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Everything posted by eightiesboi

  1. Don't get me wrong, Science is awesome. It's the currency that allows me to unlock all sorts of neat toys for Jeb to play with. But what if Science did more than that? Specifically, what if the scientific missions you execute had a significant effect on your game? I imagine this would be a hardcore mode. Here's how it works: 1. The KSC gets a new building. Tier 1 is an Observatory, Tier 2 is a Planetarium, Tier 3 is a Game Design Center called Squad (obviously, names are subject to change). 2. Each tier does two things: it tells you more about the surrounding space and allows you to interpret incoming and preexisting scientific data. Each Tier would only be able to see stellar bodies of a size and distance corresponding with its range and sensitivity. It would be possible to enhance the range / sensitivity with probes and space telescopes. Before I get to point 3, consider that currently, if I want to know whether I can aerobrake on Eve, or how much dV I need for my descent and then return ascent from Duna, etc, I can look all of this up on a Wiki. But what if certain aspects of astronomical bodies were procedurally generated. What if (within a certain range) the gravity, atmospheric density, and like characteristics varied from game to game (obviously persistent within saves)? There would then be two ways of figuring out answers to the questions I just posed: send a manned mission and cross your fingers, or send an unmanned probe (with the proper scientific instruments) for SCIENCE! 3. Science transmitted by probes would tell you things about astronomical bodies that you could use in your space program. The data would persist between building tiers and could be re-analyzed. More missions would provide better refinements. 4. Tiered analysis would providing varying levels of detail. For example, Tier 1 atmospheric density data (thanks, barometer!) might tell you when the atmosphere begins on a world. Tier 2 would give you a table of terminal velocities for rough altitude breaks. Tier 3 (in conjunction with other data) would give you a chart showing a best-case ascent with gravity turn. 5. Special scientific instruments would be deployed that would allow for one time use and transmission of data, even beyond normal range (thanks Remote Tech!). In fact, some probes would be designed to deliberately crash into a solar body for the purposes of retrieving SCIENCE! 6. Obviously, the other thing the probes would do is help discover bodies outside the range of the current observatory / planetarium / whatever. Hubble telescope? In sum, this addition to KSP would create a mode where every stellar body has some variation from "the book" and only by flying missions (hopefully unmanned ones) could you accumulate enough analyzed data to safely send Jeb outward. Thoughts?
  2. Damn it, that would be it... I am 13M K away. Or 13Gm, I guess. As I think of it, it would be nice if the wiki used consistent measurements. On the Root Range table, it uses M km. On the list of parts in the Player's guide, it uses km AND M km (in different places). In some of the tutorials (like the Interplanetary Networks one) it uses Gm. Still my fault, but can someone say Mars Climate Orbiter? Lol! Thanks somnambulist.
  3. Hey all, I am having problems establishing a connection with a Duna-bound probe. It has an activated KR-7 pointed towards Kerbin. Kerbin has a series of comms sats, all with multiple dishes and all with one KR-7 pointed towards the active vessel. I also have a medium range comms-sat with an 88-88 pointed towards the Duna probe. The new medium range sat is within the Kerbin cone of the Duna probe (as far as I can tell). I am using the Root Range model. I realize that my Duna probe has its dish pointed towards Kerbin and not towards a specific satellite, but if I understand correctly, it should link with any appropriately targeted dish within its cone. I can't figure out why I don't have a connection. I'd appreciate assistance. Screenshots and log posted here: http://1drv.ms/1CMilkX Thanks! - ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic 4-3 - AlternateResourcePanel - BetterBuoyancy v1.1 - Chatterer 0.8.1 - CommunityResourcePack 0.3.3 - ConnectedLivingSpace - DeadlyReentry v6.4.0 - DistantObject v1.5.2 - DistantObject-default v1.5.2 - DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.1 - FinalFrontier 0.6.5-697 - FirespitterCore 7.0.5463.30802 - Fusebox 1.3 - GCMonitor - InFlightWaypoints Deprecated - KAS 0.4.10 - KerbalAlarmClock v3.2.3.0 - KerbalConstructionTime 1.1.2 - KerbalEngineerRedux - KSP-AVC - ModuleManager 2.5.10 - NEAR v1.3.1 - NebulaEVAHandrails 1.1 - NoMoreGrind 1.2 - NRAP autodetected dll - PlanetShine - PreciseNode 1.1.2 - ProceduralFairings v3.11 - RasterPropMonitor-Core v0.19 - RealChute 1.3 - Regolith 0.1.7 - RemoteTech v1.6.3 - SAVE 0.9.17-387 - SCANsat v10.0 - ScienceAlert 1.8.4 - Service-Compartments-6S 1.3 - StageRecovery 1.5.3 - StationScience 1.4 - TACLS v0.10.2b - TACLS-Config-Stock v0.10.2b - Toolbar 1.7.8 - Trajectories 1.1.3 - TransferWindowPlanner v1.2.3.0 - TriggerAu-Flags - UniversalStorage - USI-SRV 0.2.2 - USITools 0.3.2
  4. Love the mod, and I consider it one of my must haves... here's my problem. I had launched a mission through the KCT Icon on the Space Center. During flight, KSP crashed during a scene transition (and under the 3.5 MB mem limit... go figure). When I reentered KSP, it showed a rocket on the launch pad, with "Launch" and "Recover" being my choices from the icon. No rocket listed on the KCT Toolbar. Launching the rocket starts a simulation. Am I missing something here? Thanks!
