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Everything posted by Hcube

  1. Ehm... Do batteries really lose mass when delivering their charge ? I'd like to know how ! I guess it would be insignificant anyway.
  2. But realistically how could a wing have no lift ?
  3. Unless it is a plane powered by electric propellers. In this case there is no mass loss.
  4. Why would you want to throttle down an ion engine anyways ? Ion engines' thrust is often measured in milliNewtons so i don't think that throttling down is ever necessary
  5. Basically, hit the brakes when in flight and the evelons will lower themselves just like flaps. Depending on your aircraft design it will not make you pitch and will slow you down a great deal. I like them for landings.
  6. Probably too optimistic since SLS doesn't have as much uses and possible payloads as the shuttle did. And i'm pretty sure the price difference will end up being much bigger. I expect SLS to cost more than 500 million bucks by the time it has finished development
  7. Sounds more like a thing that should be done with a mod to me. Not sure we need this in stock... And you actually don't need a manoeuver node for a simple thing such as circularizing. After a few hundreds hours you should be able to point retrograde or prograde... Why not just install mechjeb if you really don't want to do it ?
  8. Agreed ! it really would help. in order to clean the utility tab even a bit more i suggest moving the parachutes (5 parts) to the aerodynamics tab.
  9. Come on, the turboramjet was buffed already in 1.0.3-4 ! It is awesome now... I'm not sure we need an option to switch between turbo and ram, it's just fine to me
  10. It probably had a propulsion stage that got ditched after the burn....
  11. Yes, the Duna lander does have a heatshield.... i heard they glitched out in 1.0.3 I downloaded 1.0.4 and re-launched the game.... it miserably crashed after a long loading time. What the hell ? EDIT : i'm afraid to try again... EDIT 2 : The game is not starting ! What's wrong with this update ? EDIT 3 : The game works fine, but i'm getting terrible performance, especially for loading screens and game start. FPS are much lower than in 1.0.2
  12. Version : KSP 1.0.3, Windows 8.1, Steam install Mods: Chatterer (not updated, previous-but still-recent version KER Kerbal Alarm Clock Specs : intel i5 4450k, 8Go RAM, crappy NVIDIA Geforce graphics card. Trying to dock 2 ships built previously in 1.0.2 that feature nothing that could make them unflyable due to 1.0.3 changes, one already in orbit, the other on launchpad since 1.0.2 Both are less than 50 parts. launch of the second rocket went perfectly. Set rendez vous with already orbiting spacecraft (was already in orbit in 1.0.2 but has no need for radiators, has no nukes, jet engines, wing parts or such, just a very probe with a few chutes.). Closest approach 0.0km, inclination NàN. I auto-timewarped (stock autowarp, not KAC) to about 1min ahead of closest approach. Dipped into the atmosphere for a minute at 68km, that stopped the auto timewarp. Then everything went smoothly until closest approach. I switched from map to flight view (while still time warping@50x); and looked towards the other spacecraft : i saw that : And my frames dropped to about .01, literally one every 10 seconds... It seems that there is something next to my targeted craft (duna lander) that replicated itself many many times and created a whole lot of parts... it's probably what stressed my PC so much. I had to forcequit KSP through task manager : and that's a pretty huge amount of memory use since it happened less than 10 minutes after i first launched the game. It's french, but pretty straight-forward : memory use is crazy after this little time playing Any ideas what happened here ? it does look like a weird kraken tentacle, or some weird space train EDIT : Meanwhile, 1.0.4 came out. I wonder if that's going to fix it. Downloading.... This is hotifx madness !
  13. Damn my stupid english exam ! i missed the launch ! Gonna watch the replay i guess...
  14. 1.0.3 is out with 5 new radiators. Still have to test them (damn you, finals!)
  15. You are WAAAAAY off. The regular fairing is made of aluminium honeycomb and its mass is *490* kilograms. EDIT : about a KSP fairing ? oooooh alriiiight
  16. yeah right ! ? it's a very funny launcher. Actually its TWR is not that high : it's about 1.7... although i agree it does look like Vega lifts off much faster than Ariane 5, wich has a TWR of 1.8 depending on the payload ! i'll have to watch two clips side by side and compare...
  17. Pretty much what they^^ said. Some examples of conic curves are paraboles, hyperboles, ellipses, and circles (wich are ellipses)...
  18. Hey, Arianespace will be launching sentinel-2A on June 23rd atop a VV05 Vega rocket from the Kourou spaceport at 01:51:58 GMT, 22:51:58 Kourou Time and 21:51:58 Washington time. Sentinel-2A is a satellite of the Copernicus program, wich is an Earth-mapping and observation program for agriculture, soil studies and data from the coasts of the oceans. Stream will be on the Arianespace website, with commentary starting at T-15minutes. Video of Sentinel-2A being enclosed in fairing and mounted on the launcher : Video of sentinel-2A's solar panels deployment test : (funny: it only has one big array on one side, not one per side!) Sadly launch will occur at 3 a.m. in my place and i have an exam the next morning at 7:00, so i won't be watching it :/
  19. what an alarmist clickbait title !
  20. It's not about challenging or not challenging anything; just that the video states that "NASA announced we will find aliens in 10 to 20 years" while NASA did not do such a thing.
  21. Cool idea but maybe a bit too complicated for some simple radiators. I'd rather see radiators implemented like large deployable panels that passively radiate heat away...
  22. Oh are they ? Interesting. I thought they were the whole point of 1.0.3 hotfix for 1.0.2 that is hotfixing 1.0.1, wich is itself a hotfix for 1.0 ! But 6 weeks for fixing the temp gauge leak... that's a pretty cold hotfix. (at this rate the hotfixes' developments will take longer that 1.0 version's one took... </sarcasm>) All is lost ! (secretly praying for a fairing fix being the reason why 1.0.3 is taking so very freaking long)
  23. Oh i wasn't aware that it is circular ! makes a lot of sense Is 1 mile the diameter or the length/perimeter ?
  24. That's awesome ! I wonder how one mile will be enough to simulate an accelerating phase, cruise phase and then decelerating phase for a pod intended to travel at near mach 1
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