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Everything posted by eightiesboi

  1. Okay, color me stupid, but how do I use this? I presumed that this takes the functionality of Launch Numbering to the next level, but I'll be damned if I can get it to work. Would anyone with a brain please walk me through setting up a series of launches? If someone has the patience, I'd like two different scenarios: 1. A series of probe missions, all with the same name but numerically increasing iterations (like Launch Numbering does). 2. A series of manned missions, with multiple command pods (like the actual Apollo missions). Thanks in advance for alleviating my ignorance.
  2. Hi there. I know this is a long topic (109 pages so far), but if you read the first page and skimmed back just one or two pages you would find out two things: 1. The simulation system is no longer part of KCT, and 2. The inventory system is indeed broken. If you want to use KCT just for the time element, you can download the dev build. The fact that magico13 has done any work at all on a mod for a game he isn't actively playing is pretty amazing. And it's a good thing you aren't screaming, as that won't really get you anywhere. Fly well!
  3. That's so funny, in that I haven't played in about a year because I've been waiting for KSP to stabilize (which it seems it finally has) and for my last two must-have mods (this one and DRE) to be updated. On the one hand, this self-enforced delay has gotten me to play a whole bunch of other games in the interim. On the other, it has allowed my desire to create a space program from scratch One More Time(tm) to build back up. I think I am going to pull the trigger at the end of next weekend. I have to go to Seattle next Friday, and when I return, I think that will be a perfect time to send some Kerbals to their fiery deaths... I mean, send some Kerbals into space. (Same thing, actually. Well, maybe not without DRE.) magico13, you've done a lot for the modding community. If you are truly done, please accept my thanks--you made my game experience so much better and more immersive. Squad made a great base, but the actions of you and your fellow modders are what really has made this game an all-time favorite for so many of us--and the fact you did it on your own, for no real compensation, is amazing. If you are even in San Francisco, PM me and let me buy you a coffee, a beer, or a Tesla. Okay, probably not the Tesla.
  4. Not remotely. Why would you think that? The mod author has a post literally above yours.
  5. If you mean, can you access the editor window in the VAB / SPH before you open action groups? No, you cannot. You can right click the part and resize the chute. IIRC, you can also right click in the flight scene and adjust there. And all of this is in the FAQ and video in the OP as well as re-answered on a regular basis (including on the previous page to this one).
  6. @StupidAndy - The answer to your question is three posts above yours, by the mod author.
  7. Hi Starwaster! I hope you had a great weekend! I have a question for you regarding something you said above... you mentioned that KSP 1.2 has native features now duplicating some of the features in Deadly Reentry. Now, I know DR has much more to it that is not provided by stock, but in the interim until you have the time to decide which features to override, implement, ignore, or whatnot, is there a stock configuration you would recommend that would give me some of the tasty goodness (or blowy-up-ness) of DR? At least for an early (Kerbin orbit, maybe Mun or Minimus returns) career? Thanks!
  8. Awesome, and thanks for the quick response!
  9. Hey Cerebrate! Any reason why this wouldn't work in 1.2.1? And thank you for maintaining this!
  10. @RoverDude's change log shows a version 0.6.3 with only the line that it is for KSP 1.2.1, but the current release on GitHub is 0.6.2 (same as CKAN), which I would interpret to mean that there is a new version pending, but not released. RoverDude probably has his hands doubly full right now; I'm sure there's a new release forthcoming. RoverDude also manages his own CKAN metadata, so when 0.6.3 *is* released, CKAN should update quickly. Patience.
  11. Well done and thank you! I've missed Science Alert, and I've been using a combination of [X}Science and Biomatic in the meantime, but this is much more elegant!
  12. Ya know, I wondered if it could be as simple as that (i.e. the sides sticking out), but I figured that it had to be me, not the heatshield. Okay, back to the drawing board... thank you!
  13. Hey Starwaster! After a hiatus (thank you, XCOM 2), I am back playing KSP and in a new career; however, my skill set has apparently deteriorated with time. I am trying to have a probe survive reentry on Kerbin from an AP of around 500km. Probe is an OKTO core with two (small) radial attached chutes and a 6.25 heat shield. So far, I've survived exactly one reentry with a PE of around 50km, but did not survive a subsequent reentry (APs were slightly different). Although the ablator burns down on the heat shield, it does nothing to protect the skin of my OKTO, which heats up to 850k and goes POOF! I am using FAR. Suggestions? If it will help, I can run one quick sim and attach the logs, but I am really looking for suggestions as to PE, unless you think there may be something else wrong (besides my inherent ineptitude, of course). (BTW - if it wasn't obvious, I am holding a retrograde descent, and my chutes DON'T burn up (nor does anything else.) Thanks, and as always, thank you for making this mod!
  14. @kcs123 and @FourGreenFields, thank you. Just got back from a late night run through the park and booted up KSP. Going to try to put into use what all of you taught me in the last 24 before I crash for the night... or day. My Kerbals see more sun than I do.
  15. All, Thank you for all the input. I have a lot to work on now! I *did* figure out that I had my control surfaces set incorrectly (which explains why my elevons designated for roll control would angle opposite of my pitch elevons whenever I tried to takeoff!). Built a second craft with long, thin wings that flies relatively well, although landing so far is, erm, difficult. I also notice that it is plastered to the ground and I have to run out of runway to get airborne, but then I pitch up easily. I suspect that my front landing gear may be too low, keeping my nose to close to the ground. @kcs123 - I don't have access to retractable wheels yet, as I just started the tech tree (ETT, this time) in my career. But your points are good ones--I'd been using auto friction up until now. Thanks! @Van Disaster - Wow! Thank you! I'll be tearing apart the revised craft file to see what you did! To answer the questions you asked, no, I did not use tweakscale (don't have it installed, actually), and my parts were placed using only the stock offset tools, which is probably why you see those gaps. I have since added editor extensions to this install (used to use it, thought I wouldn't need it post 1.1). The engines were connected directly to the air intakes and surface attached to the fuel fuselage (which surprisingly worked). My runway is fully upgraded (I thought the potholes were a problem before tetryds suggested I reorient my landing gear). @FourGreenFields - Could I convince you to link the .craft file for me? I'd love to take that apart as well. Lastly (to anyone), are there any suggestions on how to determine proper gear placement AND height? I saw in the FAR YouTube tutorial that a slightly nose down arrangement, while making it more difficult to take off, also makes it easier to stick the landings. But I think that's one of the reasons I have difficultly in taking off. Is there a happy medium? Again, thank you all--I very much appreciate the help you've given me.
  16. Apologies--I am a day-sleeper, so I posted that right before I went to sleep. I meant to post this one, which is only stock parts (No RealChute, KER, or RemoteTech) https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=FE34D6542466878C!324052&authkey=!AKjzM2Vb5MAalk0&ithint=file%2ccraft First, your suggestion about the wheels with the rotation gizmo kept me on the runway until I hit 130 m/s--thank you! I've been playing since .25 but I never knew that trick. This is my first real stab at flying planes instead of rockets. Second, the screenshots are here: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=FE34D6542466878C!324056&authkey=!ALK3uHR5boMbD7M&ithint=folder%2c I noticed that my elevons assigned to roll control activate when I am trying to take off, but deleting them (for the sake of attempting take off) didn't help. I assume my problem is that I'm an idiot and that I have a lot to learn about designing planes before Boeing names me as their chief engineer. Finally, @tetryds, I tried to read the Elevator control deflection link in your sig, but I keep getting bounced back to the first page of this thread. Can you send me a direct link? And a few more potatoes? Thanks all... I have some free time today, so I am hoping I can send Jeb skyward.
  17. Hey all, I could really use some input. After watching the YouTube tutorial and reading the wiki, I decided to take a stab at FAR in my new career. I built a craft that I *believe* should be stable, but I start bouncing all around the runway long before takeoff. Can someone with a brain take a look and give me a suggestion as to what I've screwed up? Craft file should be all stock, and it represents the best parts I can get at this point in my career. I am also more than willing to accept any advice, pointers, or potatoes--whatever you've got to throw in my direction. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=FE34D6542466878C!318466&authkey=!ALLoeYpqtnw8UY4&ithint=file%2ccraft Thanks!
  18. Hi Starwaster,

