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    Curious George
  1. Due to the issue I have with this mod, I was asked to put this question here. I have a really pain in the ass problem with this mod. I'm not sure if it's a bug but I tried on a few configs (included fresh instance of KSP). I'm running version 1.0.4 and 1.5 version of the mod (previous one didn't work as well). So, the issue is, with alcubierre drive. When I collect all the antimatter, convert it into exotic matter with the reactor and generator... start the warp travel. And nothing! The Warp Effect is there, but stats are showing warp factor 0.000c and I'm standing still. Nothing moves by an inch. I'm still in control of my vessel, it seems that some scripting doesn't work. I have module manager 2.6.7. I attach some screenshots. the initial data (just before the jump) were okay (numbers like 99.932c warp factor and other. just as I start the warp drive, it's 0.000) So, here are screenshots of the issue. New discoveries about the warp drive: It works. Only in timewarp. So I am unable to plan maneuvers or anything. And it does some sort of jumping. Turning the timewarp> it goes to warp, stops, I have to change timewarp speed and then it goes again. figures. I was asked by FreeThinker to post power manager screenshot. So, I've built some ridiculous ship to test the power output/power demand. This one did not reach orbit, but previous tests suggested that if the power output is the same as power demand, the drive don't work. with an antimatter reactor. right. Well yeah, the numbers weren't straight when I installed the mod. Like power output of antimatter reactor is what like not even a GW? This didn't feel right. well, here it is. every other test shows the same, power demand=power output. No matter what I do. I can ofc stack like thousand of reactors because my computer handles that easily, but I'm not sure if that's the point. I don't mean ofcourse to be rude, if someone felt that I am. Would be great if I got your help guys.
  2. Sorry my friend, didn't mean to be harsh I was tired and frustrated. Yes, this is indeed my problem. Thing is - I have the texture pack. Tried with each one of them separately, my machine can handle the largest pack no problemo. Also, different configs - with the dds, without, with custom biomes and without (thought it was the issue - so I focused my trials on that too much. You know - You use the mod on previous versions, now they give it with some custom biomes mod and everything goes south). Thing is, yes, I've used to have RSS on my... I don't know, .23? .23.5? Can't recall now. Sorry again for my misbehavior. Peace.
  3. Sorry, but I have to post that. I've been trying to sort this stuff out for like 7 hours now. I have latest version of KSP and downloaded this version of rss - it came with custom biomes and something else - why? However, on OP photo's it was nice shiny KSC on the bank of the sea. I have this. Is there any way to fix this? I tried to delete the custom biomes, but it screwed up the game - everytime I launch the game it loads some textures for RSS (what for? weren't they loaded during preload or in-game loads?). If you could, please help me ASAP.
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