  5. I don't know if the links have been recently damned (or sanctified, for that matter); however, if you are referring to the download links to TAC-LS, they are on the first page, in the first post, obfuscated under the heading: "Download the latest version". If you mean some other damn links, like links to other threads or sausage links or a golf course, then more information about which specific damn links you are looking for would be helpful. Asking nicely wouldn't hurt either. (PS - TaranisElsu, can we get Holy Water modules? For space vampires? Someone saw a Vorvon hanging around my space station. )
  6. I was using a probe core... and the suggestion to delete the wheels and reapply them worked perfectly... thanks all for your help! Repped!
  7. Thanks for the suggestion, but I am using mirror symmetry already.
  8. Courtesy of CKAN, my currently installed mods: - ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic 4-3 - AlternateResourcePanel - BetterBuoyancy v1.1 - Chatterer 0.8.1 - CommunityResourcePack 0.3.3 - ConnectedLivingSpace - DeadlyReentry v6.4.0 - DistantObject v1.5.2 - DistantObject-default v1.5.2 - DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.1 - FinalFrontier 0.6.5-697 - FirespitterCore 7.0.5463.30802 - Fusebox 1.3 - GCMonitor - InFlightWaypoints Deprecated - KAS 0.4.10 - KerbalAlarmClock v3.2.3.0 - KerbalConstructionTime 1.1.2 - KerbalEngineerRedux - KronalVesselViewer 0.0.4_0.90.0 - KSP-AVC - KSPTips - ModuleManager 2.5.10 - NEAR v1.3.1 - NebulaEVAHandrails 1.1 - NoMoreGrind 1.2 - NRAP autodetected dll - PlanetShine - PreciseNode 1.1.2 - ProceduralFairings v3.11 - RasterPropMonitor-Core v0.19 - RealChute 1.3 - Regolith 0.1.7 - RemoteTech v1.6.3 - SAVE 0.9.17-387 - SCANsat v10.0 - ScienceAlert 1.8.4 - Service-Compartments-6S 1.3 - StageRecovery 1.5.3 - StationScience 1.4 - TACLS v0.10.2b - TACLS-Config-Stock v0.10.2b - Toolbar 1.7.8 - Trajectories 1.1.3 - TransferWindowPlanner v1.2.3.0 - TriggerAu-Flags - UniversalStorage - USI-SRV 0.2.2 - USITools 0.3.2
  9. Sorry, yes, it has the BTDT part from ScanSat. I will try reapplying them... If you mean, invert steering, that is true, however it isn't the steering that is the issue but the direction of movement (forward vs. backward)
  10. All, I am designing my first rover, and I have a problem that has me stumped. My wheels don't behave consistently in regards to directional controls. Sometimes forward is forward, and sometimes forward is backwards. If all the wheels behaved the same, I wouldn't have a problem, but the rear wheels and the front wheels are not in agreement. In the latest version, three out of four wheels agreed as to direction, and the fourth went the opposite way. Suggestions? File here: http://1drv.ms/1G5TcnY
  11. Hey all, I realize I am crashing because I am out of memory. Any suggestions on what to pull that would have the most effect? I am already running ATM Basic and have no desire to bump it up to Aggressive. There were a slew of recent updates for many of my mods; prior to the updates, I could go an hour or more without crashing. Now, I am lucky to get through 6-7 scene changes. Logs posted here: http://1drv.ms/1Chz7fo Suggestions?
  12. Thanks... Unfortunately, I was sending out a probe to Duna before I can communicate that far (using RT2 and KCT, so I was planning ahead)... ah, well... it may be lost! lol!
