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Everything posted by Sput42

  1. "Nothing else" means no Realism Overhaul and its dependencies? Because I don't think RP-0 makes sense with stock physics...
  2. I can confirm, it's just the Mk16 chute that is broken. It's not just missing the staging; it also screws up the center of mass once the craft passes 6000m, making the camera move down some kilometers (well-known Kraken caused by a variety of things, but with RO it's caused by Mk16 to be fitted). Dragging the Mk16 chute in the VAB it looks like there's a smaller model nested inside... The Mk16 XL and Mk25 work fine.
  3. Yes, I also can't wait for the conflicts with RP-0 to be fixed so I can install RVE again... Earth without clouds looks so dull, I don't even want to play Once all is done and working between RVE, EVE and Scatterer, things should be the most gorgeous experience to be had in KSP. Now I need to find my time machine to shorten the wait.
  4. This means that the avionics are not sufficient to steer the rocket, so steering is disabled. However, you can still stage. And that's all they did with those early sounding rockets (they don't even have any means of steering - no reaction wheels, no gimbals, no control surfaces). Note that in RP-0, you always need an avionics package to control the ship; even having a pilot does not seem to be enough if you don't bring one of the avionics parts with you. But as I said, for a primitive sounding rocket, just the ability to stage is enough.
  5. I'll have to doublecheck the citylights thing before sending you on a bugfixing rampage... I was trying out so many combinations of visual mods during the last couple days that my brain may misremember things. I *believe* I have seen citylights under the water near the KSC, but I'm no longer 100% sure. As I am currently getting my feet wet with RP-0, RVE killing most contracts is a tad inconvenient, so for now I'm back at old EVE (7-4) with Astronomer's Clouds and Scatterer, which seems to be the only combination that sort of works with RSS. I'll try out RVE soon again; if you're planning to fix the RP-0 issue anytime soon, I'll wait for that, otherwise I'll set up a second install for sandbox games and RVE.
  6. I got clouds and stuff working under Linux with yesterday's version (overwriting the configs in RSS and all). Lots of graphical glitches (I think mostly from Scatterer), but that's to be expected. The infamous circles in the night sky, citylights in wrong places etc. But overall, it worked for me! However, RVE conflicts with RP-0 due to Earth being renamed back to Kerbin, so for now I removed it again. Or is that fixed with today's fixes? I might just try it again!
  7. Sure I can Running Gentoo Linux. Now, the bug report you linked me to is pretty interesting. My version of curl is much newer, but by default Gentoo builds it without asynchronous DNS. I'll enable the adns USE flag and see if it helps with CKAN... I'll report back.
  8. Well, we're still waiting for RSS and RO to show up (which are probably dependencies for RP-0). And those are in the metadata with their current versions... CKAN just refuses to upgrade them for me... EDIT: Well, version metadata still seems to be screwed for both RSS and RO. Tried to force CKAN to install the 10.2 versions, and it downloaded just fine, just to bail out with this: Let's just hope it gets fixed soon.
  9. Linux user (64 bit) here. Unfortunately CKAN crashes for me all the time. I can pretty reliably make it crash while trying to download large mods (like the RSS textures); but at least using the GUI, I also had it randomly crash at all other opportunities, such as browsing the mod list or just letting it sit around for a while. I was hoping that it's just the GUI, so I tried installing RSS using the command line, and it still crashes. Seems like the backtrace is not very helpful, but here it goes: http:// http://pastebin.com/AGsYvcHA I have no clue how to debug this, but leaving it here anyway It makes CKAN pretty unreliable to use, and the real bad thing is that sometimes it crashes during installation and completely screws up my KSP install. Is there anything I could do to get this resolved?
  10. That would rock so hard, thanks a bunch in advance! Good thing I've been running KSP on Linux forever
  11. So I don't need to install the SoundingRockets mod or anything else beyond the requirements listed to get the parts for sounding rockets? That's cool. I was wondering about that when I flicked through your image gallery - - - Updated - - - Thanks a bunch! While I really can't wait to try out this newfangled career, I don't appreciate installing everything manually, so knowing that CKAN should be fixed soonish is a good thing!
