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Everything posted by Hcube

  1. Your mod is on Modding monday ! Sadly i believe that this means we aren't getting clamshell fairings in stock
  2. Turns out I'm retarded and my staging was wrong. It seems that the parachute opened in space before anything happened. That light blue tho (yes i'm trying to find excuses ) Feel free to close that thread
  3. Coming back from the Mun, this was the smoothest re-entry possible : Pe at 40 and did 3 passes. At the third pass my Pe dropped into the ground and i was left with a ballistic trajectory and less than 2000m/s relative to surface. AAAAAAND my parachute was destroyed due to heating effects even though i hadn't deployed it yet. here's a pic (didn't take the screenshot in time to show the message but it's basically this) : I even have a heatshield on this ! WHY is this a thing ? What am i supposed to do in order to avoid that ? This is the simplest craft ever ! My whole mission is doomed
  4. No, the whole Baikonur facility and thestuff that is inside like the Burans is owned by Kazakhstan and leased to Russia until the 2050's IIRC. Unless you are talking about the other Buran mock ups and prototypes spread in museums around the world, those are probably owned by Russia. The building has already collapsed because of unusual rain in the region. The roof acted like a sponge and when technicians tried to renforce it, it collapsed and killed 6 people along with the Burans. The picture on the OP is taken from the top so you can't see it but the roof was dead open at the moment the picture was taken. I think that it is being somehow rebuilt now
  5. Yeah, as sad as it is, Buran is now outdated and serves no purpose... Besides, the legal owner of the M3k hangar and its contents is now Khazakstan, and since they are pretty broke i can't see how they would use them in any way...
  6. it would probably be very freaking expensive, but it's worth trying. Who knows, maybe some buying and restoration projects already exist Check this website for more info about Buran and its state of conservation. There are some very beautiful pictures of Energia and Buran in the gallery
  7. ou t'as des trop gros doigts pour le clavier peut-être... T'as réussi àvoir les prérequis et finir ta mission ?
  8. Uhna and kwangmyongsong again ? Be careful, at this rate, they might be getting ICBMs in year 2134
  9. I have been wishing this to be a thing since i first tried to build a space shuttle.
  10. By the way, the fact that they are each very different and particular is very handy for ancient climates reconstitutions.
  11. Wow, the science labs are on fire tonight ! aliens, orion/dragon, special relativity ! Haven't read all 6 pages (only 2) so this may be already said or besides of the point by now, but i wanted to say this : EDIT : Read through all 6 pages. Darnok is going places, for real. So you mentally refute almost every proven law of physics starting from scratch ? Interesting... I'm starting to think that he is a troll... I read your posts, Darnok, where you refute the veracity of the restricted theory of relativity. you say that effects such as time dilatation are not possible and that there is no speed limit, right? SargeRho gave you an example of relativity (atomic clocks in satellites) but that was a bit off-subject since it applies to general relativity. So here's the proof that convinced others than you and will probably convince you : There are muons that form in the upper atmosphere and that move at speeds very close to c. The "lifetime" of these muons is very short. When you use classical mechanics (Newton's laws) and basically v=d/t to predict their course, you clearly see that given the distance they have to travel (from upper atmo to ground level) and their speed, they decay WAY before they reach the ground. (if you want the exact values ask me or look this up on the web it's easy) BUT when you take a detector at sea level, you see muons ! How's that possible huh ? Time is not passing at the same pace for them and for us. Also, i wonder where you learnt all that "units are wrong/off because they are artificials" ... okay, a meter is not natural, but length is still a thing. A kg is an arbitrary unit but objects do have masses. A second is a man concept, but time still flows... Also how could "some matter have no mass" ? I'd like to know... I'm not saying you're wrong here, just wondering about that. EDIT :(err, thinking about it, your previous theories and explanations kinda sucked... if indeed matter can be massless can someone else that knows what he is talking about explain me please ?) I also feel a bit trolled, maybe your reflection is too philosophical and not enough scientifical
  12. I'm pretty sure the best way space can be used in military situations is widespread already : it's satellite imaging and data... What's better in a huge expensive orbital striking station than in a regular missile or ICBM ? Data and imaging are the way to go. Satellites with huge optics pointed at the ground, able to recognize everything... As for aliens, i can already see a few "world's police and defenders" countries nuking the hell out of the Moon to kick them out
  13. I didn't mean to offend anyone mentioning OCD, i completely understand you and agree with your point, please accept my apologies. That vent hole though... Of course there are (sadly) way better improvements to be made *cough* memory leaks *cough*, but i'm just mentioning a weird detail that, although not important, could probably be fixed easily. And yeah, chutes don't always need a vent hole, but since they offer stability and do not reduce drag pretty much every bowl-shaped parachute has some now. (one on top or many on the sides)
