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Everything posted by totos_totidis

  1. Yes i do use sigma binary And yes the bug happened again in a stock+ sigma binary + kopernicus+ galactic Neighborhood install in a while you will have the new logs
  2. Now i started getting some weird lag when i travel to another star system i was travelling to prok kseema and the log is spammed with this message that i think is the bug. Furthermore i was traveling using the kspi e daedalus drive here is the full log https://www.dropbox.com/s/495nllbscfce61y/KSP.log?dl=0 [LOG 21:06:36.190] getObtAtUT infinite UT on elliptical orbit UT: -Infinity, returning NaN at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at Orbit.getObtAtUT(Double UT) at Orbit.getPositionAtUT(Double UT) at Orbit._SolveClosestApproach(.Orbit p, .Orbit s, Double ByRef UT, Double dT, Double threshold, Double MinUT, Double MaxUT, Double epsilon, Int32 maxIterations, Int32 ByRef iterationCount) at PatchedConics._GetClosestApproach(.Orbit p, .Orbit s, Double startEpoch, Double dT, .SolverParameters pars) at PatchedConics._CheckEncounter(.Orbit p, .Orbit nextPatch, Double startEpoch, .OrbitDriver sec, .CelestialBody targetBody, .SolverParameters pars) at PatchedConics._CalculatePatch(.Orbit p, .Orbit nextPatch, Double startEpoch, .SolverParameters pars, .CelestialBody targetBody) at PatchedConicSolver.Update()
  3. Is there a way to instal OPM but have the planets in the kerbol system?
  4. When i installed this and i tried to warp outside of the sun's SOI the game lagged and crashed. Here is the log https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ndap8dl918tc66r/AACsxXMxKmmKsqhhvciRFioWa?dl=0
  5. I have problems with the daedalus engine 1 the radial interstellar fuel tank x11 does not have LqdHe3 or Lqd Deuterium as an available resource 2 when i try to use the daedalus engine in time warp the target moves and thus i have to stop time warp to reorient the spacecraft
  6. Yes but i am not using 64 bit and my parts seem not to be upgraded.
  7. There could be but my radiators. They aren't upgraded as well
  8. I think i have a bug that makes all my techs not upgraded eaven though i am playing in sandbox. Could anyone help?
  9. I there a way for me to convert electric chage to megajules?
  10. Well it is kind of fun building ICBMs and nukeing enemy cities and bases.
  11. the old z pinch mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24148-3-metersZ-Pinch-fusion-rocket
  12. Microwavesources is ksp interstellar extended and also open gl lags a lot on my pc for some reason,
  13. I would like the type 3 phaser rifle becouse tn my opinion it is one of the best infantry weapons in Sci Fi it is also beter than the light saber it is imposible to deflect due to it being a beam weapon and emmiting nadions that i think can't be deflected. Or the time ring. And if we can have a vehicle the TARDIS type 94 due to it being able to travel through space AND time it is also a warship.
  14. It's a conspiracy by the kerbinati. please wear your tin hat and RUN! And there is a bug on pol so you cant timewarp or quicksave there
  15. Yes you heard it right it isn't dead as we all hoped on bop but it is somehow affecting pol. When you try and land on pol you explode before reaching the surfice . What other moons and/or planets will be infected next? #savethemoons
  16. czokletmuss said a couple of pages ago that he is buzy.
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