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Everything posted by Hcube

  1. The key bibding isn't a problem anyway, anyone can change keybindings to anything they desire Well i don't think it's really an important need, but you are right when you say it would be useful ! I don't mind using an action group usually, but if the solar panel button was implemented, i would use it all the time for sure
  2. Yeah that would be an cheap exploit of the airbrakes... Make them heavy as **** maybe ?
  3. Maybe just use an action group ? That's what I always do since i have always some free action groups left. Not much of an issue if you ask me
  4. Kurtjmac also made a biiiiiiig KSP series that starts very early in alpha and ends in 0.23 or 0.25, more than 100 episodes (150-200 ? gotta check) and I think that the inscription "Mun or bust" on the rocket in main menu screen is a easter egg/reference to him for making such a long and amazing series about KSP. (he also has a series that is called "far lands or bust", hence the "mun or bust") Check him out he's really good also he has stopped KSP videos a while ago
  5. Just my first impressions : -having AI-controlled ships : Meh. I generally don't trust AIs, and if on top of that its kerbals piloting the ships... -The part about "dock with an abandoned ship and drain its fuel/resources is AWESOME it's like finding an old relic and make an use out of it ! -Having some parts being used to find such ships, like antennas, would be really cool. They would show up on the map UI like the asteroids do in the mission control view. The range at wich you would detect them would depend on the antenna you use, etc. I'd love something like this.
  6. Yeah, i got quite confused ! this topic is going places
  7. Well, it's not about sending a ship to a specific point; what i meant was more like "Get into orbit and do this, this, and this, and then, the contract is completed although there is still a recovery site shown on the map and you will get rewared a bit more if you manage to end the mission by landing there.
  8. I thought about this too, but as it is much more simpler it could be a (very useful) tutorial, especially with the re-entry heating being added.
  9. Hey, this idea came to my mind just after i missed my re-entry burn with my space shuttle and ended up in the ocean : How about a new kind of contract in Career mode that would require you to "put x number of Kerbals at X orbit with all those parameters we already have, make them do some Crew report, EVA or experiment, and then you would have an additional optional task : bring back the capsule/shuttle/spaceplane (whatever you sent the kerbals in) the closest possible from a recovery site ! Something like : "land near x site at y coordinates => additional reputation, a few bucks AND 75-80% funds back from the ship even though you are very far from the KSC, thanks to the recovery of the ship !" Obviously, the recovery site should be visible in the map, just like the EVA and observation sites are visible right now. It would also be very large relative to the EVA sites we have already. It's pretty hard to pinpoint your landing location from LKO in stock (especially if you are a new player and low on fuel ) There could be a sentence like "the recovery ship is arriving to recover your vessel" or "trucks coming towards your location" once you hit the "recover" button if you succeded to land at the right site I think that this would make re-entry much more interesting, and not just "damn i must land my 250,000$ ship right on the launchpad, i need that money!" Plus, with the new aerodynamics and re-entry heating being added in 1.0, all this stuff should get more attention If you get too greedy and take the risk of making a steeper re-entry and getting funds back you might lose your ship, Or you can be extra careful and go for a shallow re-entry, making it harder to land at the right place ! Moreover the problem of landing at the right spot is extremely important in real life, and it is not really so in KSP. What do you think of this idea ? Do you think it would work ? Tell me what you think is good or wrong about it !
  10. I joined in 0.25 if i remember correctly
  11. Wich is not a bad thing if you ask me ! I expect different parts to look different and to feel like they were made by different people with different styles ! After all, ingame they are made by different manufacturers I wouldn't like to have all the parts having the LV-T's and 1.25m tanks style, I like having the Kerbodyne parts that are very different-looking from all the others, the rockomax look unique too, etc
  12. haha sorry in france , is . so i mixed em up (i'll assume this was a joke and you perfectly understood )
  13. 2,225 but i'm new to the game, and i guess that if I didnt land on every planet it's because I never tried, never thought about making a mission to x planet, and not because of my skill level... For this reason I think that this poll does not reflect skill but experience
  14. i've always docked small ships this way, even with RCS... so much easier than to align the arriving ship ! Unless its a big station you can't move around of course
  15. Before I start i want to precise that i have no idea if this is the right place to post a bug report, if there is another thread wich suits my post better, please tell me! I came across this bug while playing KSP (stock, windows, steam install) : my ship is landed on its side, and the hatch looks obstructed. I click the eva button and instead of saying "Can't exit. Hatch obstructed.", the ships flips up violently , jeb flies away pretty high and 2seconds later my games bugs out : black screen, i can still see the diverse toolbars such as alt. navball... but there is no altitude displayed or such... Then i go back to the space center thinking it will fix the issue : but on the space center screen, same thing : i see the bottom bar with the exit button, my funds, etc but the screen itself is black : no space center;.;. The bug is still there when i reload the game. Is that a known bug ? Anyone knows a way of fixing it ? thanks:wink:
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