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Everything posted by mreadshaw

  1. Great mod glad to see it updated! I've always wondered if it would be possible to make the docking window display external cameras? So you could put one on your docking port and then the cross hairs would nicely overlaid.
  2. I suggest Kerbal Engineer Redux. It gives you those values and any others you want in easy to configure panels. Personally can't play without it and luckily it was updated as soon as 1.0 was released.
  3. I'm thinking that was my issue too. Played FAR in 0.90 and just assumed it was stock behavior. Shame it isn't. I guess this is solved.
  4. Right. Seems like it should act as a center of pressure, at least in VAB. Otherwise it's pretty useless for rockets. Unless I'm missing something how are your suppose to figure out if your rockets will flip out (other than the kerbal method)?
  5. The CoL indicator seems to be bugged for me in the VAB. It appears on the floor below the craft when turned on and then never updates even just moving around with the craft. Pictures explain much better. http://imgur.com/a/2qC9L#rtXXkCI KSP version 1.0 unmodded Windows 8.1
  6. Ok cool. I guess it isn't possible to have multiple selected at a time though? At least I can make a couple for the biggest part packs or some combinations (No Aero, No Structural, No Station). Thanks! This would allow for value = B9_Areospace/Parts/Command right?
  7. Is it possible right now to set it up so I see all the parts except for a certain mod's (or resource/module)? I would love to be able to hide B9 except when building planes and such. If that's possible to add it would be my number 1 request. Otherwise such a great mod.
  8. I've noticed that when I edit a .cfg for a part and reload the game sometimes the value will update on saved or launched craft and sometimes it won't. Is there a list or general rules about what will and will not update? I've figured out that Resource amounts won't update but mass and and nodes (but not whats attached to the node) will change. Is it the basic values update but modules and resources and the like (things inside a second bracket set) won't? Thanks!
  9. Hmm that is a shame. It has happened again and again KSP was otherwise only using 2.8 GB. Does that mean FAR was trying to allocate 600ish MB of RAM? That seems excessive.
  10. I've been having some random crashes that seem to be connected to memory problems but I can't understand why. The last time it happened I had Task Manager open and on top of KSP and it said KSP was using 2.8GB (my system has 8GB so I more available). I have mods installed but I delete most parts, including models and textures, I've even delete basically all Squad parts. I'm almost certain that the problem isn't me hitting the 3.6GB limit, or at least if it is it is some type of memory leak. This is an exception that I got right before it crashed last time, I saw it in the debug window but the game kept going for a few more seconds but it most be related. The crash log is below that. When it crashed I was trying to add a fairly small (30ish part) subassembly to my craft (also 30ish parts). Any Idea what is going on? Is it a FAR problem? Thanks for any help. EDIT: Well now I'm not sure I can trust task manager, I just reloaded KSP built the exact same craft, in the VAB it claimed KSP was using 3GB, but once I launched it Task Manager only 700-900 MB was being used! Definitely something fishy going on with memory.
  11. Is it possible to use OR in the HAS[] portion? I've tried HAS[module[1]|module[2]] and HAS[module[1|2]] and some others that I was sure wouldn't work. I can get AND working just fine so it seems like it should be possible. At the moment I'm just making multiple copies for each module but it would be nice to clean it up a bit.
  12. I'm try to add a custom drag module to a part but I can not get it to override the regular FAR values. This is the Module I've added to my MM .cfg for the part. When I check with the debug menu in the SPH or the Aero Data in flight none of the values have changed. Is there something I need to change else where? The dragModelType = default, does this need to change? I tried changing it to FARBasicDragModel but that changed nothing. Thanks!
  13. This happens to me sometimes when I make a mistake in .cfg. Sometimes only the affected part disappears but sometimes I lose almost everything. Usually all of Squads stuff and most mods, B9 always sticks around though.
  14. Interesting. I got the data from the instructions above your OP and graphed it in excel. Makes some curves that seem reasonable for AOA vs Cl. I'll test out some new numbers and see what I get. Thanks! Edit: Actually not sure what the key is suppose to represent. If it is AOA is 0 lvl and 1 90 up? Because that wouldn't match up with the FAR graphs.
  15. If I wanted to make a part produce more of a lifting body effect is that possible? I tried adding a FARWingAerodynamicModel but that didn't seem to do anything. It increased the Area by the right amount in the Data window and moved the CoL but didn't seem to add any lift. Do I need to a Drag Model? I only want to increase lift not decrease drag, though I can imagine they are related. Any help would be great! Thanks.
  16. Ya I only use PA for re-entry of my dreamchaser style craft. Its unpowered and glides in. It basically lands just fine with SAS on for yaw and roll control but it means that I have to constantly fight to keep it at the right AOA. I've tried using target vertical velocity but no matter what I set the coefficients to it never pitches up beyond 13% (the craft needs 20% to bleed off enough speed). I haven't had luck with SSAS being able to hold any direction, it always just goes into death wobbles, maybe I'll try messing around with its number a bit more.
  17. Would it be possible to add an angle of attack autopilot to the pilot assistant? I find it much more important in FAR to control your AOA that anything else.
  18. Oh wow silly me, thanks! It's always the little things. My understanding is the ,* will edit all modules of name x.
  19. I'm having trouble editing all parts with ModuleLight, below is what I am trying to use to do everything at once but it has no effect. I use the same code for other modules and it works fine. I don't understand why it isn't working for lights. This on the other hand edits a single part just fine. Any help on what I am doing wrong for the global edit? Is it an issue with my syntax or a MM issue? Would rather not have to go find every part. Thanks.
  20. I am having issues with RCS that I can't figure out. If no engine has been activated than RCS responds to throttle control, firing in the heading direction and with throttle controllable thrust. I also can't disable any RCS ports. In the VAB it says they are disabled but they still work when launched and once the ship is launched there isn't even a button on the right click menu. This is true for all the RCS thrusters I have. It's a very heavy modded install but I can't find anything that would mess with RCS like this. The only RCS related mods I have other than parts are tweakable everything and rcsbuildaid. After some searching I found ModuleRCSFX on the forums and it seems to have the throttle functionality but I don't have it installed. Is it possible another mod implemented it and is causing the issue? Thanks for any help. EDIT: After doing a search for "RCS" in all the config files I found out that MechJeb is responsible for the throttle behaviour. Since I don't actually use MJ I uninstalled it. But the problem of disabling RCS jets is still there. I should add that I can disable them using action groups (Is there no toggle option? It is either enable or disable for all of mine). EDIT2: The remaining problem seems to be an issue with tweakable everything. There is a .dll on page 44 of the mod thread that semi solves the issue. Guess I should have done a bit more searching before posting, hopefully this can help others.
  21. Hmm not coming up for me. I've tried on both my modded install and my stock backup and neither one gives me the option. I'll try again with a complete re-download from steam to make sure that my backup isn't messed up someway. Otherwise the mod works flawlessly, The UI comes up and everything can be hand edited just fine.
  22. Awesome mod! So very useful. One question though, whenever I see this mod in a video they always talk about how you can auto-configure the tanks based on engines but I don't seem to have that option. Was the feature removed or is something wrong with my install?
  23. Hey, Thanks. Ya I figured out that you had only changed the source code once I paid more attention. Is there a guide for compiling for KSP? I was getting exceptions when I tried. Seemed like I was missing things on my end. (I'll go forum searching now too) Thanks!
  24. I tried to use your fork but nothing appears in the VAB. Is there a hotkey I'm missing?
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