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Everything posted by eightiesboi

  1. Sorry, somehow I missed the notification that you responded. Usually you want to provide your output.log and your ksp.log. There are plenty of resources on the boards to tell you how and where to find them. For me, I'll take your KSP.log as a starting point. Are you stage-locked intentionally? I see that it appears that you are locked. I also noted you are NOT playing with comms required for control. Am I correct? Is this a career save? Yes, mechjeb is enabled on your probe, and yes, it can certainly override your SAS. And if it did, it would have exactly the symptoms you describe; however, other things can also do that. And no, you don't necessarily have to have autopiloting obviously activated; for example, if you have mechjeb installed and you use the gravity turn mod, it will automagically set up a circularization maneuver after launch and maintain your heading towards the appropriate maneuver node without any obvious indication that Mechjeb is what is doing this. I just noticed you are using remotetech. Are you sure then that you have a signal for probe control?
  2. Hey @linuxgurugamer! I think I may have found another minor bug. Same install. I have the option to use the % of atmosphere selected and to disable at 66%. However, at 66,000m I received a notification that BPB was disabled due to passing the atmosphere limit. Screenshot and logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbdvjwKp-E8lUOXpGQ?e=OVFnec, although I didn't catch the message. I can repeat it as necessary. Thank you!
  3. Hey @flart, In trying to figure out my (unrelated) CommNet issues, I think I have noted a bug. Screenshots and logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbdjfK5cAvwQlXb9Ig?e=McIxBN Basically, you will note in the screenshots that I nerfed the DSN and my antenna range. The part display in the VAB seems to indicate this correctly, however the action window does not. Is that a bug or is it just something that is out of scope for the mod? Let me know if I've been unclear or if you need more info. I need caffeine. Thank you for this and all of your other modding! All the work you do to make everyone's game a bit better is much appreciated!
  4. Start clean. If you are using Steam, move your entire gamedata folder (except for Squad folders) out of the directory and verify files. Then (assuming all is well), add RO and it's dependencies and check. Since you have issues that may be related to multiple mods, this really is the quickest way to determining your problem. If you are using a mod manager like CKAN, you can export the list of installed mods to help you remember what you have installed. Keep in mind that CKAN isn't perfect, and you may have conflicts that you'll only know about if you read the forums for all of your installed mods. When you start re-adding your mods, again, if using CKAN, there is no reason why you can't add 4-6 at a time and test. If you encounter a problem, back up and go one at a time from the last batch of installs. There are really only four possibilities for what you are experiencing: 1. Nothing is wrong and everything is working as intended. I doubt this to be true as there is evidence that not all mods were installed or installed correctly, but I include this possibility for convenience. 2. There is an installation issue. A mod has not been installed correctly. This can be difficult to track down, as it may be that something went into the wrong folder or you may be missing the proper config, as appears to be the case with Kerbalism. 3. There is a conflict. One (or more) mods could be incompatible with your chosen install, or incompatible with the current version of KSP. As I noted above, you definitely had some mods that are out-of-date, and I don't know that all of them are compatible with KSP 1.7.3. Also, some of the mods don't work together, or have issues that require intervention: for instance, unless I am incorrect, SVE and RSS don't go together. 4. There is a genuine bug in one of your mods that is causing your problems. There may be others who can look through your log file and point to one specific culprit, but I am afraid that is not within my skillset. I can see that there are issues with your installed mods, and I can see that some of your installation choices don't necessarily play nice. Hence my advice remains: start over, move slowly. It may take some time and patience, but it will almost definitely identify your problem if not solve it outright. One last reminder: you can save your entire current KSP install by copying it to another folder and doing your clean sweep and installation tests on one KSP directory while leaving the other intact. That way, if you quickly identify the culprit, you might be able to simply remove it from your real directory and lose nothing but a bit of time.
  5. I don't, but your log indicates errors involving Principia and that it was not loaded: [ERR 23:08:08.063] Failed to load assembly C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Principia\x64\libglog.dll: System.BadImageFormatException: Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid. That is just one example; there are others. Oh, and I wasn't trying to be condescending; as I put, one's time on the forums is not necessarily indicative of one's time in game. However, not knowing where parts came from is frequently associated with installing mods without reading what they do (and add). Again, my best advice isn't to fix the loading of Principia, but to go backwards and add RO and maybe Kerbalism with the RO (not default) config first. Did I also see that you have SVE + RSS? I thought that SVE was for Stock only? I haven't used it in a while, so I could be wrong. Finally, some of your problems may be related to hardware limits. You don't talk about your system, but adding SVE + RO + Kerbalism + RSS (etc) requires a lot more computational power to begin with (as compared with stock). Adding Principia will further tax any system. I only mention this because you said it is hard to switch the part tab, which I take to mean it is slow to respond.
