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Everything posted by Lubo

  1. i like to think of them as an structure u build in the VAB, they probbably will need tons of electric charge or even a new resource waht is not easy to got or something. Then just send them anywhere and have fun.! Maybe a one of this awesome community has the power and time to make such a thing happen jeah i like the manual link componant as well, like a remote tech difference Lvl for more far away things? why not
  2. I dont mind KAS :), i like to think of them as an structure u build in the VAB, they probbably will need tons of electric charge or even a new resource waht is not easy to got or something. Then just send them anywhere and have fun.! Yeah i actually made a thread for this mod-idea Maybe a one of this awesome community has the power and time to make such a thing happen jeah i like the manual link componant as well, like a remote tech difference Lvl for more far away things? why not
  3. What do u think of an Stargate kinda Part, in different size, to place your own Wormholes to get much stuff to a place once finally reached. I would love to send ships thru a stargate from planet to planet or even star to star
  4. Hi Kerbonauts, i just had this idea of an actual stargate mod, imagine sending Rovers or even spaceships from space to space or form planet to planet. I really like the idea, And Im asking if something like this is possible that u can fly thru these wormholes in realtime. That would be awesome. greeting
  5. Hi, thx for this great work! There is only one problem: My PC details: Intel Core i5 - 3.5 Ghz 8 GB ram Radeon R9 290 I installled RC on a fresh unmodded KSP (everything is with KSP 32 bit) First time i enter the game while looking at the building, not even started a rocket, my Ram usage is around 3,2 GB from the start. Note the FPS r stable at around 40-60(again: no other mods, only RC) I tried ATM aggressive --> Messed up the textures Deleted everthing, installed Ksp with only RC again this time with force open gl mode, and i save about 600MB of Ram but losing about 20fps, and the game feels very laggy, even if very small rockets where launched. My PC is pretty much high performance, atleast for KSP i thing. So what is wrong here? I was so happy about the new looks, but actually its kind of unplayable, atleast for now, what kind of frustrates me. Or will it all be settled when unity 5 comes out? Anyone else experienceing these problems with the new RC pack?
  6. @samstarman5 - did u read my initial text? im very well aware of the difference between mod related bugs and stock bugs, just read the thread text. Why i would prefer crowdfunding over just buying ksp copys: i dont have the money to like 40 dollars instant. but i would have lets say 1-5 dollar to spare. Im persoanly a big fan of crowdfunding, in simple words just to see what we as an awesome community can make happen. Although Im not a Ksp player from hour zero, i started ksp with 0.9. Maybe i missed the crowdfunding in the earlydays. j have played about 500+ hours of KSP and there is still so much more to do. For me KSP without the mods, i maybe would have played like 10-20h and never even set flag on the mun, and then forgot about this game, but i didnt thx to the all the awesome moders. Its only just for now, that KSP is in fullversion, but due to 32bit ram problems and modder bugs(what is not SQUADS fault, again) My passion and patience is continuesly dropping, i just dont want that to happen
  7. I would support KSP with some additional coins, even thou i dont have much money, its just the fun i get out of this game is more then worth for me. Obviously Green little thing aint that realistic, but u know thats arguable. i feel gameplay over realisim is legit to a certain degree. But why not having like stock mods which are able to switch on/off for a starting new carrer/sandbox run. This way everyone gets what they want - i guess.
  8. Hi Kerbanouts, I was just thing about that idea. Here is the deal. Im almost sure we all agree that KSP is one if not the best Computer game ever made. At least for people like me, a numbers/science/space geek. Im loving it, but this love gets very much distracted by some annoying stock Bugs(SB), plus many more Mods induced bugs(MB) and crashes. These Mod related bugs sure SQUAD is not to blame for. If they r indeed mod related. Im not a coder, just a casual gamer.(think about streaming resently) I feel besides the SB and MB, KSP has so much more potential in terms of maybe Coloniazlisation, and reality related activities like warpdrive and other awesome and Engines/science experiments. And maybe add some Science to find Other life forms on other planets, solarsystems. I personal would be amazed if they implement some kind of minigames to different Science experiments, to maybe maxamize the science on the first go and/or playing around with the informations provided by the given science experiments. I know there are lots of mods for this, but then we have MB. To the Point: I personally think if we as a community support SQUAD with something like Crowdfunding or mabye give ideas to make the twitchstream more exciting, or whatever. We maybe can accelerate the process of fixing bugs, adding new cool stuff or maybe get more Mods to offical status. Just curious if u guys would toss in some coins to help making this amazing game even more amazing. - Just imagine if every KSP-Player chips in 1 Dollar, what could happen? What is Squad point of view to this idea? greetings Lukas Kerman
  9. I feel my kryptonite is the 4gigram limit with the 32bit version. Using many mods. For me the most importandaspect are the visuals. never have tried to get the 64bit win version to run. just have the feeling squad doent have the resources for coding that besides 32bit, stable. but i totaly could be wrong.
