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Posts posted by yorshee

  1. I'll have set up some different ladder configurations on the launchpad to see what works.

    I think you're tapping F when the Kerbal is just a little too high up the ladder, the "[F] climb out" actually disappears when you moved upwards.

    So try putting the Kerbal lower so "[F] climb out" is visible and try again :)

    I had tried that, the Kerbal bobbing up and down is me pressing up and F at the same time, though I did also try pressing F while not pressing up - nothing happens.

  2. See title. I landed on Tylo and I can't get back into my capsule because my Kerbal won't climb over onto the top of the fuel tank.


    Every time '[F]: Climb Out' appears, I'm pressing it, but the Kerbal doesn't do anything.

    I could always enable Hack Gravity to get back into the ship but I want to know if it's me who's doing something wrong.

    I have mods but I don't think they're doing anything to cause this. I have Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Kerbal Alarm Clock, and Stock Bugfix Modules.


  3. This glitch is known when you return to the Space Centre view after going very far from the Sun. It's also occurred when using planet mods. It seems like the world origin is not reset correctly, causing a lack of floating point precision. But I've never heard it arising because of an EVA before now.

    The Kerbal could have been launched from the spinning cockpit really fast which could have made it happen.

    I've had this glitchy terrain happen to me because of a bugged maneuver node before.

  4. Sorry, paywalling this feature in career is ... dumb, to put it bluntly. Humans knew how to calculate delta-V and TWR decades before they actually put anything into orbit, much less flew anything under its own power, and I don't see why Kerbals would be any different especially since, after the formulas have been derived, you are left with simple math. Simple math should never be paywalled

    This isn't about realism, it's about gameplay - the same reason why the ability to use manoeuvre nodes isn't given to you straight from the start.

  5. Since you mentioned the Engineer's Report where the only correct information is the part count: Do you really want to have SQUAD implement this? The best case scenario is that it will not interfere with KER...

    Yeah, I want them to implement it since it's an essental feature. KER itself can be inaccurate and can glitch out sometimes, especially when it comes to SSTO's, but that doesn't make it any less useful.

  6. Guys, girls, Squad have already said they are looking into adding this, they know you want it but it's not going to come any sooner than when it's done, they are still working on just making KSP run on Unity5.x as it does on Unity4.x so please be patient.

    We haven't heard anything of it in months now so I'm still doubtful about it. :(

    A small mention in the devnotes that says something like 'we're focusing on Unity 5 at the moment but we haven't forgotten about this!' would be sufficient but nothing has been said about it.

  7. Stock dV (and TWR) readouts were probably the one feature of 1.0 that I was most looking forward to - and I was super disappointed when it was seemingly forgotten about. I haven't heard anything about it in months now and I'm worried it's been scrapped. In my opinion this is something essential that needs to be put into the stock game asap...

    I want to know the forum community's opinions on this, as I know lots of other people were looking forward to it too. I have some rebuttals for common reasons why this shouldn't be included in the game too:

    1) These confusing numbers will confuse new players too much.

    Yeah, it probably will, which is why it doesn't need to be in some huge window like how KER does it. A little section in the bottom of the Engineer's Report is sufficient - not too in-your-face to scare away new players, and the info is still there for us folks who would like to see how far our crafts can go without a spreadsheet or a mod...

    Plus, KSP already has tons of confusing lingo that might dissuade new players, such as engine specific impulse, planets' mass, area, escape velocity, and gravitational parameter, and even the delta-V required to perform a maneuver (why this but no dV for the craft itself!?) - a lot of this information is totally useless (and a bit daunting) to new players yet it's still in the game anyways so this is no excuse to not have stock dV readouts.

    There could always be a new tutorial fitting into the game that explains what these numbers mean, too.

    2) It would be impossible to fit into career mode.

    Not at all! I'm not a fan of how KER does it where you can just slap on a part that you get at the start of a career save and you instantly have all the data. You could get the dV readouts in-flight by having an Engineer of a certain level in your roster, or by having a high-tech probe core (which is how KER also does it, though with KER the Engineers can be any level), or you could have this info in the vehicle construction mode by upgrading a building to a certain level, which is how maneuver nodes and patched conics are given to you in career. I'm not too sure which building would be the best choice...the VAB/SPH itself, tracking station, mission control, or the R&D building? Maybe a combination of the three!

    You could get different references for TWR and atmospheric drag losses, like how KER lets you toggle between atmospheric and vacuum modes and also lets you change the planet you're getting your TWR for. This could be accomplished by performing a gravity scan and atmospheric pressure scans with the GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector and PresMat Barometer parts and transmitting/recovering the data.

    3) I can play fine without this information.

    Ok, that's fine, but you probably only got there with a LOT of trial-and-error, having to scrap lots of missions because they just didn't get far enough. This is terrible for career mode because you could put your entire budget into a craft that you were hoping could accomplish some contracts on Tylo, only to have it all thrown away because you underestimated the amount of fuel you needed to land there. It's incredibly demotivating and I think this will drive off a lot of newer players more than having some numbers in the corner of the screen.

    What is your opinion on this? If you still don't think it should be in the game, let me know why you think so.

    (posting this in General KSP discussion because it isn't a new suggestion/feature, I just want to know the community's opinion on this)

  8. I often get inspired by Robbaz's complex starships and carriers, but when I try to build one myself, my old crappy computer is the thing stopping me from even getting these things into orbit - my FPS is awful with these huge crafts and they're so big and unwieldy that they often wobble themselves apart, even with KJR.

    I need to invest in a better computer, and maybe use the welding mod more.

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