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Everything posted by GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca

  1. What about making a small optional pack with the 2 centrifuges being powered by Multi-Joint Parts? The action key could be 'Z', that anyone uses in any plugin. =P Adress of 'MJP': http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9017.0
  2. How can I change the CFC? It\'s a EXE. , and I don\'t have a app to open it...
  3. Alchemist, your panels says: Not available to this KSP version... How can it be? I use 14.4.... And have the plugin...
  4. You should fix the asteroid... So we can make mineral extraction bases or mimic the Star Trek: Enterprise episode 'Breaking the ice' :
  5. Congratulations, I consider someone going to work in squad a incredible honor! And if you made it, you worth it! Dan, can you make a devpost? Any bits of 3D modeling/animation is fantastic to see/learn! P.S.: Have you ever repaired that Kermans looks like Minions from 'Despicable me'?
  6. One day, the capsules will have built-in parachutes and floaters, and parachutes will be a bunch of balloons... Oh, dreams of the human Kerbal imagination... :
  7. Hum, some winglets and silvertape solved the tilting problem... Slew, it is possible to create a space capsule with built-in parachutes? And a parachute part that open 3 parachutes at the same time?
  8. I\'m having some trouble with the PowerSat... In the loading screen, it stops loading. It keeps thinking about the PowerSat part... (I had indeed installed the plugin, I\'m sure) I never had this problem with ZIP files... Maybe my computer can\'t unpack RAR?
  9. Very interesting... I hope one day my 'little poor' country *cough-Brazil-cough* is able to build a space station... :
  10. You should make the Orion Crew Vehicle... ( :\'( good bye, Constellation Project :\'( ) And maybe Altair landing module...
  11. With the pack, specially ion engines, I went into the ultra-hy speeds of about 20000 m/s! TAKE THAT VOYAGER 1! 8)
  12. Hey slew, I\'m having some troubles with the AUSPLANE launch vehicle, it keeps tilting to the right during launch... Anyway, fantastic job!
  13. There\'s no need to fell like that. Everyone had a similar situation before!
  14. More power? No. What it need is mmmmMMMMOAAAARRRR BOOSTERS!
  15. After the download of the full package is complete, I can\'t unzip it... (I\'m in a mac) Can someone help me?
  16. At the game actual development stage, 'successful mission' doesn\'t exist. Either you blow up, or manually abort it. The game can\'t recognize (yet) that your ship have landed softly in kerbin, so it can\'t finish a mission.
  17. You know, warp nacelles aren\'t enougth - we need an full ENTERPRISE MOD!!!!
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