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Everything posted by eightiesboi

  1. Based on a perusal of your KSP.log, I noted a few things: You have more than a few outdated or obsolete mods. That probably isn't a problem here, but just saying. By stage-locked I meant pressing "Mod+L", which keeps you from accidentally activating your stages. Since you didn't, and since your stage light is purple, I think your problem is that either RemoteTech's FC or Mechjeb have control of your probe. Here's what I think is happening: A. With RemoteTech, you can set the Flight Computer to lock into a particular heading / orientation after completing a command. The FC will then try to hold the orientation. Now, it's been a while (since 1.2 days at least) since I've used RT, so I may be out of date; but if I am not, you can try disabling RemoteTech and see if you can move. If you can, possible culprit. B. Likewise, with Mechjeb, you can have the Smart A.S.S. turned on and pointed to a particular orientation. In this case, checking is as simple as opening up the Smart A.S.S. window and switching it to "Off" (if it's not already). The fact you are pointed towards Anti-Normal also would indicate that either of these could be your culprit. Hope that helps!
  2. Lol! I would "Like" your posting, but apparently I've run out. But thank you so very much. My kerbals may live a bit longer because of you..... well, maybe.
  3. I just had another happen, and I had "One Window" by @DMagic open at the time. The screenshot, as you can see, is just after the failure and crash. According to One Window, there was a message in the top center that said that the SRB had failed to ignite. I may have missed it with the green text against the blue sky and chaotic flaming mess. Lol. However, I didn't get the standard message added to the message queue, and interestingly enough, the log says: [LOG 14:15:37.402] [OhScrap]: [OhScrap]: Calculated chance of failure in next 2 minutes is 11% [LOG 14:15:37.402] [OhScrap]: Failure Chance: 0.02, Rolled: 0.0144548788734036 Succeeded: True [LOG 14:15:37.402] [OhScrap]: Failure Event! Safety Rating: 9, MET: 0.240000000223517 [LOG 14:15:37.404] [OhScrap]: No parts failed this time. Aborted failure I respectfully disagree that the failure was aborted. I added the new logs and the screenshot to the same folder link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zboxlfo62rLNevINpA?e=u9XcuI I hope this helps.
  4. 1. Yes. 2. You are absolutely correct. Once there was a demand, it did indeed switch modes and stayed switched. I noted that, although I had set the current vessel to "Hydrogen and Oxygen" in the VAB (and had supplies of both on board), it did switch in flight mode back to monoprop (which there was none). As soon as there was a demand for EC, it automatically switched on, but did so to LF/O, not H/O2. I will test further in the morning, but it looks as if the autoswitcher goes to mode 0 on first flight and then moves to the first mode where there are resources, not necessarily respecting the VAB settings. But I will test again in the morning. 3. Yep, but I wouldn't get rid of mine for all the kibble on Kerbal. Finally, where would I put that patch? In each of the copied parts under GameData\OnDemandFuelCells\MM-Patches\Copy> Again, thank you very much!
  5. Hi @linuxgurugamer, I ran into a problem with Sensible Pumps. I use the tweak mentioned here: to add the ability to set the name of my vessel by stage using the decouplers (similar to a discussion you and I had regarding PDPN a while back). However, this makes Sensible Pumps fail to function. I tested this on my test environment which was stock + Sensible Pumps + the TriggerAu tweak (which I would upload as my first ever tiny mod to share with the community if I could figure out how!). Note that the decoupled stages *do not* have control. I don't know why the engines won't shut down with the stage having it's own name, but I can replicate it every time. If this is only going to effect me, then I can just learn to live without Sensible Pumps. But if you have an idea as to what is happening and if it's an easy fix, would you mind taking a look at it? I know you're busy, and this is not a priority. Logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbo-HBMR2-GSeVhiqw?e=6hM2h4 Thank you, and please let me know if you have questions or want me to try anything.
  6. When @Li0n announced their retirement from modding and that this mod was up for adoption, I immediately thought about whether you would take this over. I never would think of asking you, because you already have so many mods in your stable, that it isn't fair to even suggest that you grab another. But I am very glad you did. This is a great QoL mod that works so well with so many other mods, like indicator lights. Thank you, @linuxgurugamer, for once again saving another mod from the bin.
  7. Hey @zer0Kerbal! Ran into a possible bug. I originally had the copy patch installed alone, but I added the modify patch recently as I am planning on deprecating the copies in my career and just going with your modified fuel cell. I had set the cell in the VAB to LF/O. When I entered flight mode, the PAW showed that the Fuel Cell was set to Monoprop however. No worries, I changed it to LF/O again. However, the Fuel Cell failed to function and instead showed that I lacked LH/O instead. Changing the selector makes no difference: the fuel cell wants liquid hydrogen or it would rather starve. Kind of like when my cats don't like the dinner I've served them. Screenshot and Logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbo3ImOQtO34tNf_KA?e=JPUVu5 Let me know what else you need. I can also test in a clean install or whatever. As always, thank you for reviving this mod.
