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Everything posted by Sput42

  1. Ah yes, I got slightly confused by the fact that RSS also already switched to Kopernicus, and since they seem to have an 1.0.2 version ready, Kopernicus should be more or less ready as well EDIT: And there it is, the Kopernicus thread has been updated!
  2. So something tiny like a Learjet 45, while technically not a single-engine craft, has a final approach speed of around 140 kn (160 mph). I was hard-pressed to find anything jet-powered that approaches much more slowly. An F-16 comes in at around the same speed; even large commercial airliners tend to come in at around 130-150 kts. A standard glider plane approaches at maybe 70 kts (80 mph). Spoilers/flaps are very much required to bring you down from that speed at any reasonable distance. Spoilers are not so much for "braking" per se; they're for killing lift so you can flare (pitch up without gaining height), which then slows you down due to increased drag. Flaps, on the other hand, alter your aerodynamics in a way that both drag and angle of attack increase, while stalling speed decreases; this means that you can flare much harder, thus slow down quickly. Modern, small jet planes like Learjet or F-16 typically have a glide ratio of about 16:1. This means with engines shutoff, such a plane manages to glide for 800 m from an approach height of 50 m without slowing down if not using spoilers or flaps. You can probably imagine what happens if you try to slow down solely by pitching up (without going into a climb) - you run out of runway pretty fast. There's virtually no reason for the KSC runway being long enough to land a plane without spoilers with realistic aerodynamics.
  3. Exactly this. I think I've experienced a single crash of KSP in a year, and that might have been due to whatever. The 64 bit version on Linux is rockstable. The biggest danger of going that route is that you may actually find you like Linux in general and don't go back to Windows as often as you think you'd do
  4. Well, usually the reason for performance problems in KSP isn't the GPU, it's the CPU due to single-threaded physics calculations. All those pretty shaders and visual effects should not make your GPU scream at all. RAM usage is a different beast, as of course all those fancy textures will take their toll, however a better computer won't help you there as long as you're limited to 32 bit on Windows. It may rather be worth it to install Linux alongside your main OS and then play the 64 bit version of KSP without ever having to worry again about running out of RAM...
  5. I... this... uhm... whoa. Proot, there's no words to express what I feel when seeing the work of you and the other beautification guys. Cannot wait until this is all released and working properly, so we can bask in the beauty of the Kerbol system. You guys rock!
  6. So I ran into the same issue (massless parts causing nullpointer exceptions in DRE), caused by SETIctt, well, making some parts (thermometers, barometers, struts, fuel pipes) massless. Can/should this be fixed in DRE? I mean, I can mod some mass back into those parts (and I can confirm that this fixes the issue), but that doesn't sound like the cleanest solution I'm not sure if DRE should simply ignore those parts or assign some sensible default set of thermal properties, but it should at least handle that case. - - - Updated - - - My FPS also dropped by 10 frames due to this (I think). Log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Ygs3rUb405UzVuZHVESlFlQlk/view?usp=sharing For reference, this is the original report including logs.
  7. The current version of SETIctt does not play well with the new Deadly Reentry. The reason is that it sets some parts (specifically themometers, barometers, struts and fuel pipes) to be massless, and DRE really hates that. The result is tons of nullpointer exceptions in the log and a significant framerate drop. I manually edited some low mass into SETIctt/MM-PartModding/SETI-PartMod-SQUAD-Science.cfg, and things work properly again.
  8. I can't seem to be able to take data with a scientist on EVA from several US experiments (tried Mystery Goo and the Science Jr so far); the menu option doesn't show up even if I'm very close. I can take data from the Orbital Telescope US wedge, however. Is this intended behavior? Couldn't find any reports about that on the past few pages nor in the FAQ. EDIT: Seems like the SETI Tech Tree actually changes the dataIsCollectable property for some of the experiments for balancing reasons. I wasn't even aware that property existed, as I have never encountered a non-collectable experiment before; and I've only very recently installed SETI. So this is not a bug of DMagic after all!