  6. Logs. Among other things they tell us what mods you have installed. In this case, a screenshot might help too.
  7. Looking at your logs, you have several mods that don't appear to be updated for KSP 1.7.3., and at least one mod that says it wasn't installed correctly (Principia). Are you installing everything manually? If so, make sure you are using updated mods and have installed all of the dependencies. You obviously can't use CKAN alone, as Principia can't be loaded via CKAN. Your log also indicates that you have the default config for Kerbalism instead of the RO config (although I may have misread that). I also don't see some of the dependencies for RO (like Real Heat). My recommendation would be to start fresh, install just the RO required mods and dependencies, and see if your problem persists. If it does, then you either have a genuine bug, a misinstalled mod, or an outdated one. If the problem goes away, start installing mods again and see if you can make the problem recur. Also, if you are installing mods without reading the forum notes for each one, you are buying trouble you don't want. You mention having "many engines" that you don't know where they are from. That is emblematic of not reading up on a mod before adding it. You don't say whether you are new to KSP or a veteran, and I am not going to make any assumptions just because you are relatively new to the forums, but if you are fairly new to this, start with stock and start adding mods slowly. When you are getting into RO, to a lesser extent Kerbalism, and to a greater extent Principia, having a very good idea on how the game works (both from the standpoint of gameplay and of the structure of the game itself) is extremely helpful.
  8. Thank you for the answers and the potential enhancements! KSP is funny in that it is one of those games that I go away from for a while and then get sucked back in. I hope that you're not just modding and that you take some time to ignore the boards and just build some rockets! Oh, and if I can help in any way, scream. I have no experience coding but I can test and I know how to follow instructions.
  9. Hey all, Moderately modded KSP install (1.7.3) with both the DLC. I started 1.7.3 fresh with a clean Steam install, using CKAN for mod management with a few tweaks. I had successfully launched a satellite to orbit (call it Sputnik). I screwed around a bit and then my editor keybinds were no longer working (couldn't angle snap). I bounced out to the main menu and checked my keybinds and noted that several of the ones in the editor were spontaneously missing. I thought the option to reset to default was for just the keybinds and was surprised when I found that all of my game settings had reverted to default. I went through and set them the way I wanted and the restarted and began playing. After doing some building, I launched another satellite (Sputnik 2), which was an exact copy of the original; however, I was surprised when I loss communication when reached space but before orbit. I have my DSN set to 0.10 and antenna range at 0.65, although putting them both back to 1.0 makes no difference. I have extra ground stations enabled. Switching off the option to require communications to control probes immediately restores control, so it is definitely a CommNet issue. I haven't played since 1.6, (and with the same CommNet ranges) but I don't recall losing signal at 70k-80k altitude; I recall having full coverage for Kerbin at that altitude. Since I didn't have this problem, I suspect that there is a setting that got nerfed, even though it appears that my extra ground stations are still enabled. In support of this supposition is that my config file tweak to allow the "Configure Vessel Name" dialog to exist in the flight scene was reverted and I had to reset it in the config file. However, I don't know where the flag for extra ground stations is or how to check it. Alternatively, can anyone else tell me whether they have problems with a 16 or 16s antenna losing connection between 70k and 80k altitude with extra groundstations enabled? Am I simply mis-remembering the coverage? Note that I don't think the range settings are a factor: I have 100% signal strength prior to losing connection with KSC and then 100% again from Harvester Massif when the connection is resumed. Logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbdPmwwoaYTI2u38dg?e=RXTksZ Update: Okay, I figured out a bit more. In a 75k orbit around Kerbin, with atmospheric occlusion at 1.00, there is a gap in coverage between the KSC and Harvester Massif. If someone wouldn't mind confirming my results, I'd appreciate it. In my previous career, I had atmospheric occlusion set at .90 and vacuum at 1.02, so I may not have noticed this gap in the past. Or is there something awry with my install? Anyone?
