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Everything posted by jyoumon

  1. Maybe this has been said before and i just cant find it but: Im having trouble with DMPServer, i can DL it just fine, extracts, and is done, but when i try and start the program all i get is a command prompt window with green/yellow scrolling text and then the box disappears. After this I can no longer start the program at all and it will proceed to Lock up my system entirely after a little while with the Explorer window being locked first and any other window relating to the program after that. Attempting to Force a Shutdown of DMPServer.exe in Tast manager processes tab causes yet MORE lock up until a Forced reboot with required to get ANY access back. Please is there any kind of information about this?
  2. maybe you guys can help me out here, apparently after installing FAR, every single rocket i build has this MASSIVE amount of horizontal (or maybe its angular) lift that just completely throws my rocket off course as soon as it hits anything over 50m/s....is there something i need to change?
  3. Ehh true...but still...would be a mighty fine little addition...id love to go visit Andromeda
  4. Ive been browsing the interwebs as per normal fashion, when i came across this little beauty of a Gem. http://en.spaceengine.org/ a very indepth little space sim that would do WONDERS for getting us new planets and maybe...new galaxies
  5. id have to say...Biggest fail had to be about 30,000 meters up...i was sailing along at about 1600M/s and was redlining the engines trying to get orbit....little did i know that a little extra height would spell my doom....around 35,000 i suddenly see this little wingy bit go flying off....im just sitting there like 'ok..im high enough im good' of course little did i know that wingy bit was my radial mounted Mechjeb -___-..... The ensuing crash of about 50 boosters, 40 engines, and several thousand tons of fuel probably set me off as a kerbal terrorist...... ->_<-
  6. ok yes i cheated! but come on 388m/s and i didnt even get completely off the landing strip !!! XDDD
  7. Wait :-[ this game needs math O_- i just throw some stuff together and toss it to the launch pad Space bar and Hold on!
  8. Well, mostly a little bit of this, a little bit of that. The list so far ive found is: The Truss pack (fuel tanks were modified to use normal fuel instead of Pure LH2 - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9026.0 The Novapunch Remix pack - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4180.0 The Probodobodyne construction Kit v0.5 - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6397 The KSP Silisko Edition 1.2 - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=2925.0 The GabysQuickAndDirtyPayloads.v0.7 - couldnt find the link again The VB_experimental pack & VB_Parts pack The FTL DRIVE MK1 Nomad MechJeb_1.8.1 SatelliteRelays_v0.5 MRZDynasat_v_0_1_1 PowerTechPlugin_v0_2_1
  9. 5000+ pieces of debris 250+ builds 200+ failures 150+ mun/ kerbol crashes 125 mid-atmosphere collisions 35 ACTUAL successful returns just 1 perfect mun landing 8) and about to be one more successful return! Thank you Mechjeb! you saved my bacon this burn! course..it aint kerbal if it dont break something 8)
  10. Well...with it being an 8 core 4.2ghz overlocked rig with 16gigs of 1,600 rams.... Alot 8)
  11. Apparently, trying to recreate the Star trek Solar slingshot maneuver to go back in time....will umm...make even the mightiest computer crash XD I got up to about 89,000Km/s before system wide meltdown >_< XDD
  12. WOOT, thanks man! with a little tweaking to the CFG files i have added a new brand of fuel tanks to my Rockets inventory! just tested a few tweaks and its MARVELOUS!
  13. So basicly, unless the parts are manually modified and reuploaded (probably as another pack) then the idea is pretty much useless?
  14. Hmmm i think i may have solved at least one piece of my puzzle. Going through parts .CFG\'s i found that the Kosmos fuel tanks only have one additional line added 'Type: Pure LH2' Im thinking if i delete this line..it will work with normal fuel tanks and engines too! though if not..ill find out soon
  15. heh, i know its not a bug ^__^, im trying to circumvent the and modify, its what mods are for right? eitherway, i know they were 'built' for Spacestations, but they have GREAT application ability in other places, but i want to know...if its possible from a modding point of view to make them compatible with other engines and stuff. Even if it means tweaking a few parts.cfg files *grins*
  16. Ok, recently ive added a whole SLEW of mod packs to my KSP and they all seem to be working nicely together, no issues so far at least. but ive run into a slight...problem. recently i Downloaded and installed a Kosmos pack and found that while it has TONS of great fuel tanks and parts....that..NONE of them are cross compatible with normal liquid fuel engines or tanks :\'( This has led to trying to make...rather ridiculous designs with a single type of engine that is NOT that strong and requires several dozen to lift even the lightest of my loads >_< So yeah..i wanna ask around and see if anyone in the mod community has any ideas on IF its at all possible to make them cross-compatible or something like that.
  17. i dont even get ON the pad essentially...
  18. yeah just asking around if anyone has had their ships starting sideways on the launchpad or tilting and falling over just after start. im kinda stumped here and wondering if i did something wrong here.
  19. Uggg..dumb jyoumon is dumb >_< So far using aircraft training sims and some booklets ive...gotten somewhere...though getting all the numbers right is near impossible with the designs ive been making XD i think its insertions im having the most trouble with though..i can barely get to the moon in one piece, let alone land because im aiming all over the place trying to either compensate the damn thing to STOP in space or trying to get the dang trajectory to line up >_<
  20. I must be completely lost >_< cause i can barely tell how to use the Navball All ive found so far is that if i aim the rocket at the brown side green circle i slow down, and blue side i speed up >_<
  21. yeah tried both, and nothing...just attaches to one side and stops, only the 2m curve cone seems work and not very well at that
  22. Well...That sucks...maybe we should get a Dev on that solution ASAP having a Cockpit or even attached camera view would work WONDERS for correcting orbital insertions and alignments with docking in the future.
  23. i did..it doesnt seem to work either..only attaches one
  24. hey is there a reason engine Fairing panels wont align properly?, they all face one direction and wont cover but 1/4th of the ship
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