  8. Ok, after a whole bunch of launches with the same vessel, it happened. On launch, one of the SRBs suddenly failed. Red highlight. Interestingly, the logs show that Oh Scrap didn't roll a failure. I'm not playing with any other failure mods. I don't have a clue. Let me know what i can do to help track this down, and thank you! Logs: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zboxlfo62rLNevINpA?e=u9XcuI
  9. No, it doesn't. Or at least it doesn't in my game. If it is doing it in yours, you might want to provide links to your logs. But I literally just exited after 8 hours of KSP goodness and my KCT build planner was fine. And yes, LGG is amazing for maintaining and developing so many mods.
  10. Unfortunately, I don't remember for certain. I am going to try to recreate it with a separate install to see if I can make it happen. I do know it was early in my restarted career, and I was repeatedly launching the same rocket over and over in order to fulfill contracts and also to enhance part reliability. There weren't a lot of parts on the vessel. And yeah, I took a quick look at the logs before I uploaded them and also didn't see the failure, but I figured that was because I was missing something obvious. I will see if I can make it happen again this afternoon and report back. Also, normally if I were testing a mod I would go with a clean install and only the affected mod and its dependencies, but if you have no objection I am going to use a copy of my same install to see if I can make it happen (or, in the case of the missing notification, not happen) again. If I can, I'll upload the logs and then if you'd like me to start again clean I will. Thank you for looking into this!
  11. Hey @longbaugh01, Although I haven't had any problems with Chatterer in my 144 mod install, that doesn't mean there couldn't be one. If there is, helping the mod authors find it could potentially help others. If you are serious about trying to get this fixed, then I'd like to suggest you reinstall Chatterer, wait for the crash, and post your logs to this and the Scatterer forums so that the mod authors have something to work with other than one report that contains a snippet with an NRE. Neither you nor Babalas posted your logs, and it seems unreasonable to expect a mod author, who generously shares their work with the community for free and the occasional donated cup of coffee, should have to try to figure out what may have gone wrong in a 100+ mod install with a 10-line error message from someone else's game. Help them help you.
  12. You generously share mods that you make with the community--you have no reason to apologize to me! It's members of the community like you that have made KSP the amazing game that it is. Thank you! ☺
  13. Hi @sarbian! I would like to request that "Vessel Type" (e.g., Ship, Probe, Relay) be added to the possible information in the custom window editor. One reason for my request is that some contracts require you to have a vessel of the required type, and with the stock naming configuration, it is entirely possible for the vessel type to change without realizing that it has. Another reason is that I literally spent 30 minutes trying to figure out why my probe wasn't responding to commands, only to learn that I had accidentally configured a stage as "debris", thus making it uncontrollable. I have the vessel name added to a couple of different windows via the window editor, but it would be nice to also see the type. Thank you for all of the amazing working you do and have done! Also added as a feature request on Github.
  14. Apologies... I forgot the other screenshot! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zblN6ViBhPIjXJ-KUg?e=XpXAHG I also ran it again to get the text from the exception dialog: In my defense, I've only had one cup of coffee so far.
  15. Got an error. I swear, all I did was check the box to install remotetech's contract pack! Screenshot here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zblMN0yz29v_MdyYBw?e=pAayG1
  16. Sorry, somehow I missed the notification that you responded. Usually you want to provide your output.log and your ksp.log. There are plenty of resources on the boards to tell you how and where to find them. For me, I'll take your KSP.log as a starting point. Are you stage-locked intentionally? I see that it appears that you are locked. I also noted you are NOT playing with comms required for control. Am I correct? Is this a career save? Yes, mechjeb is enabled on your probe, and yes, it can certainly override your SAS. And if it did, it would have exactly the symptoms you describe; however, other things can also do that. And no, you don't necessarily have to have autopiloting obviously activated; for example, if you have mechjeb installed and you use the gravity turn mod, it will automagically set up a circularization maneuver after launch and maintain your heading towards the appropriate maneuver node without any obvious indication that Mechjeb is what is doing this. I just noticed you are using remotetech. Are you sure then that you have a signal for probe control?
  17. Hey @linuxgurugamer! I think I may have found another minor bug. Same install. I have the option to use the % of atmosphere selected and to disable at 66%. However, at 66,000m I received a notification that BPB was disabled due to passing the atmosphere limit. Screenshot and logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbdvjwKp-E8lUOXpGQ?e=OVFnec, although I didn't catch the message. I can repeat it as necessary. Thank you!
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