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Everything posted by nikokespprfan

  1. Wow, it really works. You were so right about it getting messy quickly. Now I think about it, can your Filer Extensions code be used to hack the filter code to make it happen?
  2. Very interesting idea. Plus, you can be splashed down at Jool, and thus achieve a permanent base there (Image getting a contract asking for that.) +1 for me.
  3. ...cause a pilot can handle the craft on his own. That is a great idea! It would also be handy for a pilot to learn how to keep a craft pointed at the horizon, or straight up, for these kind of missions. Maybe something for 4*-pilots?
  4. I posted this thread in the suggestion and development subforum a while back. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134081-A-second-take-on-decluttering-the-craft-editor-tabs Its a way to de-clutter the the utility and aerodynamics tabs (among others), by changing the part tabs into part filters. (I.E. You could have the command filter and the crew filter on and you will get a list of all parts that are manned command pods.) Without mods some tabs are already cluttered (like the aerodynamics(3 pages) and the utility (4 pages) tab), and if you add mods, you will easily get into the "4-pages in one tab" phenomenon. I wondered whether this could be made into a mod.
  5. They don't have to, as long as almost all groups of parts can be accessed by a logical set of active/inactive filters everything will be good.
  6. Another way of getting players to build SSTO's (and maybe also VTOL's) is by a contract that requires youi to build, and test a SSTO (or any other type of craft) for another company. These contracts would be huge moneymakers, as you are spending all of the effort to develop an SSTO (or any other craft that company might want.) and make it work(you have to test it after all). Effort that said company doesn't have to invest.
  7. If you mainly want the mod to be based around the axial tilt thing, you could call it "planetary seasons", mod, or something along those lines. If you want it to be based around harder physics in the kerbol system, inculding the axial tilt, you could call it hardcore physics mod. Another option would be "hardcore orbital mechanics" or "hardcore trajectories". Just trowing some ideas around. The was in 0.90 a mod called OP+ (Outer planets plus), which was an expansion on OPM. I don't know whether it still exists though, but that could be a pack to look at. Also related to OPM are the Sigma mod expansions. For your mod the Sigma Tilt, the Sigma PluronKhato, and the Sigma Binary packs could be something to look at. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112095-1-0-4-Sigma-Mod-Expansions http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127820
  8. I admit that cam up more angry than I intended it to be (I didn't intend it to be angry at all). I'm sorry for that. It was not my intention to upset you.
  9. I tried to do this, just to see how hard it'd be. It certainly causes some limitations while designing. But along the way I got the following situation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10P7jx3FySCUxW3tne66Xqvy6tbjs8qmyvUASnMbH2Yc/edit?usp=sharing What you see here are Hitchhikers that are attached by radial attachment points, but because I have offset the hitchhikers, they wouldn't be accessible though them. In the middle you see structural fuselage parts, with the outside hatch of the hitchhikers facing into the structural fuselage. I know this was not your intention, but I want to ask if for this part, you could make it so that a crew-able part cuts a hole in this IVA, even if it's not aligned properly or attached radially.
  10. You cannot assume the density of rock in our universe. In KSP everything is alot denser (in terms of mass->gravity) than in our universe. In the Kerbal universe 600 000 m body will give a gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2 or 1 g. This is based on the stats of Kerbin. Doing some maths, and I know that you need a 6116 m body for 0.1 m/s^2 and a 612 m body for 0.01 m/s^2
  11. Good idea. Just have the big ones in asteroid belts. If you add science situations to that belt, it'd be the equivalent of adding a planet.
  12. I agree, planets do have so much potential to make them more worthy of going to.
  13. I suggest that you pass on this idea to the mod-request section of the forums, too. (under general add-on affairs). Maybe someone will think, heck yea, I'm going to make that happen. I like the idea very much.
  14. There is already a thread for it : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132958-Economic-Mode As I see this coming back again and a again, a lot of people want this "economic mode".
  15. Doesn't 1.0.5 add a new engine with a huge vectoring range? It's the S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine.
  16. Hey guys, I found back this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/138398-Auto-trajectory-and-purpose-for-pilots. Combine this idea with the building-upgrade sneek peeks idea, and I think we would have solved the issue.
  17. So you want a toggle function to say whether you want things to appear in the staging diagram or not? ... Why just the fairings, we need that in general. That way, we can use the staging diagram as the mission profile, and the action groups as actions that need to be performed somewhere along the way.
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