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Everything posted by eightiesboi

  1. Do you have any recommendations regarding this issue right now, or should we hold off accepting contracts with Kerbal rescues. I am fine with waiting (I am working on putting a new hotel in orbit; after all, there appears to be quite a bit of street traffic up there!)--just asking for your input. Also, I noticed that the .625 m Deadly Reentry heat shield has no radiation, but the stock .625 heat shield has a tiny bit. Could I recommend that the two shields be made equal in the protection they potentially offer (and that the DRE shield match the stock one's protection, instead of deleting it from stock)? I logged this and my recommended code (copied right from your configs!) on GitHub. As always, thank you.
  2. Hi @Papa_Joe, I think one thing that may contribute to the confusion is the wiki may be out-of-date. Specifically, in the section regarding CLS use in the VAB it says: "Surface Attached Parts Pass: This parameter tells you if a part attached radially to this part is passable. **Overrides the other parts passability setting.**" [emphasis added] Some people, myself included, may be getting confused because of this. Your explanation above, however, makes sense.
  3. Thanks for your response. I too tried to figure a way to do it, but I am simply not smart enough to figure it out. I figured that, at least for the deployable antennas, there should be an event that fires when they deploy that could trigger resource conversion. After all, you can't transmit when they are stowed, and the program is smart enough to figure that out. But I can't code, only muck about in the configs, and I didn't find an answer there. This is why I appreciate you and your peers so much. You make the game so much better, and I have no idea what wizardry you work to create the things you do, but I am damn glad that you do it! Thank you!
  4. There's an interaction between PDPN and KRASH simulator that means that PDPN templates that rely on incrementing counters don't get reset upon the termination of the simulation. So, launch craft in simulation, PDPN template names Probe #1. Reset sim and launch again (real or simulated) and the Probe then becomes Probe #2.
  5. I am trying to figure it out, to take the grunt work off your hands, but I didn't see anything in the TAC-LS folder, and I compared the configs for the 4 different in-line part sizes and found no difference (that I could detect) that would explain this. I am sorry, I was hoping I'd be able to say, "found it", but clearly I haven't.
  6. Hi @Papa_Joe, First, thanks for this and your many other mods. I noticed that the TAC-LS in-line 2.5m parts are listed as passable in CLS, but neither the larger nor smaller ones are. Since there are no indications in the models that the 2.5 meter parts should be passable, and since the 3.75m parts aren't passable, I think this is an error. Am I correct, or am I missing something? Logs, mods list, config files, and cats available on request.
  7. @Papa_Joe said, one page prior to this one, on December 8th, that he was working on this mod and some of the compatibility issues with 1.3.1. He didn't say the mod is currently compatible, and a quick perusal of the previous pages indicates that it may need some TLC from him first. The quote of mine you included was a response specifically to someone who was having problems with CKAN (mod not showing up when the poster believed it should, poster's KSP version not disclosed), which is why I suggested that, since the issue of compatibility was raised here already, that person should take his specific problem to where he can get help (i.e., the CKAN thread). Furthermore, the CKAN discussion on GitHub that you linked to says everything I just said. And, after raising the issue with the mod author--which has been done--the mod author has no responsibility to deal with CKAN problems (if any exist) nor should we be discussing them in the Ship Manifest thread. TL;DR, the mod author hasn't validated that this version works with 1.3.1 due to issues that are being addressed, so CKAN showing that this mod is incompatible with 1.3.1 is accurate at this time.
  8. Since the proposed fix has been tested by a large group of volunteers (okay, 2) and appears to work without blowing anything up, I'd like to request the fix be included in the next update. Until then, I suggest anyone that has Kopernicus installed and is experiencing the solar panels issue try the file in the dropbox folder above. As always, thank you @linuxgurugamer for this and the multitude of other mods you maintain and develop!
  9. I didn't have the localization issue problem UNTIL the update... lol! I do now, same as the screenshot above. I have reinstalled with no joy.
