PART { // --- general parameters --- name = Romfarer_Missile_L module = PartMissile author = Romfarer // --- asset parameters --- mesh = scale = 0.1 // --- node definitions --- // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z, size node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -3.65, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0 // --- FX definitions --- fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, -3.65, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, activate fx_exhaustFlame_yellow = 0.0, -15.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -15.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active fx_smokeTrail_medium = 0.0, -15.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active // --- Sound FX definition --- sound_vent_large = activate sound_rocket_hard = active sound_vent_soft = deactivate // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = experimentalRocketry entryCost = 1800 cost = 3000 category = Science subcategory = 0 title = Lazor Cruise Missile manufacturer = Romfarer description = This is a cruise missile designed for long range deployment. It can reach targets up to 90km and will eventually reach a velocity of over 1000 m/s at surface level. The blast radius of this missile is 2km and it will wreck havock on your launch craft if detonated within this range. Use with caution. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 1.2 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.1 minimum_drag = 0.075 angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 5 maxTemp = 500 stagingIcon = CUSTOM MODULE { name = LazorControlT2 maxTorque = 2.5 maxThrust = 60 ejectionForce = 10 burnTime = 300 } MODULE { name = LazorWarhead blastRadius = 2500 destructionRadius = 1500 } MODULE { name = LazorSystemMissile cameraPosition = 0,1.768,0.222 } } // ----- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT ------