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Everything posted by Bookz

  1. Great, thank you for your help. I looked at KSPedia and found that the Korona can be configured, I am using it to supply my station. Also your mod is awesome and keep up the great work.
  2. Thanks @Angel-125 I am aware that the coach can carry ResearchKits. My question was is there a smaller, or radial, container than that.
  3. Is there a small container that can carry Research Kits? I have a MOLE in orbit, but I launched it without Research Kits. I worked out how to take the science experiments up but the smallest container I can find to carry the Research Kits is the 1.875m coach. Is there anything smaller that i can use? (I will accept other mod solutions)
  4. I had the samething happen and the best answer I was able to find on the web was removing agencies or flags some how breaks the list of completed missions. I think this is right, or at least close, but its hard to be certain. E.g. I removed Universal Storage the archive disappeared the next time I launch a rocket. When I put it back and went back to an older save the list was back. But it took a lot of reverting to keep it.
  5. Hey, I was looking at the map and noticed the distance for Keostationary orbit was wrong. It says 2863.3 Mm where it should be 2863.3 km or 2.8633 Mm.
  6. Hey @DaMichel. CKAN still lists your mod with 1.1 as the max version. Same for Kerbal Flight Data.
  7. Hey, @Morse. I'm not sure if you know about this, but on CKAN Precise Maneuvers version 2:2.1 is listed as Max KSP version 1.1. Is this meant to be like this?
  8. Thanks for the information. I tried the landing a few times again with different TWR values and some more delta V. I found that the delta V on the map is the perfect suicide burn with a very high TWR. I now know that the values on the map are the absolute minimum values and you should always add at least 150m/s for the landing.
  9. Hi All. I got a new delta v map of the web when 1.0 came out and noticed that the delta v for landing on the Mun had changed on it. Specifically that required to go from Low Mun Orbit to the surface. I then noticed that a few others had also changed like Dres and Eeloo. These two map from the KSP wiki show when the change happened. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/archive/7/73/20141222045506%21KerbinDeltaVMap.png, form May 2013. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/7/73/KerbinDeltaVMap.png, from December 2014. I then tried to land on the Mun using a lander with only 580m/s delta V, under mechjeb control, and crashed into the Mun going fairly fast. The lander was placed in a 14km orbit around Mun by Hyperedit, Kerbal Engineer said it has 585m/s delta V and Mechjeb tried to land it at a point along the orbit. Are the new values correct and if so what am I doing wrong?
  10. It should be. As far as I understand updating module manager does not affect mods that are created for an older version.
  11. I had the same problem, could not solve it, so I also removed the mod.
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