  10. Hey @WuphonsReach, nicely done mod! I really like the way it differentiates between direct and relay antennas, and it has become a necessary part of my game. One request thought--I like the generators on the relay antennas, but it would be nice if they not active when the deployable antennas were stowed. I don't know if this is possible, but in my early games I find myself sometimes having difficulties with running out of power on launch and transfer vessels. For example, I built a separate launch and transfer stage to bring three new relays to orbit simultaneously. The relays were housed inside a fairing and completely stowed, yet as I awaited my maneuver node window, I was rapidly consuming electric charge from antennas that weren't deployed. Since I hadn't (and couldn't, based on spacing) deployed my solar panels on the relays yet, my small panels on the transfer vessel were unable to keep up with the demands from the relay antenna. Anyways, whether you can make a change or not, I really like the mod and appreciate the work you've done. Thank you!
  11. On the very first page is a list on what you need to get support (for example, logs) and how to find those things (like, where to find your logs). Your post doesn't give enough information for anyone to help you. You don't have what version of KSP, or when your getting an error, or what the error message is. You didn't even list the mods you had but provided a few and that you can't remember the others. Is that list all but one of your mods or do you have 200 others? I'm not the mod developer, but I try to help out other players when I can. Remember that mod authors don't get paid for their hard work. If you want help, please spend the time to at least read the first post, provide what the author asks for, and be patient. Help us help you.
  12. I was just about to install when I noticed this. I *do* use KCT normally. Can this be worked-around by not tracking technology discoveries and facility upgrades, or are the issues larger than that? Thanks!
  13. Good! That makes it more likely that a med center is in this mod's future! I *did* just notice the link to the wiki, and I am sorry I didn't see it sooner as it answered my questions pretty well, although to be honest, I probably still would have asked. Two more questions: first, is there a way I can make the scientist as good at curing disease as the medic? I don't use MKS, so I didn't even get the reference until I did a bit of searching. Second, where can I send you a coffee / beer / beverage of your choice? I am very grateful to mod authors like yourself that share the benefits of your labors with the rest of us, which makes the game so much more interesting.
  14. Got it. So, if I were to make a "clean room" on Kerbin by building a small structure at the KSC and had my Kerbals confined to it for a few weeks, and then transferred them (via SM or simply walking them over) to their vessel, that would suffice to quarantine them, yes? Or have I missed something? Seriously, I love the thought that goes into this. It's why I use life support mods and why I use KCT. In fact, this works well with KCT, in that I can quarantine my Kerbals while the rocket rolls out to the pad.
  15. Yep. No joy in any scenario except the cheat-y one. Lol For whatever reason, the manually extended solar panel functioned the same as the automatically extended one in every way except for the EC produced didn't go into the battery. Maybe Valentina forgot to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.
