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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Nadia I don't look dope in the eye and I have a blaster I escape xannari help me
  2. Nope xannari hurry hurry endermen are after me
  3. I think he raged quit fiiiiiine Enders
  4. Wel crap he was ninjaed but he's below me
  5. On,y a little more for me and Enders didn't you have like 2 bars when I joined?
  6. See through walls you don't need ears to live as much as eyes Push the button get 100 containers of spam
  7. Wow how did you know? xannari I choose you
  8. Hmmmmm I don't know? but due is below me
  9. Pleh no it's just me your ever lasting spammer but wink below me right?
  10. http://pic.epicfail.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/news-fail-faster-than-speed-of-light.jpg this might not show up - - - Updated - - -
  11. 3/10 so much rep in so little time?
  12. Granted but they suck (didn't you also make a shadow link fight video?) i wish youtube could use mp2 files
  13. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_f8oDcxaWKbemFlb2JFWkNtSE0/edit?usp=docslist_api does anyone know what song this is because I've had it for such a long time and I got it of background music in a video I don't know what song it is also this might be a little mature i don't know I have trouble understanding the words
  14. It might take a week or to because rain has finals so just be patianet
  15. That sounds wrong is dman below me though
  16. Wh are there so many mods here i call foreth red iron crown
  17. sTOP FIGHTING A PERSON DIED AND YOUR AGURING OVER how one is sposed to feel everyone reacts to death differently from complete denial to absolute ptsd be respectuff as this shows us life is short and can end at any moment why fight?
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