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Everything posted by Arugela

  1. How would people feel about a new building that was oriented on parts fabrication. It had the most basic 3d modeling abilities(simplifies or restricted to game needs possibly) and the ability to blend multiple various current parts together and save them as .craft or in the subassemblies for use in your planes. do it the simpliest way but make it so it has a mode for any special needs and give it access to all stuff like in the VAB type buildings so you can scale it or add preexisting parts. This could allow completely custom parts and condense current ones to single parts. I would think the only down side is, depending on how it was designed, it may need work limiting any edits to existing parts or forcing weight of things made base on some criteria. Though if they made up some logic for everything in the game I bet it could be doable. Maybe as a future update or something.
  2. If these are stock in game why don't I have these? Was there some patch I missed?
  3. http://www./download/klhi9qh3ft3ia5e/Ion_craft.craft (BTW, does this link work correctly and can people download it.?) http://www./download/4536v4red2lso47/Ion_craft(2).craft <- Updated version! More air intakes. BTW air intakes compensate for low thrust ratios going into orbit. This is not avoidable with ION as it is heavy. Hence I use more air intakes to get into orbit. As many parts as this adds it's not as bad and using massless for electricity for ion!! >< (Also added more massless electricity and other items for easier munar decent.) I also added seperatrons to the rear to slow down decent for lunar landings. This will be the possible new design for my Ion cluster engines in a nice craft form that can be flown(hopefully) to space and tested(If not it will attached to a larger ship.). This can be modified to be added to a larger craft as an Ion engine cluster with jets to help design a more complex Ion based vessel. As you can see it comes at a price though. Nearly 300 parts(mostly massless electric) and a large price tag. This when use will probably be designed to detach from the main ship fly and collect samples in orbit(or where ever it can get) and fly back to the main ship or ships. So far this flies pretty nice. It has an interesting feel to it. And a nice low mass for hopefully better deltaV. Or am I using the wrong term? This is at 18.74 but could go up to 18.75 weight before massless. Not sure what to put on though. This would make it 1/4 of 75 mass exactly. (heavier in updated version.) Not sure if it needs another torque for the front. It has one in the form of a drone base in the rear under all the batteries. (added in updated version) Edit for updated version: TIP for larger Air intakes. at around 64 air intakes per engine(and higher), thrust of the basic jets ends around 32k, Rapiers ends at around 42k, and Turbojets up to 69k. But the advantage of Rapier isn't it's duel role. It's it's ability to stack another engine on top! I could change the basic jet for a turbojet to help with the upper atmosphere but it would be harder to take off and consume more fuel potentially. If this was added to another vessel it would have turobjets elsewhere for getting into orbit. In this desing you can use the Ions in place of turbojets past 42k. Also, gain speed around or before 40k and before you hit the 42k mark or you will spend more xenon gas. Parts: 33 Ion engines (if they are all on it should say 16 Xenon gas at full throttle) 1 Basic Jet 1 Rapier Engine(it allows another on top of it.) (I forgot the RCS) Pic of updated version of craft: http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii613/PicsMe101/KSP/Screenshot%20from%202015-03-09%20104153_zpseplbzfhf.png' alt='Screenshot%20from%202015-03-09%20104153_zpseplbzfhf.png'>
  4. Say the above things mentioned are true. IT could still allow for a life support system. Just maybe one not as needed or with superfluous benefits instead of completely necessary ones. Like bonuses or silly things for the player. Spawn a kerbal!? Increase size? Increase weight? Absorb fuel? Turn into a giant blueberry?!(This brings up another very important and interesting question. Do Kerbals eat or like or know what chocolate is?!)