  13. Has anyone besides smjjames and me seen this behavior? Does anyone have suggestions?
  14. I am experiencing this issue with two probes; one which is Duna-bound, and one on it's way to Minimus. The Orbital trajectory blinks rapidly between two different paths. Screenshots, log file, and short video here: http://1drv.ms/1DSBnrg Suggestions? It makes it awfully hard to plan maneuvers when clicking on the path becomes a game of whack-a-mole.... Lol! Windows 32 bit
  15. Amazingly done... I may just have to link to your video to get more of my friends into KSP! Thanks!
  16. Disclaimer: I am not one of those CKAN folks, but I *am* the person who submitted a bug for the installation of TAC-LS on CKAN's github page (here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-support/issues/79) The issue still shows as open. I haven't personally tried reinstalling it, as there hasn't been an update to TAC-LS. The issue on CKAN is that you have to have a configuration selected, but CKAN believes the config owner and the TAC-LS owner are different and won't allow for modification of the directory. Again, I haven't tried it lately. In other news, TAC-LS was responsible for one of my more spectacular KSP moments, as Jeb had to be rescued from both the Mun *and* Munar orbit, and his diminishing life support made the whole incident a nail-biter. I love this mod.
  17. I recently (last night) received a mention in KSP that my save was corrupted. My saved career game disappeared from KSP's list and from S.A.V.E. However, once I manually moved my save files from the S.A.V.E. directory back to their previous home in the KSP directory, my game was restored. So, restoration of corrupted game from within the S.A.V.E. interface--not in this instance. All of my hard work with my career saved by S.A.V.E. and a tiny bit of manual intervention--done! Thank you! You saved Jeb! (Well, technically since I just sent him on a mission to land on the Mun and I screwed up with my maneuver nodes meaning that he won't have enough fuel left to reach escape velocity, AND since I play with TAC-LS and KCT, the chance of getting a rescue mission to him in time is pretty slim, I think you doomed Jeb. But all for SCIENCE!)
  18. Possibly. I submitted it to the location the error message suggested, which had to do with metadata, which may be correct... but who knows. When CKAN works, it works. When it doesn't, eek. The real problem is, of course, that KSP doesn't have any built-in mod management. Well, that and there are so many parts of KSP that are enhanced by mods that probably should be stock. This mod is definitely one of them. I understand that there is a balance between game and sim that the devs want to maintain, but the lack of life support in a game about going into space seems like a move in the wrong direction. In any case, I am neither a champion of CKAN or a detractor. I was only responding to an earlier poster who couldn't find this mod on CKAN. Thanks for all your hard work! My Kerbals and I appreciate it.
  19. IIRC, all the stock probe cores are upgraded to have antennas with 3000m range. Include the Reflectron DP-10 on all your probes and you'll be fine. Well, you'll be able to launch and stage--fine is up to you. - - - Updated - - - You don't even need action groups. I have a probe on its way to Duna. After I set the appropriate (I hope) delay in the flight computer, any command you click on through the right click menu for a part gets added to the queue.
  20. Yes, but it is bugged right now. If you try to install TAC-LS, it will make you choose one of the two config files to go with it, and then it errors out. If you choose a config file without TAC-LS, it automatically attempts to install TAC-LS as well and errors out. Errors submitted to CKAN Github. As an aside, I believe the problem is that the core TAC-LS file has a config in it, and the two other configs are attempting to override it. I know there's a way to make this work, as DRE and Distant Object Enhancement both work fine with their respective configs in CKAN. Love this mod. I keep KSP-Admin around merely for this mod and nothing else.
  21. I am using the regular install with the quickfix noted on the front page I haven't had any problems yet. I didn't wait for the fix to become official, although I am hoping it happens soon... TAC LS is the only mod I can't install with CKAN right now! Also, if anyone would mind looking at my post (2561) above, I'd really appreciate some feedback. Thanks!
  22. Never mind, I am an idiot. I had apparently switched presets at some point, and had beeps not enabled in the one I switched to. Again, thank you for this mod. I really missed it when I thought it wasn't working!
  23. Hey all! I could really use some help here. Although my config file matches another players (thanks Aedile), my amounts seem off. According to the Life Support Build Aid, in the VAB, my Mark I shows the following: Food: 1 day, 1 minute, 4 seconds Water: 5 hours, 15 minutes, 53 seconds Oxygen: 4 hours, 32 minutes, 1 second Electricity: 53 minutes, 29 seconds Can anyone confirm or reject these values for me? If they are right, something seems wrong that a base capsule has more food than oxygen, and the electricity definitely seems really low to me. Help?
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