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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. i knew that fun fact im awesome actually fun fact countries with nukes create a paradox. this paradox causes them to be more aggressive to other countries but it makes them less likely to attack other countries because they dont want nuclear war.
  2. best mirrors edge or sonic 06 along with half life and portal. worst? ANY EA SPORTS GAME
  3. granted but they summon flags halfway through your head. i wish i knew how to post on this forum
  4. found another thing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxs9CfbO1DHEc3lCb2ZrcjJuSGc/view?usp=sharing if you dont know what it is or what it means its the trap door from lost.
  5. banned for lying what if your colour blind?
  6. Ethanadams


    i like playing as control w to win. its fun to watch every one around to disapeer
  7. 12/-1 good good still trying to catch you some and have you looked at yourself in negitiv yet?
  8. i love rockets (the candy) and shockers (the candy) and steak. ham. bacon i love meat
  9. a big moon a tree and a thing flying infront of the moon E.T? also XANNARI FERROWS
  10. NOPE an crown? of iron? thats green? or red?
  11. yes actully how did u know the user below me has at least 200 rep
  12. i feel like should know you from somewere

  13. stanly walks through the trap door below him
  14. granted but the knowledge was never meant to be known by mere humans (or pokemon) so you go crazy screaming in the corner for help i wish for a pun
  15. nothing like 138 km/h kart racing to have some fun
  16. whats the stander procedure if someone gets into your account and start posting random stuff that is offensive (that hasnt happened to me probably wont but you never know) so you basically have to be really bad at following rules or just like to cause trouble to get banned? (green iron crown)
  17. well im a man and my users name starts with an e and theirs an a and d in theirs some were so yes XANNARI
  18. R.I.P mirrors edge (partly) because if they make a second one with ea owning dice its probably not going to be good
  19. stop NO stop a cant resist fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine its me tubm will be glad for mincraft 1.9
  20. wrong wait? what no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tubm likes ksp music
  21. actually no i tried the demo after i bought the game to see the earlier version of the game. the user below me like deadmau5
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