  9. I think it was this sentence you posted a couple days ago: "Alright, that's it, remove the sticky, we're done here." Apparently it related to a post that was subsequently deleted, so the context was gone. Scared me too for a second. Honestly, the work you guys (blackrack, rbray, Proot, shaw, and all the others involved in those efforts) do for making KSP insanely beautiful cannot be appreciated enough. It's also very nice to see how you all cooperate across your various mods to provide a consistent experience for all of us. I'm patiently waiting for things to be released for us to test and enjoy, and I sincerely hope that you all don't get too put off by all the hype and impatient people (and bluntly, people who don't know what "wip" means and how free software communities work). I'd rather the moderators rule with iron fists in your dev threads, or close the threads down until there is a release, than any of you getting frustrated and burning out because of unwarranted pressure put on you by some people. Please take your time and keep enjoying what you do, and rest assured that there are many people like myself that are insanely grateful for everything you give to us, whenever it may come. Thank you!
  10. I can reproduce this, by fiddling with the mouse I can get the part to flash green for a fraction of a second immediately before it "unsticks" and jumps away from the pod, but not long enough to issue a click. Tried all sorts of things, camera angles, zooming in and out, no dice. Tried with the Mk1 pod and the DRE heat shield. In the end I got it to attach by first attaching it upside-down to some other part, adding the pod, changing the root and removing the superfluous parts, but that's rather awkward...
  11. Both Alt+F10 and Alt+F11 shortcuts seem to collide with those of other mods, thus I can't access Scatterer's settings currently. Any way to configure those shortcuts, or have access to the settings through some UI button in the future?
  12. Yeah, I have the same issue. Setting render quality to "fastest" didn't help either. Running on Linux, so I have no choice but using OpenGL...
  13. I have noticed a problem with this mod and RoverDude's Sounding Rockets mod: sounding rockets cause a continuous metal screeching sound while in the air, and the fairings fitting sounding rockets cause sparks to appear when ejected.
  14. Unrelated to FASA, which I haven't installed (yet); had this problem and could track it down to the SAS Reset mod. Removing that one allowed me to finish the First Launch contract. Of course, if more people have that issue and they're not using SAS Reset, it may be totally unrelated to a particular mod...
  15. So I had the problem that I could not complete the very early "launch our first vessel" contract in career mode, and after much widdling through my mod list I could reliably track the issue down to the SAS Reset module. If that's installed, that contract never gets completed. No clue how that could happen, but somehow it seems to interfere... didn't notice any other problems, but I also didn't have much time playing 1.0 yet. It's certainly not a biggie, but it can be quite irritating especially since the contract cannot be canceled, and it will respawn if you remove it through savegame editing. To reproduce, simply start a new career, accept the "first launch" contract, go to the VAB, take pod and booster and launch. With SAS Reset installed, the contract should stay incompleted.
  16. Pretty cool stuff. However, one thing popped into my mind - as you're using native C++ code for much of it, did you consider portability? Will your mod run in Linux versions of KSP?
  17. Is there any way to disable RSS mode in DRE, by changing configs or choosing appropriate settings? I don't use RSS as such, but I have the stripped-down plugin installed that comes with KSPRC. It's purely used for some visual effects, the rest of the RSS stuff is not in use, however since the DLL is there, it probably gets detected as installed. I don't seem to be able to get things to explode, and suspect this to be the culprit. Tried Hard mode with the 1.12 exponent to no avail. I would assume that a stage even going down engine-first at 2800 km/s shouldn't survive completely unscathed... temperature of the engine rises to around 1600C, but nothing else happens.
  18. I got it to work in 0.90 without any issues (insofar I've noticed, at least): First, I installed the 0.90 versions (if available; I installed EVE for 0.25) of all the dependencies listed in the OP into a fresh checkout of KSP. Then I unzipped and merged the appropriate folders from the KSPRC archive. However, I made sure that I did *not* overwrite any of the other mods' .dll or .version files, and I also left KSP's own sharedasset files intact! So this step requires some care and manual confirmation for the files that KSPRC wants to overwrite (it's not that many, most of the stuff drops neatly next to the existing mods without harming anything). The other day TextureReplacer did a new release that ships less files than the previous ones, so here you also have to make sure that you don't copy any of the stuff from the PluginData folder KSPRC ships in its bundled TR version, in addition of skipping the .dll. That was about all I did. I'm not sure what kinds of stuff is missing considering I didn't install KSPRC's sharedasset files, but I didn't notice anything glaring. Also, surprisingly even the CityLights look correct - some people had complained that the lights are offset from the coastlines in 0.90, but I can't confirm that for my install. I do have DDSLoader installed, but I have no clue if I have to do anything for it to work, or if it does its thing out of the box.
  19. I think CKAN can't overwrite files, which would be an issue for KSPRC as it modified not only other mods, but also the game's own asset files...
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