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Everything posted by Invader_guy

  1. I'm having problems with the Inflatable modules. inside the VAB they stay transparent as if they were not attached after you attach them. and outside the "inflate" button dissapears right after you click it
  2. thank you! I already have some plans to use this on something I'm working on.
  3. THANK YOU! your configs are really nice, it would be nice to have the extra functions on the parts since they are supposed to be used in stations from the begining, maybe for balance you should add some weight but not that much.
  4. I don't think so, that island is tiny, I'm guessing it is the "New Zealand" island someone else suggested.
  5. eh, I'm not really sure, however is not like we can put our crafts in dormant mode in KSP (or can we?), I just think that it would be nice to have more supplies on the soyuz because I use it mostly to re-supply my stations and having to re-suplly it every 4 days is not cool.
  6. I haven't tried the last update but at least last time I played I noticed some mod-support configs are messed up, mostly the capsules that have way too little life support supplies when using TACls (a soyuz replica has supplies for around 4 days while in reality it should have enough for about 3 months) and there was an antenna that apparently had no RemoteTech support.
  7. does that happen in other crafts using the part? if not then you only need MOAR struts, maybe physics loading is making your ship fall apart and you may consider getting Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, if yes then it must be a bug.
  8. Oh, by the way, now that you're re-making the Vostok, you may want to increase the amount of drag the parachute produces, I've lost Jeb multiple times before because the chute only reduces speed to 11m/s and the capsule has a crash resistance of 10m/s.
  9. I can confirm that I'm also getting the bug where the Farshot engine activates without staging, however it doesn't seem to produce any thrust until you actually stage it but it wastes fuel and creates smoke and engine effects.
  10. oh, right I forgot that one needs firespitter. Edit: would it be possible to do it on 2 parts? like an inflatable tube and the airlock itself as 2 separated things?
  11. wait... really? there are some other mods that add inflatable parts, I don't see how an airlock would be any harder to do.
  12. since this mod is mostly about Soviet orbital spacecrafts, have you considered making Buran parts? With the MK3 parts the only parts you would need to make would be: -the RCS things on the back -the black thing that contains the parachute and a slightly different MK3 cockpit.
  13. well there are a few antennas that I think are missing here -the swirl antennas from the Lunokhod (already mentioned) -a small dish antenna that points out -small Omni antenna like on this Sat -the Dish-shaped-but-not-exactly-a-dish antenna as seen here: (^I think that one looks really cool) -a "square dish" antenna like this one: (I have never seen something like that on a spacecraft though)
  14. Oh right, I forgot I can retexture things, well, thank you anyway
  15. hello, would it be possible to add Bane's mask? (you know, from Batman) to the mod
  16. how would I need to configure Kerbal Renamer if I want to have the Russian names AND the regular ones?
  17. eh actually I wanted it to be more like this one: keeping the laurel leaves, but replacing the arrows with rockets and the eagle with a kerbal or something like that, sorry if I'm asking for too much
  18. Something like the Roman standard, but kerbalized
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