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Everything posted by Hcube

  1. So i just launched 1.0 and at any time in the game, from the main menu to gameplay, i get those black stripes on top and on the bottom of my screen. (it's like its too thin for my screen, wich is almost squared) I tried changing it to windowed mode and this doesnt happen. However every time i get into fullscreen mode, i get those... Anyone knows a fix ? Is it that I am completely stupid and this is very simple ? This is extremely annoying. (ruins my 1.0 hype ! :/ )
  2. 1.0 downloading ! YAAAAY THANKS SQUAD !
  3. 100% agreed. It does feel very weird to see that the exhaust plume is always the same... But then, I understand it would look very weird at low throttles... Almost no exhaust plume, very short, yet it would expand a lot laterally...
  4. I highly doubt the mass doesn't decrease when the fairing is jettisoned, that makes no sense at all, SQUAD wouldn't do that. I would also be a bit surprised if the mass of the whole fairing was modeled in its base... By the way, the fairing bases seem to be sooo heavy ! why is that ?
  5. roverdude said yesterday on twitch that you can sell ore, but that it is as valuable as plain dirt. Just convert it to fuel before selling it then
  6. yeah, especially since they are an indie studio... The feature drop feels a bit EA there. Well, i think we will get those features sooner or later !
  7. Fel : very interesting post, thanks ! I myself think that we should try out the resource system ourselves before talking about balancing it. i'll tell you guys my opinion as soon as i get my hands on those drills
  8. Insurgency does that, and it's the best FPS i have ever played. This is just a bad analogy, because keeping track of the bullet count has to do with skill, adrenaline (atleast in insurgency, try counting when tou are stressed) tactics... It (paradoxically) adds something to the game. I agree with your point tho :In KSP, not having a deltaV reading is not like this, because it doesn't add anything : it just makes you less aware of what you are doing. Theres a difference between trying a few times to go to LKO failing and guessing till you make it, and failing your 5hour-long Eeloo mission at the last moment because you miss 5m/s.
  9. I heard ion engines got buffed anyway. They won't consume as much power.
  10. Even though I want a deltaV and twr display in KSP, I STRONGLY disagree with you here. The community is totally capable of influencing and giving ideas to the developers. What about mod integrations ? And the ROUND8 tank that wasnt changed in the end ? And saying "they dont answer to my post even though i'm FIRST!! " is a pretty childish argument. Note that the ksp playerbase is huge. You cant expect SQUAD to answer every single comment
  11. Want some advice ? If you're playing KSP, you better start using the metric system. Good luck calculating delta-V and TWRs with gallons, inches, feet, yards and whatnot. (back on topic, can you give us more info about your ship ? amount of fuel (in gallons, rofl) is just not detailed enough for anyone to give a good answer ! Good luck with your craft anyway )
  12. So it's exploding chips bag ????? NOOOOO ! Im changing my signature immediatly. WE WANT CLAMSHELL SEPARATION !
  13. From scott manley's video, it's really hard to tell. However it for sure isn't a souposphere anymore, high velocities seem to provoke structural failures due to the stress on structures, booster separations are different...
  14. `Oh yeah do that please! , it would be awesome (guess what, i don't use FAR )
  15. Nope, MMU's were used for a few years : Nowadays they use the "SAFER" wich is way smaller, but only for emergency use
  16. Knowing what you usually do with SSTO's, I wonder what dark magic of spaceplanes you will pull of with those new wings, intakes and aerodynamics
  17. Welcome to the forums Aren't you aware that KSP is updating to 1.0 next monday with a ton of new features, including (WAY) better aerodynamics ? You're going to be ahppy very soon Check "the daily kerbal-->Tuesday devnotes" every so often to learn about updates and planned features
  18. You mean instead of a jetpack/MMU ? And maybe the jetpack could be obtained from an astronaut complex upgrade ! (you would start with EVA possible but tethered, proably, right now having no EVA at first sucks) Amazing idea, take some rep
  19. I recently tried out a few scenarios and replayed some tutorials in KSP, and for pretty much every scenario, the craft that is given to the (new) player suck hard *cough cough* are not very easy to use. Very heavy ships, not much SAS force, very oddly placed RCS make easy controlling impossible. I constantly used the timewarp-stabilise in order to point my craft in the right way... Not very new-player-friendly, is it ? Thyere's more : The fuel lines are very wery weirdly placed too ! You usually have 4 nukes around a big Rockomax tank, and on top of each theres a small 1.25m tank. The fuel lines from the big tank to the small ones do not work... This means you have to transfer fuel manually into each small tank every 30 seconds or so. ... ? This is terribly annoying... I wish those ships were redesigned, not for 1.0, but maybe the next update or so, because it will only confuse the new players. And it's not a hard thing to fix
  20. When you are in IVA you can look through the window and zoom to pretty crazy levels. Useful if you are looking for Duna or Jool in the sky. Don't expect to see Eeloo though
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