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Everything posted by totos_totidis

  1. There are 3 arrows for scout knowlege the copper silver and gold arrow they are like the scout ranks in america there is the golden trifoil but you get this by having abadge from every category and the golden arrow these however are for the troop age groop witch is kids from 6th grade of primary school to 3rd grade of gymnasium thene there are the wolf cubs wich are from the 2nd grade of primary school to the 5th grade primary school and finaly there are the detectors these are kids from the first grade of high school until the 3rd grade and after that they can go tho the acout network but i havent seen anyone go there. Finnaly most people go to become adould leaders or they stop. Feel free to ask questions
  2. Greek scout here with the copper arrow now going to silver arrow
  3. Could you please add some example ships with the download like the honeybadger and starlifter from the blueprints? Thanks.
  4. You should be able to scan for magnetic fields solar hotspots and sunspots. same for jool magnetic field scaning and also in reality there sxists a map of the sun
  5. KSP: 0.90 32bit Windows 8.1 64bit Problem: ksp crashes to desctop afer sometimes quickloading and changing crafts Mods installed: active texture management mechjeb scansat 9.5 kerbal alarm clock ALCOR vesselviewer 000_toolbar project orion mod with replacement dlls rasterpropmonitor with replacement dlls StockBugFixModules ModuleManager.2.5.9 Reproduction steps: Build a simple craft with a Mk1 pod, a long tank, two radial intakes, and a RAPIER. Take off, switch to closed-cycle mode. Watch engine overheat and explode. Log: <link>http://pastebin.com/u0ABQ2xn error log https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5pky5azq8f34ou/output_log.txt?dl=0 output.log
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