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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. actully i shot off both his wings on his space ship he wont be back for a while xannari/
  2. i have eaten the game with link on meellee i dont know why people like falco and fox there just not that good i like lik alt because he is an all rounder and his arrows are affected by gravity making it easier to shoot [eople with it
  3. or you can be less subtlle and use a hammer. works great on locks and computers
  4. nop he is currently at the pokemon center being healed he will be back below me
  5. -13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will passs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. exactly what you title says post your old favorite games here it helps if it has an online version for people to play such as http://hover.ie/ or quake or escape from castlevania or splunky please follow the rules the space lounge when posting a game
  7. may i just say your being a bit vauge can you discrybe it moar? was it hover? http://hover.ie/
  8. my favorite thing about old games is there debug modes wich modern games dont have for some reason. like ion microsoft pinbsl spce cadet just after starting the game if you type in hidden test and hit enter before the game starts you can control the ball with left clicking your mouse
  9. so i was bored booted up my old laptop which still runs xp for about half an hour i played pinball with debug mode on. then i realized that xp has some really cool themes. if you still run xp there's a screen saver that comes with the os and its an astronought in Eva around a space station orbiting the earth you should try it out because it is really cool especially with the high def graphics
  10. get into wifi use dns then go on google and use inconito mode. still even doing that it is exessivly easy to tell if some one is using your wifi what there looking up.
  11. awesome mabye its my computer but the astronaughts face is a little weird?
  12. sorry i got that confused with something else but yes circumnavigating blocks is generally viewed as "hacking" by most people
  13. hello sowemeetagain you might find the tutarails section beter sutide for this and can you please be moar specifice with your questioons?
  14. i am coming for you light green group i will conqure the rep i just need to wait a while and some intresting stuf sigh
  15. 1203 you see some stuff that under normal curcumstances you would do but your climbing a really tall building instead of uing the elevator so yuo go to the nextt floor
  16. fixed the link http://www.windows93.net/ if it is spam or you get a malwere warning please pm so i will take it down
  17. N.O.P.E buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut a curtain os is below me that likes the spetzna/shadow companie model
  18. banned for no reason exept i like banning people
  19. dont look here i made a mistake
  20. i places rain snow and ice on your highway for years wairing it down intill its a pothole filled mess then i take over my road network
  21. actually yes i am the user below computer is over 3 years old
  22. no and some people can take that the wrong way tubm thinks 1.0 was better than 1.02
  23. quick to what spam the user above me? quick in movement quick when driving quik with and other things? tubm has no naboirs
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