  12. /me still patiently waits for CKAN to catch up.... Mmmh. Given that CKAN is the recommended way of installing this, why does it take so long to update its database? I was assuming it would be crawling the projects that are directly supported more frequently...
  13. /me patiently waits for CKAN to catch up...
  14. Hmm. Since you don't like giving out pre-releases of the current dev version... do you intend to update the 1.0.4 port on Github to work with RSS 10.2? Or can we apply somewhere to get dev pre-releases if we promise to not bother you with stupid complaints about bugs and unfinished features? In any case, keep up the good work, what you do is amazing!
  15. With the currently released RO (as available on CKAN), I get around 40 ModuleManager issues related to RealPlume, looking like this: Most errors are caused by Solid-Lower in FASA parts, a few also by Hydrogen-NTR (in SXTNERVA and SDHI, although I believe the latter isn't supported by RO anyway). I also have a different kind of ModuleManager errors seemingly caused by RO and Tantares: EDIT: If this is already fixed in Github, I'll patiently wait for a release of course. KSP.log available upon request.
  16. Yes, they are. I would still call this a bug in the mod, however. And for the second problem, the only workaround that seems to work is deactivating and re-activating the engines (wasting one of the ignitions). Nothing to do with ullage. Also seems to be a bug in the mod, maybe not restoring something properly on reload...
  17. I have the same issues, both of them: reloading a savegame made during first stage ascent will exhaust the ignitions (I assume that the reloading process somehow triggers the same routines that a manual ignition would), and I rarely manage to start the second stage engines even though I make sure that the fuel is "very stable" before ignition. Triggering ignition a second time (X, Z) seems to work most of the time (so it seems obvious that it's not a problem with ullage), but of course that ruins the ascent a bit. Experimenting around to narrow down the issue is of course not much fun if you can't reload, and thus have to wait several minutes each time for your first stage to burn out :/
  18. Although under Linux we have no choice other than using OpenGL, so there's that... and here's hoping we'll one day be able to use this beauty of a mod on our OS
  19. Now I just hope that we won't have to wait for this beauty too long to be compatible with OpenGL... as a Linux user, I can't use DirectX :/
  20. Still remember that time myself, I was about to turn 7 when it happened. Remember standing outside of school with my friends, there was this talk about "toxic clouds" we had overheard in our parents' breakfast conversations (we didn't know about radiation as first-graders, of course), and we kids were staring at the sky debating which of those cumulus clouds looked particularly poisonous. Of course living in Southern Germany we were obviously not impacted nearly as much as our Eastern brethren over in the Ukraine and their neighbours. Still, there was no going to the playgrounds that summer or the next until all the sandboxes had been decontaminated, nor were we allowed to drink fresh milk for a long time, and spring of 1986 was also the last time we went out into the woods gathering mushrooms. Boars and some other species living in the forests of Bavaria are still affected to this day, showing measurable amounts of radiation making them unfit for human consumption. It's interesting how that particular morning (when the news of the event reached Western media) is still stuck in my memory, while I can't even recollect how our appartment we were living in back then was laid out...
  21. Which would pretty much destroy the idea of NF to have hot reactors being insulated from the rest of the ship
  22. Does it matter at all, considering that the ship is treated as a single part in high warp? Because as fancy and balanced as we can make the heat distribution through clever use of insulators and other equipment, it seems that in the end it may still explode once you go to warp. In particular if the "reference part" is picked randomly, as RoverDude seems to imply.
  23. Starwaster, seeing that the stock game so quickly (and surprisingly) grew more or less the same heating system that you came up with originally for 7.1: were you involved in or consulted for the stock game implementation? Or did Squad basically reinvent the wheel?
  24. rbray is pretty active in the Scatterer thread and helps out blackrack a ton. In fact, rbray, blackrack, Proot, shay, and a bunch of others work closely together to give us an amazing visual experience in KSP, some glorious day in the future. It's actually really nice to see the main modders involved in visual stuff cooperating on that level.
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