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Everything posted by d1str4ct3d

  1. Is anyone else getting mass power loss with the latest update? e.g. I'm on career mode, only got the first two sets of solar panels. So a probes with solar panels and with 400EC go into darkside of Kerbin and suddenly a 30MW power drain appears and the EC is wiped out. (These probes were find on the last version of interstellar, in fact I've reverted back to it as it was annoying me so much). Once the probe is back in sunlight the 30MW power drain (this shows up in the KSPI megajoules display) slowly disappears and the EC build back up again. Happens on crafts saved before I moved to the latest update and on newly created ones? I've fully removed and reinstall interstellar too before going back to the previous version. It's probably just a me thing, normally is when I have issues, but thought I'd ask.
  2. I don't like the wheels. I've been trying for an hour now to get a basic plane off the ground but the wheels explode due to stress well before I can take off.
  3. Maybe I have a conflict with another mod now, but I haven't installed any new mods for a while...at least it's semi resolved with what I've done.
  4. So I'm having a problem with the last two updates (1.5.13 & 1.5.14) which was making me stick with using 1.5.12. I appear to have lost the resource "intake atmosphere", none of the intakes have this resource any more, including the radial intake that comes with the pack. I've been through the file directory for the different updates but I can't work out what's going on as I'm unable to spot any differences. As a last attempt I've installed 1.5.14 and then copied over 1.5.12 (but only allowed it to copy files that were not already there, there was apparently nearly 100 files). This seems to have resolved the issue. Has something changed in the last 2 updates that would have caused the loss of "intake atmosphere" ??
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