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Everything posted by Invader_guy

  1. Mine are red too, not sure if the texture is taken from another wbi mod I don't have installed or something
  2. Hey just wondering, how does this mod play with Rational Resouces? Do I want to use Pathfinder's own resource scanners and geology? or would rational resources' scanners be good enough? I have the crp gamemode installed
  3. Hey just a question, do you guys know if any mods support the optional Air resource from Snacks! by default? (like for example the mods that add greenhouses and stuff?) just trying to decide if I should install this one or TAC for life support, and don't wanna have to write configs to make parts from other mods behave as I would expect them to
  4. hi, excuse me if I happen to be mistaken but using this mod gives me a b9 fatal exception that says "No tank type named 'FBCM' exists", removing the mod gets rid of the error and going through the log it appears to me that it happens when it tries to load parts from this mod (I don't really know how to read logs, so I might be wrong) unsure if this is a problem with my heavily modded install or if there's something wrong with the b9 configs.
  5. Im gettting these errors on startup, at least the first one seems to be caused by a bluedog part but Im not really sure what might be wrong with it log here
  6. keep getting these 2 errors at startup, not entirely sure what is happening because the mod dependencies *are* installed as far as I know. log, in case it helps
  7. Hi Sorry I'm having a bit of a problem where scatterer makes my clouds look all.. colorful, tried to search the thread for a fix but couldn't really find one
  8. sorry for the late reply I'm not really sure how this stuff works.. as I understand it I wouldn't exactly need permission from @StereotypicalBrit as I'm not posting the configs, which are his work (plus he's not been around for a few years so it would probably not be an option...) I believe I have it as back in this post: they said:
  9. Years ago I modelled this part which was later released as a mod by @StereotypicalBrit with textures by @blackheart612, I am releasing it as an asset anyone is free to use (as long as the creators are credited), mostly because I don't have the patience to mess around with unity to release it as a mod myself, but if you desire to do so yourself you're free to. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1stnW5CdZEiqEsz73JsBcgtreq3gmtJ1_/view?usp=sharing
  10. are you still working on this or should I try to update it myself instead?
  11. I Made a planet using Duna as a template and now I can't but Now I don't know how to change it's color while up close, it's still red in parts where it should be more grey/black instead.
  12. I'm having a problem where the ocean in my planet appears below the ground, could someone please tell me what value do I need to edit to change that? also, how do I make it so the ocean is visible in map view too? I managed to do it before by editing random values but now I can't reproduce it. sorry if these are dumb questions but I haven't found much information on how to edit this things
  13. Could someone please point out where that button is? I've had no luck finding it...
  14. I think maybe the windows should be concave instead of convex
  15. I think that it would be better to just make small parts that can be attached to the regular cockpit rather than making multiple, almost identical, new cockpits tbh
  16. the extra length is there because the real Hind is narrower than the MK3 shape and it looked kinda weird if I made that part become wider in such a short area so I made it longer to make the transition smoother. the nodes on the top are a lot bigger than they should be too, in order to match the 1.25 size. maybe that could be fixed by drawing the hatch there(?) or idk, it's not really that much of a problem
  17. pretty cool tbh, I made my own version of the hind too http://imgur.com/a/srkz4
  18. I don't really have the time and patience to mantain a mod but I still wanted my part to be available for anyone who wants it so that's why I wanted to see if it could be part of someone else's mod instead. also yea, it is MK3 size Dropbox link in case you're interested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8yu7xeoappkr369/Hind.zip?dl=0 here: http://imgur.com/a/0wq8B
  19. I can't find the Starlifter command pod under any category, am I doing something wrong?
  20. I had no idea this mod was still alive! I'm glad I found it again, I really loved playing around with it like a year ago
  21. Okay, I didn't know that... clicking inflate when there's no rocket parts in the vessel seems to cause it. ...but now I'm not sure if it's actually an issue or just an error on my part for not doing it the right way
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