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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. well and gianr kerbal eating krakens so a 6/10
  2. Move the ai plane to the left of the runway not on it at all go to space center load your plane then switch to ai launch it then launch your own plane after it
  3. Gets gullitine insert David beckom
  4. 65 🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙈🙉
  5. Francium the most unstable element in water (do not put in water) also the formula in my sig
  6. Ethanadams


    Yeah who thought it would be funny to have a certain German dictator and his politic parties in the game? I find it a little offensive
  7. Sooo anyone have contacts with the Russian space program?
  8. Let's not forget they unleashed a kraken on us back in the day
  9. 60 and if your post is invalid I, going to say you landed it
  10. Gets cold put in juice I found in space
  11. you float endlessly in the air never stopping whondering why i was ungrounded i learn every single secret about the alluminati whats the worse that could happen?
  12. granted it gets so mono tone that nobody can listen to you without falling asleep in 0.000000000000000000001 seconds i wish for a pet carbon atom
  13. yep im here and thanks for the tank i was running low souper nice new avater come show it off
  14. http://www.windows93.net/ heres a windows 93 emulator
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