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Everything posted by Sidereus

  1. Ah, gotcha. Been a while since I did any programming in C, and I wasn't really a fan.
  2. (only Oregon residents/college sports fans will get this. ) edit: better picture....
  3. Fans and newbies invigorate underwater dancing videos. zyxqukhw
  4. Odds of that are pretty low, particularly if he only does it while observing. We also don't know how dense the neighborhood is. It's fairly likely he's out in the 'burbs, or quite possibly in a rural area where there probably aren't many pedestrians. I live on a road with only one street light, and it's about a mile away. Only reason it's there is because the people who own the house there convinced the electric company to let them install one. We get by fine.
  5. Just my brother. I convinced him to get it for me for Christmas, and he decided to get a copy for himself as well. Helped that Steam was doing a sale.
  6. I can't find any piece of software that will accept the ~ character. Trying it in the forums just breaks the color tag (for example). None of my graphic editing programs will accept it either.
  7. I know they're all thinkin' I'm so Green and nerdy Think I'm just too green and nerdy Think I'm just too green and nerdy Can't you see I'm green and nerdy? Look at me, I'm green and nerdy
  8. I am disappointed that turned out to be a light teal instead of a dark brown.
  9. It would be nice to be able to turn them all off, but that one seemed to particularly annoy him because of how close it was. The closer ones cause glare and make it harder for your eyes to adjust to the dark.
  10. The Moon's albedo is really low...like black asphalt low. The only reason it appears as bright as it does is because of the contrast between it and deep space, and the fact that the lunar regolith acts as a slight retroreflector. It could be that the devs were attempting to mimic this, but the engine doesn't quite pull it off either due to it's inability to do retroreflections or because Kerbol doesn't put out quite as much light as Sol.
  11. I think I posted before I saved my sig. I fixed it.
  12. Granted. The paradox causes a fissure in space-time, destroying everything within a 1 mile radius of your current location. I wish I could devide by zero.
  13. Nicely minimalistic, but it seems cut off? Also is a bit unbalanced, possibly due to the cropping. 7/10 Edit: Well, this is embarrassing...my sig doesn't seem to be working. Here's what it's supposed to be: Edit2: Fixed it.
  14. It will in 1.0. Every crewed part is getting an IVA.
  15. The lander is remote-controlled, so Jeb doesn't have much to do when he's riding in it. I mainly built it that way because when I got a mission for the orbital mun base, I also had a bunch of Kerbals (including Jeb) stranded on the surface, and having an internally-docked lander minimizes the wonkiness that happens when you try and maneuver the station around vs. having an externally attached ship. It's also surprisingly easy to dock. The cargo bay gives a nice reference for lining everything up. I installed the Docking Port Alignment mod specifically to help with this, expecting it to be very difficult, and I hardly even used it. +1. It is .
  16. I kind of have something like this. My orbital Mun Base has a 4-Kerbal lander that shuttles Kerbonauts back and forth from the surface of the Mun. It's stored in the aft cargo hold when not in use: Lander craft on approach with passenger. Lander Craft docked inside cargo bay. Cargo bays closed.
  17. I'd tell a joke about sodium, but....Na. - - - Updated - - - These remind me of a story told by Brian Schul in his book Sled Driver : Flying the World's Fastest Jet:
  18. The awesomesauce starts about 1:30 into the video: http://youtu.be/rXrcm7DgDbA
  19. Granted. However, while watching the Apollo landing, you cause a minor accident that sets off a chain of events leading to the untimely demise of your parents prior to your birth, erasing you from existence. I wish I didn't need sleep.
  20. Granted. You get infected with space worms, and not the good kind. I wish I were invulnerable.
  21. Granted. It's a dud. I wish I could get my Kerbals back from Jool in one try.
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