isn't actually how it works. That is just how they do it. You know they should actually and do know about the bugs before hand. It's not a mystery that just pops up to people who actually know what they are doing. Programming and other design fields are application fields. That means forethought is the basis of the work. They know about the bugs. If not those are the areas they need to learn more until it is known. And if done enough they can more easily get rid of them without others having to deal with it. That is how actual programming works. If they aren't fixing bugs it means the chose not to or they don't know how to. Both of which down to they don't know something well enough on some level or they would have thought it out more ahead of time. This is a common problems now because of decades of education issues all over the board. They are to always be held to the standard of knowing fully what they are doing. It's not really that hard either. They should easily understand what the entire point of the code base is pretty easily. If not they have a big problem. The game is not that complicated and what it is doing should be easily discernible. Anyone saying otherwise is lieing, ignorant, or helping cover up the problems. They should have fixed the base problems in this game a long time ago. If they have done so for KSP2 they have no excuse not to have done so for KSP1... This stuff is not rocket science. From the stuff I've seen half the problem is their refusal to do any real coding to begin with and get rid of the use of the garbage collection from unity and do the coding themselves properly. This means there is a big problem with their ability to code. Which means they don't know what they are doing. Even laziness is just an excuse for a lack of knowledge. It always works the same way. There is only ever one issue when it comes to programming. And with that one easy solution.
  2. I'll get more info later for this like craft file, but is anyone getting a problem with copying and pasting anything into cargo bays or even just normal copy pasting not keeping qaulities of the items like fuel settings and messing up the COM? I got lucky once on a craft I'm doing and then changed something again and it went back. Every time I put anything in symetry in my craft if looses fuel and other settings and the COM goes to one side. Refulling the fuel does not put the COM back. It's permenantly to one side of the craft although everything is symetrical and in symetry. The wings do this badly and I loose fuel in most of the wing parts. I'm on linux on 1.9 with both expansions. Not sure what is the cause. The craft was made in previous versions though and copied over to 1.9. I may have redone the craft from scratch as far back as 1.7 or so. Not sure though. This will be a nightmare if this isn't simple as the plane it's bugged out on are 630 parts and 780 parts respectively. The smaller is a half tonnage version cargo ssto... I have no idea how to reproduce it on a smaller scale. yet...
  3. Does negative incidence help at high speeds at all. I"m doing an SSTO. I think the negative incidence help with making body lift while getting out of the atmosphere as it point you up. And my plane has a very lift heavy body.
  4. I have a big cargo plane. I'm trying to get it to orbit. (technically have in the past before changing wings.) I changed the wings so the front tips are at the original location and the back of the wings is slightly higher in elevation and are aiming slightly towards the ground(The front of the wing points down.). Is this a negative or positive incidence? Or does the angle have to be relative to do with the wings location above or below the center of the craft? What is this wing design supposed to do in general? I was hoping it would help keep the angle of attack lower to get into orbit at higher speeds from reduced drag. Not sure if incidence does this at all now. I think it help keep the plane nose up though. It has some interesting effects like auto keeping the nose up during reentry and helps the plane auto slow down without inputs which is nice. Not sure on the rest. I have the wings angled so the back of the wing is above the front of the wing by the smallest possible margin. The tail wings are then in the opposite direction, I think, as to counter the COL adjustment so it's directly behind the COM. The COL ball is directly touching the back of the COM ball like they are kissing. It actually has decent control as far as I'm used to. Wether I look up positive or negative incedence they all use diagrams of a plane with the front of the wing angled up towards the air... Can't find good info on the opposite and the terminology and lack of clarity as to it's meaning is extremely confusing and frustrating. From what I've found I am referring to the wing mounting incidence. Although this game does not flex the wings much unless I'm missing something.
  5. After messing up my eve auto edit it finally blew me up on return to launch. I am the boulder!!! https://imgur.com/a/WCNX4yO It won't give me controls as there is no thrust or controls sadly. I should have ran it in fast forward. I wonder if there are any secret alien UFO easter eggs or anything. I don't know the numbers. But a high wing area electric or gas plane could be easily figured out as far as tonnage and weight per cargo ton with minimum parts. I wonder what the sanity level is in general for tonnage off eve with a massive wing bearing plane with props. Electric of course has the advantage of potentially using ion engines. And gas can be minimized for getting of kerbin. But not mined obviously... 8( Hope they add gas mining for ion engines with newer stuff and sun/jool scoops. Of course ion fuel can always be transported to the vehicle and attached via docking ports and changed out if needed. And the wings could be modular and come off for places like tylo. Has anyone done electric props on jool and eve's atmosphere to adjust velocity? I would think those would be insane in their atmosphere as far as delta v savings go.
  6. That kind of sucks considering it should be able to take in any gas or atmosphere to do it. But not activate the engines from lack of oxygen. If balanced correctly it could be used to get small paylods of eve and make it a little nicer to use. Then tylo would be harder. Or at least harder for spaceplanes. They could even change the output based on the atmosphere gas or something. Then not all atmospheres are equal for thrust. We could use it in jools atmosphere too. If it took in any gas would the thicker gases in crease or decrease the output? Would/should you get more or less thrust in eve and jools atmosphere? Would it change at all from different gases realistically. Would it change from different intakes and parts in real life?
  7. I was thinking the new fuel dump thing, if it works on eve, might work well with prop planes and extend fuel efficiency off eve. Would Eve allow air intakes to spit out stuff regardless of not being a pure oxygen atmosphere?
