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Posts posted by Jaeleth

  1. Hi.

    I installed your real engines pack  (V.2.0.1) into my KSP 1.3.1 (RP1/ RO).

    I can see a lot of your remade engines plus some new ones, like the Super Dracos.

    But I cannot see others, like the Raptors or the LMDE (at least not in the alphabetical order they should, but I searched thoroughly anyway)

    They are in the GameData\RealEnginesPak\USPack but do not show in the engines tab.

    Any clues?

    Thanks in advance


    Solved> My mistake. Raptors aren't listed in "R" but in "W" (WIP RO Raptor). Took a while to browse the entire (quite big) list of engines to find them 

  2. Hi there.

    Can someone help me out here.

    Apparently the mod is not working. That is, I set up a greenhouse, batteries, solar panels, right outside kerbal space center. all necessary resources stocked in attached tanks and crewed by a pilot and a scientist. But no food or Oxygen is produced.

    I am using KSP 1.3.1, used CKAN to download and install this mod, I use quite a lot of other mods which details must be listed in the log file, here is the compreensive list (as per CKAN export mods output)


    I attach log file and an explaining picture of my setup, as you can see, after 1 day (or so) the base is almost running out of Oxygen, no fertilizer has been spent and food is only being consumed (not produced)


    This first picture had the "start farming" button not pressed.

    Here is another where the button has been pressed. Another 18 hours or so pass and... To no avail, farming never produces Oxygen or Food...



    Thanks for any help.


  3. This mod looks GREAT, one of the best looking mods I ever tried. But something is not right, at least with me.

    The planetary Greenhouse, for instance, is not producing anything, neither Oxygen, nor food.

    It does not spend fertilizer, either.

    It has energy, it is started (farming), it has access to water... When crewed, the food depletes to zero, when uncrewed it just stands in there, doing nothing and nothing changes on the base supplies (oxygen, water, fertilizer, waste, food). I left enough empty storage space for these items to increase if they were produced, but they are not being produced.

    I am using this with version 1.3.1 of the game with RealIsm Overhaul (RP-1) installed. I know this MOD is not supported by RO BUT it should grow food and Oxygen anyway since those resources exist both in stock game and in RO

    By the way, I saw the above post about the reactor. In my installation, the nuclear reactor, apparently does nothing also. Just rises to some 130% or so effeiciency, then drops to zero and stops producing energy. I made the greenhouse tests with solar power though

    Any help?


  4. Hi.

    I am trying this mod with RO RP1 with RSS Expanded in KSP 1.3.1

    I used it before in RO - RSS, KSP 1.2.2 with no problems

    I downloaded version 0.5.3 (for KSP 1.3.1)

    But the haystack button does not appears anywhere when I run the game.

    I have no flights started. Just starting a new game. A clean 1.3.1 install, followed by RO/RP1 install and RSS-Expanded.


  5. Hi. I recently installed Bon Voyage. I play KSP 1.2.2 with RO/RSS

    I tried Bon Voyage with a rover of mine I sent to Mars.

    The rover has enough energy to drive forever, 2 small solar panels, 1 nuke, pod is rovermate and 6 small wheels.

    Bon Voyage doesn't starts and says I should get more panels or nukes. But the energy is always maxed out... Even when I drive at full throttle.

    Any clues?


  6. I am playing KSP v1.2.2 with RSS / RO.

    Just tried bon voyage on a rover I have on Mars

    When I press the "go" button… (Is that what "Poehali" is supposed to mean? ;) ) bon voyage complains there is not enough solar panels and I should have a dozen reactors… Well… I have 2 small panels and one reactor, but the one reactor is quite enough for the rover to wander forever, even in the dark, the energy in the rover is always maxed out. How can I overule bonvoyage's assumption there is not enough power? 


  7. 14 hours ago, itsthatguy said:

    I'm just getting back into RO after a few years of absence.

    I enjoy playing in career mode, and I'm currently designing my first lunar flyby probe of my save. I decided that I wanted to recover the probe so that I could maximize the science gain. There is one small problem: all of the heat shields I have unlocked are "rated for LEO reentry". I can't seem to find any additional heat shields anywhere in the tech tree.

    Am I blind, or is there something afoot here?

    As per your words I assume you are playing career, I am currently playing RO in sandbox so the things I have access will differ. You can try to download FASA Saturn V mod. (the parts for the Saturn V), the Apollo capsule heat shield is rated for lunar reentry BUT... I do not know if you will have research points to unlock it or if it comes unlocked by default (I doubt that) so the trick is... stack 2 (or more) LEO shields.

    I know this technique Works because I once sent a probe to "sink" on Jupiter (study the lower layers of the atmosphere) and a single (even lunar rated) heatshield wouldn´t work to prevent destruction of the vessel while entering Jupiter´s dense atmosphere at 50Km/s so I stacked them... :) First is consumed, explodes, second consumed, explodes, third.... halfway consumed... Perfect :)

    So, 2 LEO heat shield stacked on top of each other should do the trick, if not... Use 3 :)

    Hope I helped.

