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  1. Yeah I have a games folder on my desktop for non steam stuff, gog and the like
  2. hmm, thanks for your help it may be the steam api dll https://prnt.sc/fnzak2
  3. see, the thing is I did that but I am fairly sure I had it on version 1.2.2 and now it's 1.3 so I am a bit confused to say the least
  4. As we all know with the taketwo acquiring ksp, many of us are concerned based on their past action that they'll ruin the game. To prevent this or to preserve a copy of the game before any of their predicted shenanigans what files must be removed in order to prevent it from updating?
  5. what do I do if the enemy planes spawn as debris (no purple text so not a plane just grey text) and fall straight to the ground?
  6. Good, A radial grenade launcher wouldn't be bad for an ac130
  7. https://kerbalx.com/andreasblom/KH-3000-Flying-Tank The Kh 3000 flying tank is a massive helicopter It carries 2 x AGM 28 Hound Dog nuclear cruise missiles 3 x Vulcan rotary cannons 4 x RP 3 rockets 8 x HVAR rockets
  8. what mods are you using to change the colour other than b9 procedural wings?
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