  10. I use Mecjeb and KER, i get the cheating point of view, but for me the increase of figureing the game out and just have more fun(or lets say less frustrating moments) is worth it
  11. Hey i have similar issues with 1.0.3 so far. My Kerbin and mun space station wherer not usful anymore. after selecting their circuling body disappaird and the station kind of broke. non the less i had the terminate both for the sake of 1.0.3, as long as we experience less bugs i can life with that. Thx Squad for this great game im truly loving it like no other game before, but plz dont call it finished or released yet. plus my eve Rover was unoperable and crushed the game
  12. 1. Lunch a proper space shuttle into orbit.(still learning) 2. Putting an Asteriod onto coliding curse into Kerbin 3. Land a rover on Eve and get some Science 4. Set Foot onto Every Kerbin body. Exapt Lander on Eve, but i have done Eve with an Spaceplain. 5. Big spacestation + ScienceLab, getting science 6. Figuering out Remote Tec and be able to maintain an interplanetary connection.( This was incredibly hard but if u get it it awesome) + Still testing about with the time delay on outerplanet probes 7. looking forward to Outplanet mod + Interstellar with LifeSupport
  13. thx for the rework, i had betterwarpspeed but if i was going in hyperwarp my rocket crushed hopefully this one let my kerbals Live
  14. cant seem to find it on Ckan. whats the exact same of the mod in there?
  15. Hey fellas, Everyone here happy with the mod uses FAR ? Just to be sure the atmospheric trajectories dont work on stock aerodynamics?! Will it be updated for stock aero shorty? dont wanna miss out on that mod and dont wanna go back to FAR
  16. I figured out that this one asteriod science thing from Dmagic caused the bug, atleast it worked for me. My rocket without that kind of arm with a scanner for astroids was the problem for now. thx everyone
  17. HI guys, I know many have this problem with the flipping rocket.But this here is different. I guess it is a BUG. I have like 25 mods installed, what totally can cz the problem. Just wanna know if anyone expexienced the same issue. When i start a Rocksolid rocket(has been tested) i recognized that the center of view, like from where u look at your rocket) moves down the rocket step by step as I pass the diferent atmophere layers. It fells like that the center of mass gets pushed down aswell cz as the view goes down the rocket, the torque is getting heavier. Also the rocket spins around a point which is outside my rocket so the rocket makes a circle moving shape while flying out of control It is an anying problem and frustrated me today. How do u solve a problem like this? restart ksp/PC - check testing another save game - havnt done reinstall ksp and mod more carfully - havnt done( is there another way to solve a problem like this cz reinstalling get anoying) thx Kerbonauts
  18. thx guys. So does it have any effect on the game? other then lets say the lower the number of Fov the longer it will take to scan the planet?
  19. Hi, In the description of all the three different types of satellites u find the term foe* and a number what does it tell? thx Lubo
  20. I mean like what made to boom happen and was anything before it? Also r there may other universe? 2: still we have no clue about the mechanics of creating life 3: dont understand the questing? certainly not enough to get to another planet 4. maybe, if we cant make life liveable for everyone i suppose 5. What about use your highest potential or do whats most important
  21. What about getting the fundamental awnsers we(humans) havnt figured out yet, like: Why is the Universe how did life created itself and how many times did it happen. Will we be able to travel to another earth like planet sometime Will we kill each other? - - - Updated - - - but the true purpose of life is to give it a purpose
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