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Everything posted by Bersagliere81

  1. Actually no, at least for me it's not working. Even food and electricity seem to be messed up. I have no idea if it is conflicting with any of my mods, but I don't have TAC-LS or RT installed
  2. Hi I am having an issue I suppose and I can't find the solution here. With Kerbalism installed, I can't see any antenna range. If I am not mistaken, it is supposed to show a range somewhere Edit: also, probes don't require a direct line of sight to be controlled. Are they supposed to loose control when they are on the dark side of Kerbin? Edit again: my capsule is not consuming any electricity or food. Actually the only food I can read is the extra container I am carrying, but the readings keeps staying at the same level even at full time speed acceleration Screenshot of the antenna Mod list
  3. This looks brilliant. I must admit I still haven't tried it yet and I feel confused about it. My two -musthavemods- are RemoteTech and TAC LS, actually I can't imagine the game without them. Honestly I love the way TAC works (adding those extra parts to the ship make the ship itself look awesome). I don't "appreciate" much the lack of water ( although i read it is considered inside the food) and I believe adding it as separate from food will only positively increase the challenge of the game. I can only give it a try, say again this looks amazing and be part of the voice "please modularize it and make it work with other mods!"
  4. I restarted my career game, using all mods as usual (including this one and ScanSat Contract Pack). However, I am not getting those sweet contracts asking to perfom 75% resolution scan of kerbin/mun/mimmus. Did anything change? I have mission control andtracking station upgraded, and not negative with reputation
  5. Tac ls and remote tech always. With 1.1 i am going to start career mode on hard difficoult. No mistakes allowed
  6. I didn't read all posts... but I can say I am loving this mod. I suppose it needs to be polished a bit and with better "visual stats" or something. And modules/actions too It is going to be a must (for my gamestyle) like TAC LS.
  7. Hi all, I played occasionally, now I want seriously to get in the game ..and I want mods as stock version does not satisfy me at all What mods do you suggest then? I love big challenges, I know about realism overhaul but it's not what I want for now. So far I really enjoyed: ScanSat RemoteTech Station Science TAC life support USI mods (without its dedicated life support) Infernal Robotics (although I did not really used its parts yet) Solar Science Taurus FAR ...and many other minor mods for exploration, colonization, orbital stations.. without going too much for RL replicas. So what other mods do you suggest for playing carrer mode? I would like to integrate those mods and add few more to get more "hardcore". Keep in mind I play with 64bit system (sigh) and I do get frequent crashes, in fact I can't play with any of the Astronomers pack, althought I have installed the aggressive texture compression. Also one specific question, I used to play with a mod which showed on the map the actual reentry trajectory (with a red curve when entering the atmosphere), I think it is "trajectories" but apparently is not working nor is the right one. Any clues?
  8. For me, mods are never enough. I find the stock version pretty boring and I terribly feel the lack of multiplayer challenges
  9. One of my most favourite mods ever. However I am experiencing an issue, and it is strange as yesterday it did work perfectly (i reinstalled everything again today) I have the mod unzipped in the ksp/gamedata folder as usual, having ksp/gamedata/ThunderAerospace and the 5 subdirectories. All subdirectories seem to be good, however according to the installation tutorial, the taclifesupport.dll is missing. In fact, when I run the game, I don't get that "info" pop up message the very first time, and I don't have the icon in the blizzy's toolbar Edit: I have found the -possible- issue. There are two downloadable links, the first one (curse link) appears to have the .dll file missing, but the second link is ok. However, while game is loading, a popup message says the .dll file is incorrect (or missing can't remember)
  10. I am playing this game since december, and I am truly loving it. At first this game wasn't that interesting to me, then I discovered the "Add-on Releases" section and the game totally changed. I started using ScanSat, Remote Tech, Deadly Reentry, those loving USI addons... and few other mods for resources and space station modules. Really really beautiful. However... It looked like there was always something "missing", something that I could add and integrate. So I decided to delete everything and restart choosing accurately which mod/plugin/addon/whatever to install. But meh.. what a choice! First of all, I found my win 8.1 / 64bit install isn't -that- supported from the game and this is even more complicating things (I suppose) Secondly... if it's up to me, I would download everything and go berserk. More stuff, more modules, more everything, more fun. But it doesn't look to be such a good idea. Even because Some mods apparently don't support others. Recently I have "discovered" the realism overhaul thread which is offering many interesting things, but although I do want something more realistic, I am not sure it suites perfectly to me (I like the challenge of it, but I would love to discover things using ScanSat and have fun with station modules/colonisation, still trying to figure out if it is supported). At the end, is there any guide, or package, or anything else that helps choosing the mods in that flooded section?
  11. I installed this newest version and added the .dll (I am running win 8.1). As soon as the game starts loading, I get the ingame popup error, saying this version is incompatible. Any suggestions, or should I stick back to the older deadly reentry version? Edit: now I get the error message even with the older error... what happened?
  12. That explanins many things. Thank you very much. I will try Active Texture Management as soon as I can
  13. It was one of my very first thoughts, however, I have 8Gb of ram (I am running Star Citizen at full res, is this game that ram consuming?). However you may be right, removing few random mods it makes the game ocassionally work. It now starts but it ctd very often
  14. Hi, I am experiencing an issue with this mod. After installing it, the game loads but as soon as the game menu should appear, it crashes to windows. Honestly, I did not read all the pages in this thread, too many. So far I couldn't find any help at all. Can some of you tell me what's wrong? I do have already installed Scansat, KSP I, Kethane, and using windows 8.1 (fon't know if it may help, but those where the mods that may affect I think)
  15. I solved the issue. It was not related to the mod itself, but launching the game using KSP MOD Admin will make you buildings fully upgraded. I just run the game from the normal launcher and I am fine. Thank You for the answer
  16. I am new to the modding system, and I need you help. I have installed this mod (which I really like it) using KSP MOD Adimn v1.4.0, with those reccomended extra mods (toolbar 1.7.8 and rasterpropmonitor). First of all, I am getting a sort of warning message at launch, saying 64bit version may crash bla bla blaa (in fact i am using windows 8.1) However, my main "issue" so far, are the fully upgraded buildings. I am playing on career mode (moderate difficulty) and I don't want my buildings fully upgraded at start. Is there any way to solve this issue?
  17. Thank You very much for your quick response, that wxplains all. I guess it will not be easy at all then... I didn't realize you could upgrade buildings by right clicking on it
  18. Hi, this is my first post, as I installed the game yesterday and I am truly happy about it so far. My issue atm is simple, I cannot get into orbit, as I don't get the "orbit node" or whatever you call it. I did see several youtube tutorials and finished the ingame tutorial, and honestly I don't think I am doing something wrong. Is it related to the fact I am playing on hard mode?
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