  14. Seeing how hige it will be, just call it "Whackjob's masterpiece" Or is the name "moar boosters" more adapted ?
  15. c'est sympa de traduire ! Je pourrai en traduire quelques unes après le bac... (surtout si ça t'a pris "plusieurs heures de travail" , c'est quand même beaucoup de temps que tu pourrais passer àfaire autre chose --' )
  16. Oh okay i see. I thought that Orion was also planned to do a few preliminary LEO missions. How is CST-100 supposed to be launched then ? (we are drifting away from the OP subject, but as long as it's interesting let's keep it going)
  17. Isn't it ? but,doesn't that mean that Orion will only be launchable atop the SLS ? Wouldn't that be overkill for small-scale missions ? EDIT : very quick research brought this up : (Mind you this is from wikipedia, so it is entirely possible that a big part of it may be wrooooong)
  18. Even though, as you pointed out, re-entry test wasn't effective, i'm pretty sure Orion is more suited to high re-entry speeds than dragon v2 is. Also, we must realize that even a sub-orbital re-entry test can provide very good data about how a vehicle would handle re-entry at much higher speeds... Dragon V2 is more of a LEO shuttle, and i don't think that it is planned for it to have good radiation coating like Orion has, making it less suited for BEO.
  19. How come there is no vent hole in the Mk16 parachute ? Is that a feature ? Can we get one ? (in 1.0.3 ?) Pretty please ? It buzzes me quite a bit
  20. Même sans parler anglais tu devrais pouvoir reconnaître l'altitude, ça sera un chiffre et des mètres (m)....... et après soit ya écrit "above" soit ya écrit "below" Et aussi ça suffit pas d'aller sur le lieu de la mission, il faut toujours faire un truc précis qui est précisé dans le contrat, genre Crew report, EVA report, temperature reading, pressure reading etc. EDIT : toi et le français aussi ça fait 5 non ?
  21. i usually end up using an OKTO or HECS on all my ships, whatever their size, because all probe cores are basically the same... I can point retrograde by myself if i want to. Why would i ever need something else than a .1 ton, 0.625m probe ? Those sure are very hard to balance... EDIT: How about give the 2.5m probe core an integrated reaction wheel anout as powerful as the SAS unit ? it would make it really good... and people would keep using the SAS module cause it's cheaper, consumes less power, and they don't always need a probe ;D
  22. Are you guys aware that you can customize your parts categories ? If you want something to be elsewhere just move it. Problem solved (but yes chutes should be default in aerodynamics, my OCD gets crazy about it too,and also the escape tower should be in engines section. I'm way too lazy to change part sections and categories myself)
  23. Did you even read the other posts ? He was very probably reffering to the TWR in Val's gravity, about 5 times less
  24. Water is an excellent radiation insulator, a few cm of liquid water would keep the astronauts safe. However the amount of water needed would be very massive and would take a huge amount of space. Frozen water expands so it would take even more
  25. I myself wouldn't have left my car this close... Thanks for sharing What's the temperature of the bell during engine operation ? I can see it become white as the burn goes on... is that condensation solidifying ? I understand it is cooled by the LH2, and that the chamber temperature is very high... What are the results of this temperature difference ? Doesn't the LH2 become gaseous during the process ?
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