  5. FYI, I didn't mean a complete lack of plants. I meant a relative lack of plants. The plant idea is interesting though. Goes right with it including the green part. And plants do the above things. They just eat with roots and not mouths! 8) Maybe the normal plant abilities happen inside if they eat something! And there are alot of plants that do a lot of things and live off of a lot of things. It would be an easy fit! And they could hypothetically survive space travel. Maybe if the suits are for fun or just make it easier but ar enot really needed. Hence making it easier for them to get into space. but they took them from their last hosts! 8) And more or less enjoyed them and found a practical and fun use for stuff. Plants have the ability to make seed that last forever in the harshest environments and change to a form to do the same as a grown species. So anything could go! Not to mention the plants could change ecosystems as I described and eat dirt naturally. Reducing planet body sizes potentially. Maybe if they do a real mode with real earth it could be set in the past nearer if they arrived under such a scenario.
  6. We all might assume at some time or another that kerbals all breath oxygen because they use suits like ours to go up into space. But why do we assume this. Because they look like human suits, but are not(assuming of course). Because they have seemingly have to use them in space(assuming also). What if they are not needed(why they can stay in orbit) or need them for very different reasons? What if what they are keeping in is not oxygen but something their body produces that they do need like amonia or some other bodily produced gas or substance. Maybe it's just or also heat for instance. Or simply for style and/or comfort! Any way, to cut this short, I thought it might be funny if they really produce a gas from their bodies that they need(energy from sun or other radiation naturally.) In reality the suit is a simple containment field for themselves and not specifically oxygen. I also thought it would be funny if being potentially self sufficient if this explains their personality. Since they possibly don't have to eat or sleep but just produce this gas/whatever they have no need for thought beyond their own pleasure and goofiness! this could explain their existence as a species and seeming attributes. Maybe they go from planet to planet as the please and start producing this gas to as they go for their survival(no necessarily consciously) and it fills an atmosphere having various affects depending on the planet. Hence the lack of plants on kerban(maybe it was earth and this is also an affect somehow). Maybe this also explains their love of space travel. It developed eons ago as a form of enjoyment(maybe they had a low gravity planets and just flung themselves into the dark void out of sheer amusement and joy!). And it changes as they move(assuming they ever hit anything afterwords) and adapt/absorb encountered cultures or phenomenon they encounter(also explaining the oddity of the form of their space vehicles in KSP) but potentially have a slightly detrimental/modifying affect on them most of the time(also potentially explaining the lack of any other cultures). But being kerbals they go on with joyful glee oblivious to the surroundings no matter the affect and just keep going on. Maybe their only function for eating or doing certain things is to accelerate the development of this gas/substance to be able to survive in their normal kerbal way on any planet they go to and it's ingrained in them to do so as they travel. Maybe they can eat almost anything including rocks(reason for kerbal being smaller than earth) but usually eat the more interesting moving things first or seeming fun things to eat the cultures they encounter eat as it is most fun to enjoy their customs first! How realistic does that sound. Then maybe they ate the moon and other things over time to try to develop atmosphere(instinctively trying things as the visited over time) but it never held the gas.( on top of possibly being told the moon was made of cheese!! Imagine the carnage after the moon shrunk down 1/10th to the earth....) Changing the solar system forever! Maybe this is the real reason they take dirt samples everywhere they go. Maybe it's not for science in the way we think of science. I mean, what are they getting from it all anyway!?
  7. Yea allowing disasters like in sim city could be fun. This is a good game for it since you can hypothetically do something about it. And even if you didn't you could use it as a way to produce more science. Say even if the asteroid doesn't strike physically you could similate it by making a crater with extra science if you study the crater. And there could be even more science if you stop it(assuming you can) and study it in orbit. Or other benefits could exist in place of or on top of science like using it for some other purpose like a fueling station if you do stop it(assuming which way you use to stop it. capture/deflection/destruction/etc if possible. I would assume you would need mods for destruction unless you hurl it into the sun, which is technically deflection.).
  8. The problem isn't any bugs. It's lack of programming logic for both hardware support and game features. Like not having the logic to deal with a mirrored radial item properly and parts count limitation for those who like to build bigger things for fun.
