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    Curious George

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  1. Can replicate this bug. Repro steps: First, use this save file. I anonymized my campaign name and the ThumbnailPath, so put in whatever's needed there. "KS Iason" is the ship in question where I've noticed the bad behavior. Load it with Kerbals and launch it, and you will likely replicate the bad behavior. VAB objects stay manipulable in game, whereas the UI changes to launch or wherever else it thinks you're going. Only way out is Alt-F4. Other things to mention are that the VAB seems to go very wonky before this happens . . . rotation UI spawning on the floor, parts not being able to be thrown away properly, part icons hanging around the cursor, etc. More importantly, the autosave/craft save also is borked . . . when I Alt-F4 to exit and re-launch, none of the work I'd done exists in any reachable save. System Info: Windows 11 Build 22H2 Intel Core i9-12900 2.40 GHz 32GB RAM RTX 3080 KSP2 Build
  2. Depends on whether the dev team is working Scrum or Kanban.
  3. For you kiddos who are all shocked paying $50 of 2023 money for an EA title . . . here's an ad for SNES games in 1994. Adjusted for inflation, that's a Street Fighter title for ~$141, Super Metroid for ~$111, and Illusion of Gaia for ~$151. All for the finest 16-bit technology the Clinton administration could offer.
  4. I've flown fast jets and gone through centrifuge training . . . and this is not how this works. The amount of G it takes to kill you is a whole lot more than it takes to have you G-LOC. You don't (directly) die from G-LOC. If you die in that kind of scenario, it's generally because when you lose consciousness, the jet happens to end up pointed at the ground, and the 15-30 seconds it takes you to regain useful consciousness is too long to keep you from turning into a smoking hole in the ground.
  5. Let's let the devs work on joystick support before we ask for instrument approach procedures.
  6. System Info: Windows 11 Build 22H2 Intel Core i9-12900 2.40 GHz 32GB RAM RTX 3080 KSP2 Build Repro steps: Launch a ship to orbit around Kerbin with apoapsis ~75KM and periapsis around ~71KM. Go to tracking station and try to warp to correct phase angle for transfer to another body. Expected behavior: You can warp as fast as needed because you're in the tracking station. Actual behavior: You can't warp any faster than 100x.
  7. System Info: Windows 11 Build 22H2 Intel Core i9-12900 2.40 GHz 32GB RAM RTX 3080 KSP2 Build Repro Steps: Splash down after any kind of orbital mission. Expected behavior: Pod floats around in water waiting to be rescued. Actual behavior: Pod appears to briefly try to sit on top of the water, then generates extreme spin in the yaw axis while rapidly sinking underwater. Kerbals can only survive by EVA-ing one at a time, but this is complicated by an error about an observer not being able to control the pod. There is no KSP-1-style "[" or "]" keystroke to rapidly toggle between related nearby craft, so after EVAing one Kerbal, you have to go to the Tracking Station and fight through a bunch of errors to save Kerbals 2 and 3. Kerbal 3 usually doesn't make it because the craft is >230m underwater by the time he or she is up to bail out.
  8. System Info: Windows 11 Home 22H2 build 22621.1265 Intel Core i9 i9-12900 2.40 GHz 32GB RAM RTX 3080 KSP2 Build: The J-404 nozzles should animate as follows to mimic real-world engines: Start out wide open, and then narrow down until max cruise thrust. On afterburner, the nozzles should be wide open with a flame out the back that varies by throttle position. See the attached video of an F/A-18 with F-404 engines launching at night. Note the long flame and wide-open nozzles when the afterburner is staged.
  9. System Info: Windows 11 Home 22H2 build 22621.1265 Intel Core i9 i9-12900 2.40 GHz 32GB RAM RTX 3080 KSP2 Build: Repro Steps: Build a small craft with a Mk1 capsule, Mk16 Parachute, Stage Decoupler, and Flea. Launch on approximately a 270 heading to a perigee of ~20000m and land on a crawlerway for Launchpad 3 or 4 (see screenshot). EVA with Jeb and attempt to plant a flag. Expected Behavior: Jeb plants the flag smoothly. Actual Behavior: The flag animation lags the Kerbal animation. Jeb goes through his motions, and then the flag model follows along on a brief delay. Afterwards, Jeb appears to be stuck, potentially due to deconfliction issues between his Mesh Collider and the flag's.
  10. Well, I'm getting the same issue in 1.0.5. Just started playing again after a multi-month hiatus. Of note, I have a similar looking situation to giflo where the stock wheels are resting on the runway, but the mod wheels are passing through. No raising/lowering of gear necessary. .craft files and logs available on request. I can't figure out how to attach them; I'm new here. Edit: The medium wheel works fine; it's the small wheel that glitches.
  11. Son of a . . . Sure enough; it was still on. Figured an AoA limiter wouldn't work with no air, but I was thinking in terms of real airflow, not computer code. Wasn't even in my scan. Thanks!
  12. OK, I just tried the new release to see if it would fix a bug I've noted recently, but no joy. This one, for me, is fairly gamebreaking. I'll be glad to provide whatever info you need, and if you need me to dive back in/delete mods/try testing, I'll be glad to help. Here's what I've got so far. FWIW I'm running the 64 bit Linux build, 1.0.4, but this also happened before the 1.0.2 update. Seems that nuFAR is specifically when it began, but my memory could be hazy and I wasn't taking notes early on. This only seems to happen in orbit around Kerbin, outside the atmosphere. I will launch a rocket just fine, and then create a maneuver node to Hohmann transfer to the Mun. Once this happens, pitch control goes all wonky. Specifically, I can hold down the "S" key, and the raw pitch inputs will oscillate between full up and full down. Roll and yaw work normally. I deleted all mods except for Mechjeb and KW Rocketry, because if I deleted them, the game would kill my spacecraft due to incompatible parts. No joy. But deleting FAR cleans it right up again, no pitch control issues at all. Other things I notice: With SAS inputs, the spacecraft will damp out any oscillations in pitch. On disengaging SAS, Jeb inexplicably commands full pitch-down without any input from me, and then alternates banging the stick off the stops in the up and down directions, with no roll or yaw input. Again, this is not only seen in the behavior of the spacecraft; you can see the raw pitch inputs changing in the lower left. One last weird thing . . . I backed up my save, killed all mods except FAR 15.3.1, loaded a sandbox game, and everything works 4.0. This is bizarre.
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