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sir raftalot

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Everything posted by sir raftalot

  1. im having basically the same issue as this. obviously my flights and uuid's are different my 2 flights econ and luxury from ksc to orbit are visible my 2 flights econ and luxury from orbit to ksc are visible my flight from kerbin orbit to minmus is visible my flight from minmus to kerbin is just unobtainable im even having the strange thing where some of my flights are invisible until i open up the flight tracker from said specified terminal was this resolved? if so how?
  2. hmm. interesting so somewhere in rss is calling on this bit of code in order to make the appropriate changes? i guess what im asking is what is calling on this to make the changes? or is it a case of the function timeWarpRates is broken in 1.3? or its a bit of code that you guys added, that wasn't preexisting? sorry for the deluge im just interested in begining to make my own mods. thanks again
  3. Hey Gang, got a question. the time warp with the 1.2 version of rss and the 1.3 patch doesn't seem to work for me i found the real solar system file with the following code REALSOLARSYSTEM { // GENERAL PARAMETERS //cam01NearClip = 1 timeWarpRates { rate1 = 10 rate2 = 100 rate3 = 1000 rate4 = 10000 rate5 = 100000 rate6 = 1000000 rate7 = 6000000 } } @REALSOLARSYSTEM:FOR[RSSConfig] { RSSConfig = True } however it still uses the base games time warp config. id also like to be able to modify time warp rates in other games as well does anyone know what could be up or how the code around time warp works? thanks a ton
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