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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bxs9CfbO1DHEfkhndGpUQ1lvVmk0MmNfR0JZQmgxZ3NQT1pYY3JzaVYzU2JRQTNPMWdjRlk&usp=sharing lots of amethyst. quarts, a big peice of solidifed lava, eggat, petrified wood and some other missilanius stuff the last few photos of poslished stones i bought but the rest i found in the ground. i had a lot more but i recently moved so i had to throw out at least 50 peices like this some were HUGE
  2. I don't think that's a good idea with mine because I run my cable and telephone through it. also there's a button on top of it that says wps do you know what that does?
  3. Week to be honest i don't think people like reading rules
  4. Why is there a power bar is it your ups if you have one?
  5. I know that but I was thinking because of cortana. Is this a more stable version from what you can tell?
  6. So they have gone all halo on it? Spartan cortana any other halo things on there?
  7. Cool I now whant it also is there internet explorer on there?
  8. And yet I tiny fraction of the total universe not the observable universe the Intire universe. i wish for a piece of cloth (it is also a tiny fraction of a googolplex)
  9. That's not that big but you do co pretend it so you are canstoatly thinking about it. also I wish for a maverick jet
  10. http://www.gutenberg.org free library
  11. Ethanadams


    250? I had over 9000. thats a joke welcome to the forums I joy your stay
  12. Granted but I don't do anything i wish for a 20mm howitzer
  13. AVG and flash player and unity web player
  14. 7/18 I don't really know you...............
  15. Well I don't use ebooks but I do read ALOT
  16. Download 2 mb then stop don't download at all. some time if it downloads all the way when 0.5 mb left it says it stopped the download because it might be dangerous even when I say it's okay to download it refuses tried on internet explorer fire fox and Chrome
  17. And full downloads don't seem to work? Server overload?
  18. It might not be his internet it might actually be the store because mine refuses to download.
  19. I have a lot moar than I remember so yeah expect a lot of photos on google drive I will the link in about 5 hours.
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