    You probably don't remember, but we spoke briefly after Melificent passed. I mentioned my own cat, Charlotte, who resembles Melificent. Charlotte is now in her 19th year with stage 4 kidney failure but who refuses to act her age (in a good sense), although realistically this will be our last year together. I hope all is well with you. Just threw a post up on the DRE page in hopes that people looking for the solution to their KIS issues end up in the right place, and I hope you don't mind. Anyways, thank you for continuing to improve the KSP experience for all of us.


    Scott aka eightiesboi



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. eightiesboi


      So sorry to hear about Ariel.

    3. Starwaster


      Thanks man I posted a picture of her in the DRE thread

    4. eightiesboi


      I noticed. She was a cutie.

  19. I had the same problem and it is (apparently) related to an interaction between certain mods which includes DRE and KIS (I don't use the other mod implicated); however, it does *not* appear to be a DRE issue, but rather a KIS one. If you go here: and use the indicated patch, the problem goes away without having to give up on all the DRE goodness. And I (for one) won't play KSP without DRE!
  20. ShotgunNinja, today I took the plunge. I am switching from TAC-LS to the pure Kerbalism experience. You put way too much time, energy, and effort into this for me not to give it a go. Again, thank you. Looking forward to many tear-drenched funeral processions from all of my radiated, asphyxiated, starved, and bored test subjects...er, pilots.
  21. I do *NOT* have Stock Bug Fixes etc installed. I *do* have DRE installed, and I was also unable to add parts into inventories. I grabbed the patch and replaced the KIS.dll with it, and voila, inventory access restored. Thank you!
  22. Probably silly question, but what's the chance of being able to equip just the JetWing parachute (or "board" it, or attach it to a kerbal, or whatever) so that I can use it as a parachute all by itself for some of my more unreasonable test flights?
  23. Can someone confirm what the oxygen consumption rate should be in a non-RSS (Kerbal days) game? I have a heavily modded install and for some reason Oxygen counts down like my Kerbal is doing wind sprints, while food and water consumption are normal. No logs to post (yet), as I want to check the obvious first. Nevermind - I somehow managed to duplicate my profile doubling all my consumption rates. Error ID10T. Thanks, and thank you danfarnsy for bringing my must-have LS mod up-to-date!
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