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Interplanetary Engineer

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Everything posted by Interplanetary Engineer

  1. Do you want to know what happened to my cousin and so-called fellow "conspiracy theorist" last week?(Will get important later on) He just went on a little trip, when on the far side of minmus we lost radio contact for a moment! Although I shot down all the mind controlling sattelites before, everyone at Mission Control said that it was my fault. That means the government must have some other means of mind control; I suggest Chemtrails, more on that in my new book "The Kraken Conspiracy". But what are they used for? And why did we lose contact to my fellow space traveller? Here's what I'm thinking: the government regulary implants conspiracy theories into society, and those who realize that they sound much more logical than the public beliefs get secretly replaced by high-tec avatars so their intelligence can't endanger the power of the government! Read this post and share it before they get you, then they'll fear you instead of killing you!
  2. I like this mix of science and philosophy. Here are my thoughts: The rules. Because only rules can make a nothing to a somethingless. Put another way, it feels much more logical to me for rules to have existed forever than a physical thing (even a somethinglessness) Interesting idea. So kinda like a grand scale evolution? [very hypothetical] Or maybe one of the original "rules" lets the nothinglessness produce universes over and over... [/very hypothetical] In any case of a multiverse, our universe would exist for us because we happen to exist in it ... or not? That would still leave the question of the meaning of any universe existing... Anyways, we can see again that we have to get a better question if we don't want the 42.
  3. [quote name='Alshain']I recommend the Thrustmaster T.Flight (with or without the HOTAS X, which ever you prefer). It's cheap and it works well for 90% of people. Right Handed: [URL]http://www.amazon.com/Thrustmaster-T-Flight-Hotas-Flight-Playstation-3/dp/B001CXYMFS/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1447621220&sr=1-1&keywords=Thrustmaster+T.Flight[/URL] [URL]http://www.amazon.com/Thrustmaster-T-Flight-Stick-Flight-PC/dp/B000U1OOH4/ref=sr_1_3?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1447621220&sr=1-3&keywords=Thrustmaster+T.Flight[/URL] Ambidextrous: [URL]http://www.amazon.com/Hercules-2960706-Thrustmaster-T-16000M-Flight/dp/B001S0RTU0/ref=sr_1_2?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1447621220&sr=1-2&keywords=Thrustmaster+T.Flight[/URL][/QUOTE] Thanks, this looks nice! :cool:
  4. How much does it snow where you live, and when?
  5. Aargh! More than a week to late for this due to a stupid bus tour with no wifi, and now my internet doesn't want to handle the big download!
  6. Anyone got an recommendation for a well-crafted one under 100$ with not that many buttons and an roll axis?
  7. Have to rebuild this tough (wich maybe isn't that bad) because of some accidentally deleted saves (wich is very sad), could be able to upload the craft if there are requests for it
  8. "To launch or not to l-"BOOM - - - Updated - - - "Staple gun beats space tape!"
  9. Any ideas why this isn't able to get its #*ß+$& feetoff the runway? 3*16kN / ~3.5 t * 9.81 m/s²= TWR > 1 !! --Update--​ Oh, and now he just broke of the cap, is dancig between the struts, and overheating massively: so ??? --Update--​ Well, now he got free and starts cooling down, but I can't control him anymore! --Update--​ O​h, and when I get in and out of Timewarp again, all the debris suddenly gets teleported into the air: This seems like a very Danny story... and what did we learn from him: Investigation on it's way: It seems I can suspend them in the air by timewarping again... Behold:Magic! Well, I guess this is a happy end in the sense of everyone being very happy:
  10. Yeah, sorry... Was kind of in a hurry, will post sources of the pictures soon.
  11. Finished my entry! Here it is: Front picture from this Fanwork Fridays
  12. Amazing! For now, my favourites are German Team 2.0, SquaredSpekz, and Gigapolosatik. Sadly there's not much time left to realize my own ideas, will try anyways
  13. Athough I agree that the old model could use some redoing at some point, the new one isn't much of a improvement in my eye. But it'd nicely fill in the gap of 2.5m cockpits or I would love it for Mk1 if it looked a bit less clumsy:
  14. Thank you, but this doesn't seem to work for me... although I updated Toolbar and AFBW, the game crashes on me if I press the button on the Toolbar, and shift+L doesn't do anything
  15. Although I personally aggree with you, I can also really understand the point of the con-1.0-buffs-guys. So: a game is mostly only fun if it's challenging in some way. The point is, as you see, that evreyone has different opinions on what's "challenging" or "unnececary for gameplay"; so one of the most difficult tasks in game development is to find the right balance between those opinions. And I think, that with 1.0, Squad has really found the right compromise between those who live their crativity with overpowerd parts and those who enjoy their game ultrarealistic; although I'm certainly not one of the latter guys.
  16. Nope. It instantly crashes on me if I press the button to enable AdvancedFlyByWire. It theroretically could be AFBW side, but it's updated it to 1.0.4.
  17. Interesting. I might try competing with my Kerbalized Multi-Purpose Reuaseble Carrier System (abbreviation was actually much more bulky than the full name)
  18. You made up the characters exactly as I pictured them! Also, "graphic novel" is a very innovative idea of doing mission reports!
  19. Woo! got it to work on first try! ~0.6g only (in space), but no legs broke! After multiple launches and many tests, no single leg broke! This incredible reliability comes with some buffs: -as mentioned, acc is 0.7g at most -it thrusts in a very irrational direction; you have to face anti-normal(wich reduces acceleration to 0.3 at most) to get prograde thrust -when "locked to gravity", it can't even lift it's own weight in gravity hack I mght add the craft file when I improved that a little bit.
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