  8. Hi.

    I am having quite some trouble figuring out how TAC Life Support Works in RO and have been running in circles for 2 weeks or so... So, if anyone can help, I would appreciate.

    I tested various configurations and what appears to be happening is:


    1. Sabatier does nothing, nothing at all. It does not consumes CO2 and does not produces H2O

    2. Water purifiers seem to GENERATE water, you see, if I start with 2 kerbals, some water and 3 purifiers, I end up consuming food, O2 (of course) and with MORE clean water than the amount I started with.

    3. Air filter does nothing... NADA... niente :P

    4. water splitter does the electrolysis, as it should, curiously, when coupled with water filters, since they "create" water, they allow for a small storage tank provide O2 and H2O for a very looooong time :D

    5. Bosch reactor seems to be "sort of" working... As for the outputs, that is, it does not consumes CO2.

    6. The only ones who seem to be doing what they would do in real life (besides the water splitters) are the 3 scrubbers (Peroxide, Hydroxide and Superoxide)


    Can anyone explain how the whole TAC-RO Works or if it is working properly at all or still under development.


    The non-RO sabatier Works just fine, maybe too well... If I couple one non-RO sabatier with 3 RO water purifiers (small size) I have water and oxygen until the end of times, (for 2 kerbals), only food is not fully regenerated


  9. Is this mod working? I have tested 2 other mod parts with strange results....

    Bosch Carbon reactor... Does absolutely nothing.


    10 days, only Bosch reactor ON, 3 kerbals:


    Waste water 148

    waste 15.97

    CO2 15346

    O2 1560048

    water 7909

    Food 15432


    same 10 days, everything OFF, 3 kerbals...


    Waste water 148

    waste 15.97

    CO2 15346

    O2 1560048

    water 7909

    Food 15432


    So are the reactors working at all? Bosch does nothing and Sabatier does... strange stuff


    Lithium Hydroxide Scrubber, appears to be working but, not as it should... Here are the results:


      Start After 10 days 3 kerbals
    Waste Water 62.76 210 12847
    Waste 6.75 22.67 289
    CO2 6485 21783 21828
    O 1577814 1560113 1560061
    H2O 10411 10296 10295
    Food 15783 15608 15608
    Lith Peroxide 21 21 21
    Potassium Superoxide 31.5 31.5 31.5
    Lith Hydroxid 1025 1025 936
    Lox 27895 27895 27895
    Lhy 44644 44644 44644
        OFF ON


    As you can see... It outputs something close to what it should but... Appears do scrub NO CO2 at all :o Is is magic?


  10. 15 hours ago, phoneix_007 said:

    Is there a possibility od restoring zero boli-off using radiators, like in 1.1 version? Mabye copying some code lines from 1.1 version into 1.2? 

    Download "Heat Pump" https://github.com/Starwaster/HeatPump mod and use Service Module rated tanks. Zero Boiloff then, but requires quite a bit of energy and beware, that mod has a small bug so that if you time warp more than 3 clicks when focus is on the vessel it will boiloff anyway so, to timewarp at greater speed, just go to tracking station or space center, timewarp as much as you like, and then return to normal time and to the craft.

    KSP RO/RP/RSS'ers might like to try also the Discord App group KSP-RO... Many of us, crazy hardcore RO'ers are in there and sometimes you might get answered real time


  11. On ‎19‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 3:44 PM, hypervelocity said:

    @JaelethI had the increasing & destructive wobbling effect with clipped Docking Ports and Infernal Robotic's Docking Washers - any chance you have any of these in your rocket? & 

    It's been awhile I don't come here on the forums, spend much of the time on RO discord but just to say I found out that the problem had to do with some (of the largest) stock tanks and the RSRMV's. With procedural tanks,no problems at all and I now use only procedural, no reason for the stock tanks anyway.


  12. Hi.


    I am testing the sabatier reactor aboard a space station and I have some weird results... It appears it does much of the opposite it should do. In the following table I recorded the amounts of the supplies at the station after 10 days running with the sabatier reactor OFF and then ON. Can you explain what's happening here? Am I missing something?


    Thanks in advance


      Start After 10 days 3 kerbals
    Waste Water 61.79 210 247
    Waste 6.68 22.67 26.66
    CO2 6417 21783 25619
    O 1577893 1560113 1555674
    H2O 10412 10296 10266
    Food 15784 15608 15564
    Lith Peroxide 21 21 21
    Potassium Superoxide 31.5 31.5 31.5
    Lith Hydroxid 1025 1025 1025
    Lox 27895 27895 27895
    Lhy 44644 44644 44644
        Sabatier OFF Sabatier ON


    I add an output log too, don't know how it will help but... here goes:



