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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. They had plans with havoc to go to the surface
  2. http://ducksarethebest.com - - - Updated - - - http://ducksarethebest.com
  3. Ethanadams


    Photos bombing? So shots as in photos were does that happen the most?... Disney?
  4. I had a really cool presentation from nasa called havoc can't acces it right now so here's some other stuff https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bxs9CfbO1DHEWW1WeC1zSWJPSEE/edit?usp=docslist_api https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bxs9CfbO1DHEaUxkS0IzdDZ4YlE/edit?usp=docslist_api https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bxs9CfbO1DHEQXlOZW5BaGc5X0U/edit?usp=docslist_api
  5. Te biggest question of all dies it have internet explorer?
  6. Insider preview? Why does the recycling bin look like that? What's the circle on the task bar what's the object next to the circle on the task bar? (Sorry)
  7. -8 what did I miss wait whip your negative?
  8. Back when I use to live in [CLASSIFIED] I could find huge chunks of amythist and quarts along with a bunch of other stuff [uNKOWN] is really full of that kind o mineral and iron with makes the amythist I could try to send some old pictures if you want?
  9. 6/13 not fast enough need Omar speed
  10. YouTube has a national anthem? the moar you know
  11. Hail ÃŽâ€v I won't stop
  12. 5 really �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
  13. I find it ironic that the song is called trinity because of the video I was watching
  14. Na I derail and crash all hype trains that get in my nerves enders
  15. Okay I'm here enders game come here - - - Updated - - - ******* really? Come in the endermane
  16. How did you know it was me xannari pleSe don't be ninjaed by Enders
  17. No it isn't xannari we can delete him together call me when you come
  18. I will have to look you in the eyes though star get the endermen
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