  8. With the 1.9 changes do we know what max performance is. In my case I'm trying to get as much off the CPU or minimized as possible. Do any of the graphics setting offload from CPU to GPU or visa versa?! If the game is finally using the GPU, I think they should have a thing above the setting saying where it is being used. (CPU), (GPU), (CPU/GPU), etc. Maybe with colors on the letters to make it easy to see. ATM I get the feeling that the lowest setting is more lagy than the highest settings(or the same even.). It's a bit puzzling.
  9. Does any of the graphics setting offload to the GPU instead of the CPU? Or more importantly do any of the setting reverse and take if off the GPU and put it on the CPU. I'm trying to optimize the settings for max performance.
  10. That seems to have worked. It's saying they are all installed now.
  11. I did. It has the same problem. I think there is a file outside the KSP folder with a version number wrong or something.
  12. Isn't that the theory that forced the age of the moon to be massively reduced because it wasn't as thick as they thought?
  13. So, who is making the first proper hover vehicle? And this could probably help beat the land speed records. How do you get them to work btw? I turn them on and nothing happens. Does it not work with parts from before 1.9? Do we have to remake ships to use them?
  14. validated the files and I have 1.9 now but it keeps saying that the two game expansion are invalide and something about mininmu/maximum. Trying to reinstall stuff to figure it out. Reinstalled the game once, but it's still doing it. Wonder if it's a fedora thing. What could even go wrong with it? It doesn't update often. https://imgur.com/a/rx2ZTY5 This is officially an error now. Thought originally the download was just delayed or something. Maybe to fix the new fuel part or something. I think it thinks it's 1.8.1 still while having 1.9... I think I've seen something like this before. I keep getting the same 2 file error in validation. Even if it went away and said it validated it. It comes back later. I have no mods that I know of.. Might have fixed it. I forgot steam doesn't actually delete things when uninstalling. Deleted the game folder and reinstalled. Edit: Almost.... still says the expansions aren't correct. Wait, that must be one of the side user files or something. It would be nice if it actually told you the files involved each time. Might speed this sort of thing up exponentially.... Information and transparency are fantastic for troubleshooting. It would probably point me directly to the files and file locations needed to fix this. Same two files probably invalid each time. Oh, I wonder what they could be? Nice if the stupid tool was actually designed to be useful to end user and not treat them like children and fricking display the information to people. Does valve not know how to write actual software?! So, where does this lovely piece of software keep these extra files I may or may not need to manually mess with because they can't make it do it's job? That it continually refuses to tell me the location or name of. I'm assuming there is a file outside the normal game file referencing the version number. Does anyone have any idea where it is? And did the game loose the timestamps in the game showing the version inside the game. I thought that feature was added to the stock game.
  15. I did that already. It's not doing anything. I haven't seen any sign of an update.
  16. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but the update for 1.9 is not showing to download on steam. Is there a way to get this? Is this a known bug?
  17. Is the, "bug," in anyway proportional to the air intake(s), or just the tank size?
  18. On linux on steam. Can't get the update. How do we get it to update? Is anyone else having this issue? I think they are trying to stop me. They know I can get my 1k tone cargo off eve!! YOU CAN'T STOP THE INEVITABLE!!!
  19. This isn't showing up on steam on linux for me. Is there a way to get this update?! Is it not available for everyone?
  20. I'm referring to how those new russian rockets work by getting more speed by removing the air around them. I thought they pushed lighter than air gases in front to do so. Or am I thinking of torpedos. I thought they did both. Yea, I'm thinking of supercavitation torpedoes. I thought there was a rocket version of it that did the same with air effectively. I assumed maybe you could push the air away like you can with water to remove resistance and fly faster. https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/351023/supercavitation-in-air maybe it can be used for the lower parts of a flight to remove resistance? Or something more complex to remove air and fly with less fuel etc. https://www.quora.com/Can-the-concept-of-supercavitation-be-applied-to-hypersonic-travel-in-Earths-atmosphere I wonder if it could be used to dissipate supersonic noise as well and get rid of booms. What if you keep it steady or disrupt the waves so they aren't as loud or make no noise somehow.
  21. It looks more like it hit LA. And afterwords the landmasses got messed up and maybe the planet spewed out a lot of it's innards and the planet shrunk leaving the warped and somewhat iverted land masses. The upper portion look like korea and the bottom looks like central and south america we bent towards the pacific. Maybe possibly if the earth spewed out stuff from LA and shrunk down a bit?! Above that Canada and russia got squeeshed together and I think Australia is on the other side. Africa and asia and europe are a sitny island in the north middle past that desert area... MAybe the rest is new land? I think they used the earth as a model and rearange or shunk and increase the size of things.
  22. I thought(was hoping) maybe it had a check for increased airflow and maybe gave it a better value because of where the node was attached... Of course the propellers air is attached via a second node and not the first attachement... I wonder if there is a way to test that to find out which parts work and how. I wonder if it only works with normal propeller parts as opposed to wings. Also, there is a bug that doesn't use the Fan Shroud as a cap for the previous part despite all nodes being filled so the part behind it gets massive lag... Unless that is on purpose.
  23. I mean the new shroud that you put propeller engines in. I think it's called a shroud also. They are supposed to improve propeller engines. It's called an S-12 Fan Shroud. I put a picture of it in the Imgur link in the OP.
  24. I mean a shroud. I think they are supposed to pull in more air for propellers. Do they do this for air intakes. Also seems to have a massive drag problem with whatever object is directly behind the shourd. It's like it's not counting the node as being covered.
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