  16. First, thank you for designing this mod. I am using it on my latest career playthrough and I like it and all the thought you've put into it. Would you mind explain sickness to me? (Well, there are things like bacteria and viruses...) Specifically, you mention that you might want to quarantine your Kerbals for several weeks before going on a long mission. What do mean by "quarantine", in respect to the game (obviously, there's no place to do so in the stock KSC). Also, presuming you have a crew of 5 Kerbals: if you "quarantine" them for a few weeks (past the incubation period) does that really have an effect on the simulation of sickness (obviously, IRL, you quarantine your astronauts in a clean room and can control [to an extent] the presence of pathogens. Since KSP doesn't really have pathogens, and it's an RNG that's deciding when your Kerbal is sick, does quarantining them actually help?) Thanks, and sorry to be so dense. It's morning and I haven't had coffee yet. Lol
  17. Hey all, (Summary - Manual deployment of a solar panel by a Kerbal on EVA resulted in that panel not producing EC) I am running a modded install and I had a probe in LKO that had become stranded. I forgot to extend solar panels after I made orbit and the generators on my antennas courtesy of the Stock Antenna Balance mod ate all my EC! Of course, this wasn't my first satellite design, and I had a single OX-STAT perfectly positioned in case something like this happened. By "perfectly positioned" I mean positioned in such a way that it got no sunlight at all, and therefore was useless. I also had neglected to switch on my reserve power. However, Valentina, currently on an endurance test for Project Thursday, was in orbit nearby and adjusted her ship's orbit to intercept the probe. She made a daring spacewalk over to the Mango 7 probe, and manually extended one of the solar panels, and returned to her capsule. Yay! Probe saved! Except... when I switched over to the probe, I still had no EC. The solar panel was tracking normally, and it showed full sunlight AND indicated that energy was flowing, but wherever it was going it wasn't into my batteries. I checked the log but didn't see anything obvious. My probe was sitting, in orbit, with a single solar panel tracking the sun, and yet it was still dead. I checked the save file and compared the extended panel's characteristics with its mirror. They were the same except for the items that related to one panel being extended and the other not. I compared the extended panel to another ship with an extended panel. Same states on both. I gave up, added a little EC to the battery in the save file, reloaded it, and watched my vessel come to life. I noticed the extended panel still did not appear to be accumulating EC. I extended the other panel and it works normally. Any one with any ideas? I do use NFE / NFS and Dynamic Battery Storage, but those are the only mods I can think of that touch the electrical system. I have the save file and my mod list available, as well as the logs. Thanks!
  18. @LastStarDustThere is an option, as @eberkain suggests. In your active game, go to the pause menu and look for this mod's settings there. You can tweak the effect this mod has as well as turn certain features on / off. It's really well done.
  19. @Gotmachine (and others): I think I am doing something wrong. I am interested in this mod in its own right, but I too am looking for a replacement for PR. What I miss is the functionality where my vessel always kept its rotation relative to a specific chosen body. I liked this functionality for vessels that had non-tracking solar panels (so that my ship doesn't rotate its panel away from the EC-giving goodness) and for roleplaying (ScanSat, mostly). I have this mod installed, but regardless of whether I have SAS activated or not, my vessel orientation continues to change. I am not in warp, and the probe core I am using doesn't have pro (or retro) grade hold, so I am talking SAS only. Does this mod act as a PR replacement in this regard? Also, is there any chance you would consider adding PR's ability to set rotation / orientation relative to a selected body? If I have a solar panel, I want to remain in the same orientation relative to Kerbol. If I am scanning my homeworld, I want my orientation to remain the same relative to Kerbin. In any case, thank you for the work you've done on this mod. You, and the other modders, are what keep me playing KSP.
  20. KCT is one of my absolutely favorite mods for exactly this reason. In fact, when I started a brand new career for 1.31, I originally had decided to wait until KCT and Scrapyard were out of beta. I eventually did start my career (without KCT or Scrapyard), but I am compromising in that I am setting up my basic satellite com system and the like and not doing any "real" mission until KCT is out (of beta). That allows me to get through that same very basic setup we've all done countless times rather quickly while not feeling too cheaty. I am really hoping that someday there will be a KSP 2 that will include KCT and Scrapyard into stock (as well as a whole bunch of other mods, obviously). The still-active long-term development community of modders is absolutely amazing. I really think we owe @magico13 a boatload of thanks and more than a few coffees.
  21. This isn't the place for CKAN discussions, but this mod is indeed on CKAN with the current version ( Unless you mean the localization updates aren't showing up on a CKAN install, which might be a bug but you probably need to provide more information before anyone can help you.
  22. Well, with Filter Extensions, could these be put in a "Decals" category? I realize I probably can (and probably will) do this myself; I am making a suggestion for future releases. I am sure there are A LOT of people that use a whole lot of mods you have created or maintained, and that would just be one way in which they were integrated. No worries if that is not in the cards. I still very much appreciate all that you do.
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