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Captain Planet

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Everything posted by Captain Planet

  1. Really would love to see this issue addressed or at least acknowledged by Squad before the game hits 1.0. It's a major problem that is continually cropping up in both vanilla and modded games. At this point I'm looking at running linux just for one game, which is ridiculous.
  2. Are half-meter tall KIS containers planned? If not, would you please consider it?
  3. The work you guys have done on the Sarnus system has me very excited to see the rest! Everything looks super high-quality.
  4. The LV-1B's lower attach node (the one at the nozzle) doesn't seem to work for me. Can anyone else confirm this?
  5. I keep getting satellite contracts asking for a Materials Bay, and the DMagic Materials Bay never seems to count, while the stock one does. Is there a config or a plugin I am missing, or is this contract functionality not possible?
  6. Ven, in the new Command Pod mk1-2 model (which is aces, by the way), the IVA view has a gap in each of the front-facing windows. Shown here, best viewed in full resolution: Also, the new docking port that you added (the Mk 16-XXL, ie. the 1.25m port w/ built-in parachute) doesn't seem to have a parachute module in-game. I looked at the cfg for it, and the chute module looks fine in there, but doesn't show up in game. Edit: the 1.7.2 release on github seems to have broken the Inline RCS part. Just checked and that release is missing the InlineRCS.mu in VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Command/CommandPods.
  7. So the contracts added by this mod often refer to low orbit vs high orbit, but they never give any numbers. Is there some obvious piece of documentation I'm missing?
  8. Hey Ferram, The latest version of a mod I used changed the models for the 1-man and 3-man crew capsules. Now, when they enter atmosphere, the top of the capsule forces itself prograde and refuses to budge. If you try to position it back the correct way (heatshield pointed forward), the craft vibrates itself to an explosion and all parts other than the capsule itself are stripped away and the camera goes into this fast unrecoverable spin. When I remove the FAR folder, this bizarre glitch doesn't happen anymore. I'm not asking you to bugfix another person's mod, but have you encountered anything like this behavior before?
  9. I think I've isolated the capsule-exploding bug that fraz_w and I encountered. It's FAR. Something about the new mk1 and mk1-2 capsules added in the 1.7 update isn't playing nice with FAR. When I remove its directory I don't get the bug at all (that's the only variable that I changed). Will come back and edit this post if I find a version of FAR that works.
  10. I'm reproducing this. If I enter atmo with nothing attached to the bottom node of the capsule, the top of the capsule forces itself prograde and then the whole thing vibrates itself to an explosion. If you enter atmo with something attached the capsule's bottom node, everything behaves normally.
  11. In my first bug post I said that was the first thing I tried. Anyway if I'm the only one having this issue I won't take up more of the thread with it, tomorrow I'll do a mod-by-mod check and find out what's breaking stuff.
  12. I'm not using Tweakscale and the last change on KJR's github was 3.1.1, 10 days ago. Just tried the dev version of FAR and that's not fixing it. The weird SAS and explode-y behavior is definitely the result of the top of the capsule forcing itself to point prograde as soon as it enters viscous atmosphere. This isn't happening to anyone else? Could it be the same drag issue that was causing the 1-man capsule to flip out for people before the hotfix?
  13. So since installing 1.7 (upgraded to 1.7.1 today but also encountered this bug with 1.7), both of the new capsules have exhibited the same bizarre bug. Doesn't happen every time I use them, and there's no consistent set of events that cause it, just seems to happen randomly, but they will enter this SAS kraken spasm and shake themselves apart, only the yaw will respond and trying to pitch or roll does nothing, then the capsule will vibrate until everything attached to it flies off and the camera becomes totally uncontrollable. Turning SAS on and off does nothing, turning torque on and off does nothing. I am playing with other mods but this occasional behavior is totally new after installing 1.7. Is anyone else encountering this? When I installed 1.7.1 today I deleted the old Ven's folder and replaced it with the new one so I don't think reinstalling this pack is the fix. Edit: Alright spent some time reproducing it. It only happens in atmosphere, what'll happen is at about 65km up the capsule will flip itself in an attempt to get the heatshield to point behind you (ie the exact wrong way), sometimes it only gets halfway. If you try to fight this with your SAS on, you just won't have much torque authority. If you try to fight it with SAS off, you will without fail induce a vibration kraken which will rip your ship apart. I hope that helps.
  14. Your new KR-2L model is sweet, looks like the engines used on the Titan rockets to me. That said, I also like the stock KR-2L just having one giant nozzle. So I'm split.
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94606-JebediahKerman42-s-Procedural-Part-Textures! <--- is the pack I use in my game, I think it'll work for you
  16. I think this is the best solution. There are already a number of ways to create "tankbutts" (procedural fairings, clipping into an adapter, procedural parts) that don't involve adding a bunch of work for Ven.
  17. Feedback regarding lower polygon use: I know your heart's in the right place but this substantially alters how smaller tanks look, and not for the better. Is it an easy thing to allow users to choose whether we want the old # of polygons or the new reduced number?
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