  10. Hey @severedsolo, I am getting part failures without notifications. Sometimes I get the notification that a part has failed, and others I get no message, just the highlighted part and the possibility of crashy goodness. Logs are here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbdPmwwoaYTI2u38dg?e=RXTksZ This is not critical; as far as I can tell, the mod is otherwise functioning normally. Let me know if you need anything else. Thank you! Update: immediately after experiencing the no notification failure, in the same game and without reloading (although on a different vessel and after changing scenes at least twice) I got a failure WITH notification. Logs are uploaded. The first logs without the parenthetical #1 are immediately after having a failure without notification, the second logs are immediately following a normal (with notification) failure.
  11. No worries. With all the mods you maintain and develop, it's amazing that everything generally works so well! Squad (er, Star Theory) should have already made you an offer you can't refuse! And by the time I had said "no worries" you had already fixed it. Lol. Thank you!
  12. Hey @linuxgurugamer, Just installed on a fresh (but modded) install and received the following message: Incorrect Haystack Continued Installation: Haystack Continued has been installed incorrectly and will not function properly. All files should be located in KSP/GameData/HaystackContinued/Plugins. Do not move any files from inside that folder. Incorrect path(s): GameData\ShipEffectsContinued\Plugins\ShipEffectsContinued.dll Note that I do not have Haystack Continued installed at all. Logs: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbdPmwwoaYTI2u38dg?e=43GpUG Thanks!
  13. Hey @severedsolo, I have two questions and possibly a request. This is not at all urgent, and if you don't have the time or inclination to do any of this, no worries! First, the questions. When orbits decay at whatever rate (say, 1%), is that applied symmetrically? Do circular orbits remain circular and elliptical elliptical, or is the decay only applied to the PE (or AP)? And does the orbital decay only happen for Kerbin, or does it happen for every celestial body? Now, the request: @Papa_Joe has unfortunately been gone for a bit and one of the casualties of his absence has been the Orbital Decay mod. Although it still functions to some extent, it does seem as if there are problems with using the last version on 1.7.3. As I've said before, I know you have no intentions of adding all of the functionality (like stationkeeping) from that mod into this one; however, it occurs to me that this mod could potentially duplicate the effects of Orbital Decay with little change. However, I am not a coder and I may be entirely wrong in my assumptions. Here's my thought though: In Kessler Syndrome, there is an option to include non-debris vessels in the orbital decay computation. I was thinking that if an option were added to have all vessels EXCEPT for one (or two) specified types to be subject to decay, it would function as a poor man's stationkeeping. So, for example, if the option allowed for all vessels except for stations and / or relays, then probes and ships in LKO would decay (and obviously, anything above 250k regardless of type would be unaffected) while stations and relays remained untouched. Lastly, would it be possible to get a display of how long it will take something to deorbit? I am always curious as to the endurance of my debris. Lol. As always, thank you!
  14. @zer0Kerbal, First, thank you. I used to use the original mod of ODFC, and I've been missing it. Second, excuse my stupidity, but what is the difference between the copy and modify patches? I understand all the words you wrote in the description, but apparently my brain can't get what is actually different between the two patches, unless it is a simple as one creates a second set of fuel cells and command pods with the new functionality to sit alongside the non-ODFC versions, and the other patch simply modifies all of the existing stock versions via an MM patch (or something like that).
  15. With the number of mods you maintain and continue to develop, I find it hard to believe you don't already spend more hours in the day than actually exist. I have a private suspicion that you own a TARDIS. But for anyone else reading this thread... Support LGG and we get our own personal dev!
  16. Oh, no worries at all. You've got lots on your plate and this is a nothing thing. I've said this many many times: it's modders like you that elevate KSP to greatness. I don't know anyone who plays pure stock for anything other than testing. And we know that even Squad uses mods, considering that some of the current team started out as modders. If it weren't for you in particular, many excellent mods would be dead and gone. You've gone above and beyond that of any other single modder. I personally think everyone who uses your mods should show their support. Thank you for all you continue to do.
  17. Hey @linuxgurugamer! Minor bug: the text on the settings box indicates timeout in seconds, the tooltip says minutes. Minor question: I assume that the sliders for km in altitude also refer to percentage of atmosphere when the appropriate option is check. Am I correct? As always, thank you for your continued modding and the keeping alive of so many mods. You were the first person I ever added on Patreon.
  18. Hey @Starwaster! Speaking of versions, AVC reports the latest version as 7.7.2, but the version file in the 7.7.2 download reports itself as 7.7.1. Minor issue, doesn't affect anything (as you know), but I thought I would post here in case someone else sees it and gets confused. Hope the kitties are well!
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