KSP: 0.90 32bit Windows 8.1 64bit Problem: ksp crashes to desctop afer sometimes quickloading and changing crafts Mods installed: active texture management mechjeb scansat 9.5 kerbal alarm clock ALCOR vesselviewer 000_toolbar project orion mod with replacement dlls rasterpropmonitor with replacement dlls StockBugFixModules ModuleManager.2.5.9 Reproduction steps: Build a simple craft with a Mk1 pod, a long tank, two radial intakes, and a RAPIER. Take off, switch to closed-cycle mode. Watch engine overheat and explode. Log: <link>http://pastebin.com/u0ABQ2xn error log https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5pky5azq8f34ou/output_log.txt?dl=0 output.log