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Everything posted by CorBlimey

  1. I haven't played since May, now firing up a career on 1.0.5. I discover so many new and awesome USI mods to play with. What a treat. Cheers :D
  2. holding breath inside new Val helmet until 1.0.5 update for ScienceAlert
  3. I could be horrendously wrong, but as KAS adds its stuff to parts through module manager, I think it should be ok? This is about as weak an 'it should be ok' as possible I don't really know
  4. hey, any idea if this is compatible with 1.0.5? I am going to start a new career and hope to be able to include Science log with it from the get go It sounds like it is very flexible / dynamic, with little hard-coded values, so hopefully will be ok. I'll try and report back!
  5. thanks. I was looking for the FROM because I was planning on writing a solid staging function for use in a library. In the meantime until the issue is fixed, I can parameterise the engine list instead of passing in the ship object.
  6. ahh, yes of course. I forget the penalty for failing is grumpiness not death. TACLS never gave me those exciting resuce missions, to be honest, because I always was so conservative they would have a decade of spare supplies and never come remotely close to running out. I might as well have just gimped myself with a penalty to ISPs or stuck some useless mass on each ship. Now, I can actually see myself with a colony on emergency rations, subsisting, and my having to send a resupply shuttle to oil the engine.
  7. wow that seems harsh. I frequently lose all power briefly when transmitting stuff or cleaning out experiments. Hmm
  8. ah ok. makes (Kerbal) sense, and ties in with mulch 1.08 per day on the nom o matic. Thanks for the help.
  9. oh yeah, silly me. Of course, mulch input > 1 Still, are you sure about 1 supply = 1 day? I put 400 on a Mk 1 pod and the gui timer indicated 370 days left
  10. sorry for asking the bleeding obvious, but 1 supply = 1 Kerbal day? E.g. 1 Kerbal needs 2 Nom O Matics to process all of his/her 'mulch'? edit: hmm, maybe I am missing something or that can't be it. Sticking 400 supplies on a mk 1 capsule gives me 370 days of supplies, so it seems a little over 1 per day. Random
  11. MPL does mean you can fund your space exploration from science rather than tedious 'point a hitchhiker can on a jumbo orange straight up with SAS on, hit space bar, collect cup of coffee, wait 3 kerbal days to leave Kerbin SOI, collect 800k' A science hopper on a moon could collect a couple of thousand science from only a few hops (more or less depending on the gravity & number of experiments). That converts over time into a about 6 * base science * 100 funds (at 100% field science to funds strategy). A simple Minmus trip could net 2M funds over the course of a couple of years. The only babysitting required is to top up the data (from the already collected experiments that could not be processed due to 500 data cap), and you really only need to do this once a year or so. I like this. Couple it with a life support mod and it is pretty reasonably balanced, from a funds perspective. Just not from a science for tech tree perspective. I would suggest it even removes the science part entirely and makes MPL data convert straight into funds, or increase the cost of tech tree nodes a lot.
  12. that third time is a frequent nightmare for me. I normally don't notice until I have warped out to the edge of the SOI
  13. tip of my hat to you sir. I did not know that. That is damn damn useful (hopefully it works with remotetech, but I doubt it, will have to see)
  14. 2.5m bay nicely fits a materials bay, with a goo and other radial experiments (thermometer, seismic etc) on the front of that, then on the back I stick some batteries, Mechjeb, sometimes an antenna and some other useful bits and bobs. If you have a mobility extender (aka a ladder) then you can extend it down the service bay and your scientist can neatly exit a can and hang on it in space or landed and collect data and clean experiments all from the comfort of not having to jetback around. Super useful. My landers now tend to be 2.5m stack with one pilot and one scientist (optionally with seperable fuel cans radially mounted on the side), instead of 1.25m stack with 4 seperable radial materials bay + fuel pods that I would jettison after collection. Reusable collectable goodness.
  15. whoops. Good point. I forgot about stuff with no upscaled version.
  16. useful but not much different to mounting them radially. Then, in particular, you can also use the central stack for a bit of a boost / steerage off the launch-pad while the SRBs burn into higher TWR. Ok I suppose a small satellite with 3 SRBs underneath to boost it to altitude works well. Again, may as well stick one on the stack and mount the other 2 radially (unlike bi- or quad- which actually change things in that respect).
  17. What is the point of the tri-coupler? By the time you have 3 of any 1.25m part you are normally going to see performance gains (ISP and thrust) for virtually the same mass by using 2.5m parts (e.g. 3 * T30s compared to 1 * Skipper). It is unlocked at essentially the same generation of the tech tree (i.e. no step-wise increase to tier 2 science facility to get 2.5m parts). Bi-couplers and quad-couplers are useful, allowing for a little less a little more performance than then 2.5m, but the tri-seems to lack purpose (aside from using it for a 3 mini-sat payload or something). It would be much more useful to get the other couplers (particularly bi-coupler) at the same time in the tech-tree. Am I missing something? edit: perhaps what I really mean is gimme dem bi-couplers sooner! edit2: oh yeah. How did I forget about things like Ions and LV-N's. Whoops. Still, not a factor at low tech tree when bi-couplers would be more useful but I concede
  18. 100% science to funds only gives about 50k for a full MPL of science (~=500 * 100). That isn't enough to cover the maintenance costs (topping up with data, topping up with snacks etc). The science to funds for science in the field should be an ickle bit higher, perhaps 150.
  19. Stella Artois, seuleument pour les authentic Frenchies, si vous believer les adverts
  20. quite right too: imagine stodgy bland microwave food without the microwave!
  21. who knows if it is intentional but I feel it is ok. Or at least, way better and less game breaking than stacking multiple MPL on the same craft. Either way, the tech tree needs a serious rebalance (I will restart anyway with a proper install of RemoteTech, life support mod, etc and probably dial down my science multiplier) because even without MPL, a couple of decent Mun and Minmus trips can unlock near everything. Dialling down science multiplier on a new game is the way forwards - though I would have liked to have been able to run my launches by using a science -> funds strategy the penalty for in-the-field science is so high that I wouldn't even cover the cost of launching stuff to top up my data banks.
  22. care to share the config? edit: nevermind - found it was a package! Cool - been using NP++ so far as I use that normally but this is a great way to get into Atom, another great editor. - - - Updated - - - sorry for a self-bump, but I am stumped. I am trying to learn lists. How do I get a list from an object (a ship in this case) that isn't the default? 'LIST ENGINES FROM SHIP.' (or another ship object variable) is returning an error on the first F for FROM, while the same but without specifying a FROM clause is fine.
  23. 'LIST ENGINES FROM SHIP.' is returning a syntax error on the F. Likewise, using copy pasta from the kOS docs "LIST RESOURCES FROM TARGET." (http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/commands/list.html?highlight=list) is also not happy. How do I get a list from an object (a ship in this case) that isn't the default?
  24. Standard rescue contract. My first that required a vessel to be brought back, but I had just unlocked the Claw so I thought why not, could be fun. I spend 20 mins on another launch to LKO doing something then I turn to this contract. Lo and behold, it seems that, in the meantime, poor Enlock has been captured by the Mun and is facing his imminent demise. Unfortunately I have no crew shuttle sitting on the Mun to rescue him (let alone his ship as contracted for). I can't see me getting the requisite tools to his orbit in the 2 hours or so he has before reaching the surface. The contract states recover "what is left of his vessel". A small box of shredded metal and mun rock, this time I think... Edit: I tried to see if I could EVA him to stabilise his orbit but it wouldn't let me do that to unowned objects. And thus, I had no choice but to grab some popcorn and watch the show.
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