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Everything posted by Hcube

  1. The tip of the KSP fairing looks "extremely pointed" : well in this case it's supposed to... You are comparing pineapples with bananas here ! the pic you show portrays a rounded fairing, and maxmap's is supposed to be pointed ! wait till we get to see a rounded one... BTW, you are mistaken when you say that real fairings aren't pointed : Atlas 5 mostly uses pointed fairings like this. Unless you are speaking only about the very very tip of the fairing : its somehow round on the Atlas5 too. I'm pretty sure it will be so with KSP's eggshaped fairings EDIT : it took me so long to write that post (was busy doing something else) that i got ninja'ed SEVERAL times oh well
  2. As it was said before, it would break the game, but i'm pretty sure they will still contain enough ore to make a fuel station... Not infinite, but comparing the size of your average small Mk1 spaceship with class-B or class-C asteroid (or so, whatever), i presume that you should be able to refuel quite a few times !
  3. hmmm... Agreed, but isn't dropping a feature the same as sacrificing quality ? (somehow) But then even if the shmelta-vee reader and the barn don't make it in 1.0, they are only delayed, so we cannot complain, we are gonna get them anyway
  4. I hope the interstage fairings will solve some of these: (and still i think that the regular decoupler cover should cover all of it even without the use of a fairing)
  5. You have to define "end of the world" better. It just means nothing to me and i can't choose an answer in the poll... The end of the world would probably mean that i'd be dead like everyone else, so this question is a bit weird...
  6. I agree that the yellow line thing makes them look weird, but then a corrugated metal look would'nt be good either i think... What i REALLY whish for is having a BIG mission flag painted on the fairing, and maybe give it the "style" of the flag : if you choose a gray-blue one, it would appear on the fairing and the rest of the fairing would also be mostly gray-blue. See what i mean ? Cause the mission flags are never painted on the launchers, and that's too bad. IRL, most rockets are covered up with small "sticker-like" flags.
  7. agreed ! the SRBs are pretty much trashed in KSP. A recent post (cannot paste link cause im on mobile but search it, it must 2-3pages back) mentioned adding thrust curves to SRBs also. (just like IRL) i dont ask for a SRB combustion simulator 2015, but simply some thrust vectoring (maybe only the bigger ones, not the yellow small one because it´d be OP) and thrust curves would be NICE. i personnaly don't really care much about solid last stages because since you cant turn them off you would need to do a crazy amount of work to calculate the exact amount of fuel to put in it to get your encounter... Instead i'd like some "strap-on" slanted (i mean assymetrical) SRBs that stick to the sides if the core so that there is no gap between the SRB and the core due to the decoupler... maybe an integrated decoupler ? Much like the delta5 boosters, ariane 5 or even the soyuz ones (even tho those a liquid i know) !
  8. Probably the ISS. I like Hubble, but it does not create activity(new missions, launches) as much as the ISS does... Sure, there has been the epic reaction wheel replacement mission with the shuttle, but that's it... On the other hand the ISS hosts astronauts, experiments and we can see the supply launches Look at Falcon9 and dragon : those wouldn't exist without the space station
  9. I understand that, but why do the Chinese need a moon sample ? what is the use of a moon sample for their program ? I get it they want it, but actually need​ it ?
  10. Why exactly does the Chinese space program badly need fresh lunar samples ? what is the use of those ? Isn't geological and chemical composition of Moon rocks already known by such space agencies thanks to the Apollo program ? I don't get it...?
  11. well, i put some solar panels on a ship and turned the ship so that the hull would hide the panels from the sunlight, and the solar panels were not blocked
  12. hmmm not for me, at least in space. I havent tried this on the ground though... EDIT: maybe the game considers that some light is passibg through the gaps between the plates ? is that possible ?
  13. It's not a waste : those small-medium size satellites are launched in groups of 2 (maybe more) so that the flight is not a waste of money ! When you think about it why would someone ever buy an Ariane 5 launch for a light payload ? The way around is to share the launch with another payload And the rest of the time it lifts bus-sized satellites There is no such thing as "overbuilding" in rocket science/industry ! For the little satellites there's always Vega
  14. Hey, IRL you need no spectrometer to determine a planet's mass and gravity well : As long as the planet has a moon that you can see, Kepler 3rd law is your friend... So the fact that Kerbals know the gravitational characteristics and the mass of Eve, Jool and Duna is pretty normal Still, i support the idea of having telescopes and discoveries : it would feel like i'm discovering the game ovevr and over again everytime i start a new save.
  15. You guys make me think of all those guys starving for Half-life 3 that scream HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED! every time they see the number 3 somewhere... EDIT : i hope we still get the Devnotes tonight!
  16. Yeah ariane 5 is amazing even though its rapidly becoming obsolete... Hopefully ariane 6 will be even more safe, because with spacex's prices, safety is pretry much going to be arianespace's last advantage... (and the Kourou launch site is the best btw) just wondering,what kind if telescope is james webb? i mean, will it analyse visible light, infrared, radiowaves? Will Hubble be retired immediatley after Webb is operational or have they still different purposes that justify the cost of operating both telescopes?
  17. I love this idea ! ill +rep you as soon as i can use my computer (on phone right now)
  18. Im not sure to agree with you : i don't think that Newton's 3rd law is involved here. What the "shield" does is emit laser beams (no 3rd law, no recoil) in order to change the characteristics of the air near the vehicule. So what will happen is the air will have different temperature, pression, molecular composition (maybe the plasma could turn some O2 into O3 (ozone) for example, i'm not sure). What happens next is that the shockwaves propagates in a different way inside this sphere of "different" air. The shockwaves can be reflected and refracted just like other kind of waves do, such as light or waves in water. This creates no recoil... (or does it? if anyone is an expert in this kind of physics please explain us what you know) However it is highly unlikely that a shockwave will be reflected, and it will probably be refracted and change its course slightly or something like that. I still wouldn't like to be inside that humvee .
  19. I can see what you mean, but i don't agree ! I do not think that it looks like it's made of 2cm panels. If you look at the interior af an airliner cockpit it will look exactly the same way. That's how you build a cockpit anyway : you build the structure first and then add instrument panels
  20. What i was talking about was not the landing itself, but the arrival to the planet and the circularization. Without aerobraking you need crazy delta-v to slow down from interplanetary speeds... i cant remember of anything landing on a body without an atmosphere (not counting stuff like rosetta/philae and the moon, obviously) Or you could do a jupiter aerobrake and then continue towards ganymede/europa maybe ? A jupiter aerobrake must be very risky, you dont want to get too deep in its atmosphere... What do you guys think ?
  21. I wish it was possible... I tried to do this for ages. (If anyone knows a trick to do this, please tell us ! )
  22. I think that since the trend right now is Europa, probes will be sent there instead for now. But then, why not Ganymede too ? (or later) I think that the issues with those life-research missions are that sending a probe to jupiter, and to ganymede/europa is fairly easy, but the landing must be very hard without an atmosphere. Apart from the Apollo landings, i don't think any landing was made on a body without a decent atmosphere.
  23. Uh sorry ! no i didnt read any of these threads because your post didnt show up on my mobile phone (bad connection i guess)... I just saw it now. I might try this, but since i have protective glasses i'm not sure i will do it.
  24. I feel the exact same bout this. Here, take some rep Squad owes nothing to us, and if they cannot make a squadcast its because they have no choice. No reason to complain ! Im really really curious about the parts, the resources system and the IVAs though, i would love some screenshots of work in progress stuff !
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