  9. My first thought was, "Kentucky Shock Chicken!" The new way to fry! I'm not familiar with terminology in this game as you can see. But the answer is obviously, "The cost is low, they lie, and they don't pay you crap... 8p" Maybe that is a real fast food restaurant in Kerbal space program. And they really use cattle prods to cook your chicken. And it's eaten whole.. bones and all! I"m against add placement though(You know, squelching money and selling your games soul to a large company!). So, please, don't ever add that in that manner! 8( I think I would be sick! 8D (pun about kerbals devouring whole chickens like they were tiny nuggets.) Maybe it could be called "Kerbal Shocked Chicken!" They look at it with their eyes and it just goes poof and is instantly fried chicken.
  10. http://www./download/2w6x5an2zacxocx/AEIOU_NIRDm_MSF_Mk1.craft Software: Linux(Fedora 21)x64 KSP 0.90(I beleive)x64 Hardware: Phenom II 1100t 560Ti 1g edition(384 cores) Driver: 346.35(This may not be the Nvidia ones but the ones that you can install for auto update via fedora.(akmod) But not the default ones.) 8gb ram(2x4gb) 240gb Mushkin enhanced SSD GA-970A-D3 V1.0 Mobo http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii613/PicsMe101/KSP/Screenshot%20from%202015-03-04%20111219_zpsfgijzsuf.png' alt='Screenshot%20from%202015-03-04%20111219_zpsfgijzsuf.png'> As you may see, there are way more than 8x XL solar panels. Those were not layed on each other. It was one placement that went to 8x. I then kept hitting x to recycle down to 3x but it kept getting larger! Kind of like the bug though. We should have way to do this as a feature. If I picked up the item and kept trying to replace it I could keep increasing the number of radial parts endlessly. But after deleting it the phenomenon went away and future XL solar panels acted as normal. Thought I would post it though in case it helped solve problems later. Actually, it just happened again. but goes away after replacing the item with a new one.
  11. What about adding Shift+ to keybinding as well. then we could extend the shortcuts. That might solve the keybinds. Plus those were just examples. It doesn't matter what it is too.
  12. I always use up my action groups. And these are standard items that are important if you need them. That is why I am saying it would help. I could use them!
  13. With those types of jets it would be nice if they made some that could suck in air and make your intakes fill more if used correctly. Then you could maximize air intake during flights.
  14. Do you think you could put like 1000x air breaks and abuse the minuscule atmosphere on a moon and break the cheap way?
  15. This game needs a close/open all air intakes and a separate close/open all Solar panels default named shortcuts. And like the newer gear lists all the intakes/solar panels to let you customize it if needed. I think it should be shortcut to something like "I" for intakes and something for "P" for solar panels on the keyboard. They should by default be the "Toggle" option and should automatically incorporate all appropriate items put on your vehicle into their perspective category. I always use up my shortcuts before getting to these but and always find use for them potentially.
  16. I air hog with a minimum of 66 intake air(the max stat you see on runway x/66) per engine I expect to perform in the upper atmosphere. And I expect my planes to fly at above 33km and as close to 70km on jets as possible. I've found leaving 200 intake air per engine at above 52km is good. Usually turbojets. This allows you to cruise up to 70km easily. Just base it on how many engines you expect to still be on then. 400 for 2 engines 800 max intake air for 4 engines. Turbojets work best.