    Thanks in advance

  13. Hi. I bumped into a bug in RO... Has anyone ever suffered a weird increasing and destructive wobbling while still on launch platform?
    It appears to happen only when I add RSRMV's... The funny thing is that I used the very same launcher before and this never
    happened... The funnier thing is that if I load a previously working launcher with payload, nothing happens, but if I go back
    to assembly, remove the payload, and put just the launcher on the launchpad... It wobbles and breaks... 
    (Note: This is not the typical "wobble during flight due to poor construction", the very same rocket launched several times
    before straight and stable as a candle...)
    See sequence of pics enclosed to see what I mean...
    Note: Sometimes before, when separating first stage (I´m not counting the solid fuel boosters) the jettisonned (1st) stage started rotating and wobbling increasingly. I never payed much attention to that since the stage was useless at that point, on its falling trajectory into the atlantic)
  14. 1 hour ago, hargn said:

    Just an idea about it,

    It could be great to have a tech for "reinforced" parts in RO/RP-0, that could be in the construction branch of the techtree.
    Once unlocked, some stuff (I think to procedural parts) have a switch that, when on, reinforce the part to make them resistant to heavy pressure that can be encountered at the surface of Venus or in the deep atmosphere of gaz/ice giants.

    Then we have a step to reach before to be able to explore these area.

    Yes. That would be nice... I guess the most elegant way to do this would be to have a certain "tech" level pegged to each part, raising tech level would increase maxPressure / ruggedness.... good attributes, maintaining the mass. This would emulate new materials research. But I think this might be a problem to implement since the techtree is focused on specific branches / parts and not global, somewhat abstract, variables (materials tech level), also, it would probably be difficult to "control" under RO, particularly with RP-0... :P 

    Another way would be to use "existing" tech and just add more "armor"... (thus increasing mass, cost...) In this case the ideal way would be to have a small customize part menu, accessed by right click, after the part is placed on a craft, in the VAB. Perhaps a small box where one could insert an "armor factor" and then that figure would modify all parameters (mass, cost, crash resistance....) accordingly.


  15. 4 minutes ago, hargn said:

    But, I don't know the purpose of your mod, but think that you do not want to modify parts that are patched by RO, unless for new modules you would provide.


    @hargn Thanks for the tip, I´ll check it.

    This script was only an example I was testing, that was easy to see. The real purpose of the mod is to customize the maxPressure of some parts in order to make it more realistic and to be able to land on Venus without turning off pressure checks at game start. I will create the variable maxPressure = 12000, increase weight (plating), increase cost, and general ruggedness (resistance to crash), of some parts, basically those used in rover building, for the time being.

  16. I have a problem with modding within RO. This is not exactly a bug, so I am not posting a log, but if required I can do it.

    The objective: I want to change some characteristics of some parts.

    The method: I created a very simple script, named "testparts.cfg" inside this directory: C:\KSP\GameData\Test

    The script for testing...



              @mass = 2.0



    The problem: It Works on a clean install of KSP 1.2.2, but it doesn´t Works on KSP 1.2.2 with Realism Overhaul and all dependency mods installed. Any clues?


    By "it Works", I mean: I go to the VAB and the mass of the roverBody part has changed to 2.0t

    I tried to change it to this (see below) but still didn´t work.



              @mass = 2.0


  17. AESaae

    11 hours ago, Benjamin Kerman said:

    You can do this!

    Get MM, and write up a simple patch that changes the part's pressure threshhold to 1200kpa!

    There is a guide written up here: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Handbook

    You meant, 12000 kpa ;). For Venus, at least, I do not know what's the max pressure on ocean deep in Kerbin. In Earth it should be the aforementioned 110000kpa if RSS is correct at that point.

    Thanks for the tip, and link, I was editing a few parts I needed myself, increasing pressure, weight, and cost. 

    Pressure 3x default

    Initial cost roughly 1.25x default

    Purchase cost 2x default

    Mass 2x default

    Then, added a small red dot somewhere on the parts texture to know it's the High Pressure version.

  18. Hi.

    I just downloaded the maritime pack mod to try to find some parts that would have a higher pressure threshold than default (4000kpa, aka 40 atmospheres). But, curiously, even the batiscafe part has a 4000kpa threshold... Isn't this weird? A batiscafe was designed to go to the Marianna Trench, in the Pacific, where the pressure reaches around 1100 atmospheres, that's "just" 110000 kpa !!!!

    Wouldn't it be nice to overhaul this? :)

  19. Hi.

    I am having some trouble with rovers going downhill with mechjeb rover autopilot on. I set speed for 10m/s, for instance, but when downhill mechjeb won't apply brakes and will only, apparently, try to brake with the engines, which doesn't works. I can easily, manually, brake and the brakes are effective, it is just MJ that does not appears to use them. Any alternatives?

    I am using KSP 1.2, RO, RSS, all dependencies, and a few more mods like MJ2

  20. Hi, can anyone tell me where can I tweak the max allowable pressure for each part? I am looking for the file I must edit manually.

    I need to do it since I am using Realism Overhaul with Real Solar System and the pressure on Venus surface is 2.375 times higher than max pressure for ANY part, which is set at 4000kpa. I am using KSP 1.2.2

    and, in the real world, there were human probes landing on Venus so, I want to correct this in the game files.

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