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Everything posted by totos_totidis

  1. Bug the right click menu to kill nukes is not functional Game crshed here is the log https://copy.com/81ZPSZWBZOdqr8fU
  2. well could you also release the updated configs and/or the complete pakage.
  3. You can download it from the git hub https://github.com/cerebrate/USAFOrion/releases
  4. What do you mean with old source code? The original orion code, the first replacement dll code or the second replacement dll code?
  5. Now all we need is someone willing who can code.
  6. Well on the orion fourm thread someone said that the parts were loaded but the engine did not produce any thrust but i will try. It does not work eaven with the newest replacement dlls
  7. I would like to request a mod that implements the orion nuclear pulse drive. There used to be a mod that did it, someone could update or rewrite it. Link http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28428-Orion-aka-Ol-Boom-boom There s a site with some intresting data about the concept http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php#id--Pulse--Orion
  8. Well i dont get what all of this fuss is about. Can someone explain?
  9. Now that the other orion mod isn't supported for ksp 1.0x could you add the orion drive to your mod or update the dlls for that mod? Please do it for jeb's sake. Links http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28428-Orion-aka-Ol-Boom-boom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29 http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php#id--Pulse--Orion
  10. do you know why? TiktaalikDreaming and freethinker we could ask nyrath.
  11. Entertainment like television, radio, theater, the internet computer games like ksp, artwork, maybe silicon that is plentyful on earth but not so much on other bodies,. Liquid water. Land. If they have a similar metabolism to ours food and drugs.
  12. I dont use the i beam. Why did they even add that thing when you can use the modular girder segment.
  13. Simple add a parachute a decoupler and above tat a heatshield and a command pod. And that system has worked almost ​flawlessly.
  14. Well im no longer troop leader i was not voted this year. But hopefully we will make a new troop this year.
  15. The space lounge NX station Near Space 9 (star trek refrences) KSS (kerbal space station) Liberty Freedom
  16. which file has the problem? BombXferWindow.cs ModuleWindow.cs NukeFlash.cs NukeManager.cs NukeRound.cs OrionPusherPlate.cs or OrionMagazine.cs?
  17. Is this a quick fix to the replacement dll or does it need a lot of fixing?
  18. Wow 141 badges? that is a lot here in greece we have only 19 merit badges.
  19. What about something more imaginetive like Millenium's Edge or Milky dreams.
  20. i have a bug. when iuse the eject button and right cklick the kerbal and push the deploy buttons nothing happens.
  21. maybe someone could release an unofficial patch.
  22. in what progaming language is this writen?
  23. Jeb congratulations you just got promoted to doing inspirational talks at universities and other events.
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