  17. http://www./download/w5y6uedbu4vs05n/AEIOU_NIRDm_SF_MK1(2).craft Updated Version! Weighs aprox 66t without massless parts. Weighs approx 72t with massless parts. Gets to orbit much faster now. http://www./download/82k9fmfc7tmvkzh/AEIOU_NIRDm_SF_MK1(3).craft Update version 2! Weighs 75t(66t) has more electricity for longer Ion burns. Enough for moon trips. Only difference and is from massless parts.(Cost 1,067,849 and 1056 parts!) Stats: (without massless) Parts: 900 (600) Mass: 72t (66t) Cost: 982,049 Mass fuelless: approx 40t Shortcuts: 1: Toggle Ion Engines 2: Toggle Atomic Engine 3: Toggle MK55 Engines 4: Toggle Rapier Engines Mode x4 5: Toggle O-10MP Engines 6: Toggle Basic Jet Engines 7: Toggle TurboJet Engines 8: Toggle Rapier Engines x2 9: Toggle Rapier Engines x2 10: Toggle Solar Panels Notes: I think the trick is to get enough speed and altitude gain to get above 52km. At that point you can simply cruise up to 163 apoapsis with turbojets before circularizing with non jet based thrust. Turbojets should cruise full thrust up to atleast 60k and partial thrust up to around 69k.(NVM, just fly it like any other air hogger and it will make it to orbit.) Pics: contain other stats Is anyone good at finding ideal angles during flight for air hogs? http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii613/PicsMe101/KSP/Screenshot%20from%202015-03-02%20132114_zpsgf7mopjy.png' alt='Screenshot%20from%202015-03-02%20132114_zpsgf7mopjy.png'> fuel after circularizing. Mind you I have no idea what the most efficient method is so this is probably not it!
  18. http://www./download/g19ztajdpm10r8n/AEIOU_NIRDm_SF_MK1.craft Improved version. Turbojets can be ridden up to 69km before completely loosing thrust!! Takes 8-10 minutes or more though! Got a 163k apoapsis and 53k periapsis. Has more electricity, xenon, and air intakes(401max). Approx. 900 parts. A little less Oxidizer also. Weighs 76t approx. Need to get it to 66t so it's never over a 1:1 ratio with the ION engines and improve general performance for all fuel types. Have to find stuff to sacrifice. Probably the Mono propellant first.
  19. What is the difference between the cone intake and the Ram ones(I'm assuming those are the black scoop ones) besides weight to intake ratio. I was going for more intake total so I could run engines longer at higher altitude. do they get more performance at higher altitude or something?
  20. http://www./download/h4jut6hrfj1ru74/AEIOU_NIRDm_Space_Fighter_(SF).craft Parts: 779 Mass: 85.3 Engines: R.A.P.I.E.R.: 4 Basic Jets : 2 TurboJets: 2 Ion engines: 33 Atomic: 1 MK55: 2 O-10MP: 4 Fuel: Electric Charge: 80065 Mono Propellant: 1508 Liquid fuel: 3360 Oxidizer: 2640 Xenon Gas: 25200 Intake Air: 136/283 (on runway) Shortcuts: 1: Toggle Ion Engines 2: Toggle Atomic Engine 3: Toggle MK55 Engines 4: Toggle O-10MP Engines 5: Toggle Basic Jet Engines 6: Toggle TurboJet Engines 7: Toggle Rapier Engines x2 8: Toggle Rapier Engines x2 9: Toggle Rapier Engines Mode x4 10: Toggle Solar Panels Notes: Slow to take off. Have yet to give it early takeoff. Slow to orbit but plenty of fuel once up there potentially. I will likely later redesign to move the weight more to the center of the engine area and make it more aerodynamic and hopefully give it early takeoff and an inline docking bay. Also, possibly, more monopropellant or xenon gas.
