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Everything posted by Rizzee

  1. I must of completely missed reading that part in the mod description, my bad! Indeed they help a lot so thanks. I guess my recommendation to the OP and others experiencing this issue then would be to download Claw's Stock bug fix
  2. I've had this issue a couple of times as well where you eject the fairings and part of it will ram/get stuck into decouplers/winglets. Interestly a mod I use 'Science Alert' would start freaking out saying I was in a new biome when I wasn't. The solution I've been using is quite simple. When you're in the VAB/SPH right click on the fairing base and you will be presented with 2 options. One of these is "Ejection force" which is at default a measly 30. I bump this right up to 100 and haven't had this problem since, except when I forget to do it. The other option you can change there is how many pieces each subsection of the fairing is made up of, I would assume increasing this would also lower the chances of the fairings bugging crafting out but I imagine it's probably just more of a cosmetic feature.
  3. You could install the game on a external drive, or copy the save files over to external if your machine you are using has it installed with the same mods etc.
  4. MechJeb has a rover auto pilot option. There is also a mod that does science automatically when you have a scientist present but I've forgotten the name of the mod.
  5. If the debris/parts isn't destroyed you can usually recover them in the tracking station. You need to toggle 'Debris' at the top of the window(there are several other toggles such as Probes, Stations, Asteroids etc.). The part has to be landed on Kerbin for this to work, you can't recover parts in outer space or on other celestial bodies. There are also mods which several here have mentioned which make recovery much less hassle and more streamlined.
  6. Exactly how I'm feeling to be honest. Downloaded Karbonite after seeing the screenshots that showed it had a usable overlay only to later realise it doesn't :/ Having an overlay map show up without having to had collected data prior to generate such a map definitely ruins it.
  7. 1. It depends on which science instrument you have taken the data from. Mystery Goo containers and Science Jr.'s are single use, so when you take the data from them they are not reusable unless you clean/reset them with the mobile science lab. The thermometer, gravoli, seismic accelerator and barometer do not require cleaning and can be reused immediately after the data is removed from them. 2. They increase the science gained from transmitting. They also increase the effectiveness of the mobile lab(gives a higher % to transmitting) and the science gained from recovering craft. 3. As far as I'm aware you can carry as much as you want, I've never come across a limit. But I could be wrong. 4. Yes, if you transmit the data, however your science yield will be much lower. You can only carry 1 version experiment from a biome in a command pod at any time. The mobile lab is quite heavy so at least for me personally, I very rarely attach it too craft and just take several versions of the experiments(usually 2-4). I do however, find it very good for rovers and bases.
  8. I don't understand all these comments about the game's economy being broken. There are difficulty sliders that allow you to change the reward/penalty multipliers, you can tailor the difficulty settings to suit you and how "grindy" you wish it to be. Completely pointless thing to complain about when you the player have the options available to you to change this. As for the aerodynamic issues, Ippo and Cantab already explained that.
  9. There should be a science cost to upgrading buildings, maybe not all of them, but definetly the R&D and Tracking Station. Agreed that more science sinks would be nice.
  10. When you locate the Kraken's lair and slay the final boss of KSP. That is when you know the game is beat.
  11. I figured out the problem. A mix of being a bad pilot and not viewing the graphs while the craft was in the horizontal position(my launch position is vertical due to not being able to actually use the runway without aircraft gear) I was planning to say that I'd actually already done what people had advise which was read guides and watch videos, but the problem I appeared to experiencing(last night) was that I couldn't build a stable flyable aircraft with very early parts. I was able to build stuff in sandbox where I have access to all the parts in the game. Anyways the issue seems to mostly be coming from the actual launch and not the stability of the craft itself as I've actually managed to get to successfully glide, pretty well actually ableit only for a short distance. But it's progress. God FAR is much harder than the stock system for planes. For those intrigued, this is a image of the glider. http://i.imgur.com/47XZKD1.jpg Pretty simple build, but like I said, it's very early career.
  12. Action Groups. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Action_group
  13. All Kerbals use the same criteria for gaining XP regardless of their profession. There is this thread in the tutorials section explaining it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104239-Leveling-Up-Kerbals-The-Training-Program
  14. Hello, I'm fairly new to KSP(just coming up to 100 hours) and have mostly played just stock. However I decided to restart playing with mods that add more flavour to the career mode as well as playing it on harder settings. Anyway more to the point one of the mods I picked up was FAR and I've been having trouble building an effective "glider" type plane for those early survey Kerbin contracts. Everything I come up with just seems to get a few hundred metres up and then spin and/or flip out of control due to stalling, regardless of thrust. I've spent the past few hours trying to figure it out through trial and error and just can't seem to build anything this early on with FAR enabled with regards to the SPH. Is it a case of just needing more parts or am I doing something wrong? This is the craft file of what I've been trying to make work. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxtRUw90vYxidU1heHdBV3pQams/view?usp=sharing (The stock, unrealistic aerodynamics allow this to fly really easily but then, that makes fairings and stuff useless which is why I became interested in FAR.)
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