  21. Ah, I always thought those counted as a subcategory of Newtonian. And that style covering a lot of reflectors.
  22. Jebediah = Jezebel!!! (The most obvious name for a female lead character!) Bill = No idea Bob = no idea. What else besides Jezebel could be the proper counter name to the holy and righteous sounding Jebediah!! I SAY NONE!!!!! Go straight to the source. Go back to the bible. Half our cultural references are that to begin with(Especially science fiction!). And it's got lots of very interesting story in it. Perfect for this situation. It just screams villainess. Perfect good/evil, black/white surface layer story telling. So many funny stories you could get out of a Jebediah Vs Jezebel name combo! >< What is Jebediahs true weakness for instance!! 8p I don't see how anything less than the most evil female name in history could be anything less than the counter to the most holy male character in the game!(or is he!!8D Test his soul!!) https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/all-women-bible/Jezebel-No-1
  23. That would be assuming it was a refracting telescope.(And that you don't already know this.8p) The Hubble is a newtonian for instance. Not unrealistic just different types!(Though I guess you could condense a Newtonian for packaging purposes if you wanted to. And obviously hybrid or other types could also.) But that leads to something they could do with such an idea! 8d Bring that whole world into the game! You could get science in a limited sense from ground and space base telescopes. And maybe money. They could be missions types for money and science. New use for satelites could be putting up telescopic(or other types. IE radar/heat/etc) satellites of various types around the solar system. And obviously the age old reality of cameras and video via telescopes. It could be a video and picture making suite default in the game. Making a deep space video or other observation stuff could be cool. You could watch your own flights leave the planets etc. If there were random events like distant stars exploding and stuff too it would be cool. Edit: Ok scanning the SS would be good too. I missed that! I always thought it was stupid you had access and info on everything at the start of a game. Even in a Sandbox game it would be nice to have the option to explore. Obviously you could set it to off if you had the option but the option to have it on would also be good. I wonder if that would lead to planet bases!? 8)
  24. No, I figured there were people out there with much better than mine who could run this much easier. My computer isn't exactly new. the design was to maximize air intake to get into orbit with as little non liquid fuel as possible and figure out how to get as much range and destinations as possible. And carry out other objectives like maybe mining later or hauling to orbit. It's kind of meant to do a little of everything. But I'm still testing it. And as you can see that testing takes a long time. Part of why I choose to put it up really. Hoping others could run it better and might get some feedback faster than me spending an hour or two flying it around.
  25. It runs pretty slow. I'm not sure what the speed but it's getting better every patch. I'll have to do a time comparison from the clock to real world time. Version 3: http://www./download/7plxvzf6epcewna/AEIOU_NIRDm_Lifter_v3.craft I'm running: Phenom II 1100T 560Ti 1gb edition 8gb 1600 DDR3 240gb SSD Fedora 21 64bit The rest of my computer runs fine while this is running. It's just the game that is slow. I chat on this and do other things while it is flying. I was running that many intakes to be able to keep pushing at 40-50k altitude. Waht I really need is an easier way to shut down the engines. I guess I'll have to try manually shutting some off when I'm on the last stretch. If I fly correctly I should be able to circularize the orbit below 70k and then push up with that for alot less fuel. Not sure about the range. That is something I"m still working on. But the design can get into space. It's just about how little none pure liquid fuel reserves I can use. Though I did just get up to 799 air intake and seems to have problems on the runway. I think it's a strut issue I introduced though. It's now at just under 1600 parts! 8p And, again, there is a point to the intakes. It allows you to fly more in the third level of atmosphere a lot better. This could allow for much cheaper runs if it can lift heavy loads for getting to orbital bodies. I'm just not sure of it's limitations yet. And the intakes measure isn't the number of intakes it's the value on the runway. (Current/Max) Unless those are the same. I forget how much they add. I just came back from a break from the game. Kinda forgot. BTW, I kinda figured most people had better computers than me and could run this better! 8) I'll definetly try white lightning out. Just dled it. If it's more around 600 parts I should be able to use it with virtually no lag at all. Runway test: In game timer had around 18 seconds. Real world timer was around 9 minutes. I do almost nothing but this type of large count plane. I might just be used to it. BTW this is now V3. It has 799 max air intake and 1600 parts. My game crashed after taking the second pick. Not the normal occurrence but I'll have to see if I can get around it now. BTW this thing is in pure vertical ascent at about 2/3-3/4 of the runway. And you can go straight up to 20k or more then start circularizing. Or whatever works best. Haven't figured that out yet. Edit: Second run did around 19 seconds in 7 minutes! 8) And it's reaches 10k at around 1:30 on the game clock. so you can do the math(Actual test: 1:38 seconds in 35 minutes). I usually start some laundry, or eat something, or... pick anything. Mind you this is Rapier engines with Turbojets stacked on the ends though. So, it gets faster as you go up also. I'm really hoping the 1.0 update, or one of them, introduce the physics fixes or some more performance boosts in some manner. It would be nice to fly this in a more timely manner.
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